Lançado o LibreOffice 6.2.4

Confira nessa matéria as novidades da 4ª versão de correções do bug do LibreOffice.


LibreOffice é uma suíte de aplicativos livre para escritório disponível para Windows, Unix, Solaris, Linux e Mac OS X. A suíte utiliza o formato OpenDocument — formato homologado como ISO/IEC 26300 e NBR ISO/IEC 26300 — e é também compatível com os formatos do Microsoft Office, além de outros formatos legados. Wikipédia

LibreOffice 6.2.4

Acaba de ser anunciado o lançamento da 4ª versão de correções de bugs do LibreOffice por Italo Vignoli 

"Berlim, 22 de maio de 2019 - A Document Foundation anuncia o LibreOffice 6.2.4, a quarta versão de correção de bugs e regressões da família LibreOffice 6.2, voltada para indivíduos com conhecimento de tecnologia, entusiastas de tecnologia e usuários avançados."

Implantações Empresariais

O LibreOffice 6.2.4 representa o limite máximo em termos de recursos para suítes de escritório de código aberto e, como tal, não é otimizado para implantações de classe corporativa, em que os recursos são menos importantes que a robustez. Os usuários que desejam uma versão mais madura podem baixar o LibreOffice 6.1.6, que inclui alguns meses de correções com back port.



No total foram corrigidos 106 bugs os quais você pode conferir abaixo.

Bugs fixed compared to 6.2.3 (rc2):

i#98792 Slide show needs idle callback [Miklos Vajna]
ofz#14422 null deref [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#14469 null deref [Caolán McNamara]
rhbz#1691287 LibreOffice does not prompt for printer authentication [Caolán McNamara]
rhbz#1696037 [abrt] libreoffice-core: operator&(SfxChildVisibility, o3tl::typed_flags::Wrap)(): soffice.bin killed by SIGSEGV [Caolán McNamara]
rhbz#1699347 Crash in LibreOffice writer when I type a data in the YYYY-MM-DD format [Caolán McNamara]
rhbz#1702810 Prepare for upcoming libebook soname version bump [Milan Crha]
tdf#53029 There is no authentication function when printing using CUPS on the network with LibreOffice Dialogs [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#82009 PIVOTTABLE: Black color on fields of Pivot Table Layout window (Mac OS X only) [Tomaž Vajngerl]
tdf#82184 Improve installation process for non en-US locales [Eike Rathke]
tdf#90753 gbuild: Move packages to autoinstallation in scp2 [Stephan Bergmann]
tdf#97822 Trees missing arrows if OpenGL is enabled [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#100986 Rotated text does not work with on Windows (old layout: Graphite only, new layout:all fonts) [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#101854 RENDERING: Poorman's bold not bold on Japanese font on macOS (see comment #13) [Tomaž Vajngerl]
tdf#103725 Font scaling does not work on Windows with the new layout engine [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#103831 Horizontal text scaling doesn't work correctly when OpenGL is enabled on Windows [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#105150 PPTX import: shape fill is not set to slide default background color [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#107966 OPENGL: Format Cells/Borders/Line Styles - not drawn [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#108423 Autocorrect while typing not replacing anymore (manually added to Replace-With) i'll, i've, i'm [László Németh]
tdf#109376 Crash after accepting all changes from compared documents [Michael Stahl]
tdf#112318 Animations set to start 'With previous'/'After previous' don't work when OpenGL is enabled [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#113076 Italic set fonts are clipped on right edge in presentation mode with OpenGL rendering (HA or CPU rendering not affected) [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#113289 ODT: footnote separator line does not show [David Vogt]
tdf#113834 FILESAVE Crashes when saving remotely when service host is empty [Julien Nabet]
tdf#114316 Context Menu doesn't open in full screen mode in Writer with OpenGL rendering [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#114801 EDITOR DOCX Cannot use the highlight 'bucket' function with docx file [Tamás Zolnai]
tdf#115262 Image object cumulative placement error affecting Print Preview and PDF export in .ods with irregular row height [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#115843 HiDPI images in LibreOffice Writer are blurry with GTK3 backend [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#116666 Fix Hungarian collation [László Németh]
tdf#117891 Base table icons in Main window Tables list are displaying the Calc Template icon [andreas kainz]
tdf#118302 Tabs' content in calc get deleted by accident (GTK3) [Katarina Behrens]
tdf#118977 MacOS: Low resolution image when pasting screenshot from Preview to Writer [Tomaž Vajngerl]
tdf#119890 Default directory for my documents is not xdg-user-dir DOCUMENTS [Takeshi Abe]
tdf#119965 Tooltips on macOS don't match platform styling [Tomaž Vajngerl]
tdf#120270 No update to refs to sum cell after undoing change in sum range [Dennis Francis]
tdf#120585 Pie chart segment rendered as rectangle when anti-aliasing is off with gtk3 [Katarina Behrens]
tdf#120754 Crashes on UNDO [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#120797 Comment not displayed on hovering with gtk3 and kde5 [Katarina Behrens]
tdf#120865 KDE5: Can't move down field to see text with breaks in LO Calc [Katarina Behrens]
tdf#121337 FileDateTime("\\nonexistent\smb\path") returns bogus result rather than throwing error [Stephan Bergmann]
tdf#122172 OOoSpotlightImporter causes mdworker to crash repeatedly. [Tomaž Vajngerl]
tdf#122244 Installer DMG window on macOS has a misplaced "bin" folder icon [Stephan Bergmann]
tdf#122487 Wrong Naming of Drawing Objects [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#122599 Classification: Signing: paragraph signing doesn't change to invalid when the paragraph is splitted with Enter [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#122767 Artifacts from comment popup with OpenGL enabled [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#122780 FILEOPEN DOCX Crash with too long Template tag in app.xml [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#122926 FILEOPEN ODT Slower compared to the past [Noel Grandin]
tdf#123054 FILEOPEN DOCX Paragraph style changes (regression) [László Németh]
tdf#123058 VCL=qt5 filesaver doesn't add extension with checkbox checked [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#123204 EDITING Not all special characters appear in the AutoFilter window ( Hungarian ) [László Németh]
tdf#123228 selection from Firefox themes (own theme) no longer works ( Firefox changed the API & removed the footer images) [Muhammet Kara]
tdf#123285 DATA LOSS: Writer AutoFormat "Delete spaces and tabs at end and start of line" dropping characters from text with built-in paragraph styles [Michael Stahl]
tdf#123291 UI: Hex color input box for changing column chart node color doesn't work [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#123313 Undoing ToC insertion in middle of word causes assertion failure [Michael Stahl]
tdf#123421 FILESAVE XLSX Calc creates corrupted pivot table [Dennis Francis]
tdf#123472 Unable to create file on gvfs mounted volume [Stephan Bergmann]
tdf#123550 Paragraph Option: Orphan Control or Widow control should be tri-state [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#123684 FILEOPEN PPTX: Slide background fill imported with wrong color [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#123750 KDE5/ Plasma: LO Filedialog isn't showing removable devices [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#123832 Libre Office ver 6.2 (x64 Setup hang up while trying to install [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#123855 export to xhtml from writer no longer preserves footnotes as hyperlinks [Michael Stahl]
tdf#123859 Move slides in LO Impress -> slides disappear and finally it leads to crash [Katarina Behrens]
tdf#124026 KDE: Can't resize any toolbar [Katarina Behrens]
tdf#124032 MacOSX: Macro-Dialog: Background-Color on TextBoxes don't show [Tomaž Vajngerl]
tdf#124219 soffice won't launch because of missing symbol cairo_surface_get_device_scale [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124240 Untranslated strings for Table of Contents, Index, Bibliography, etc. [Julien Nabet]
tdf#124241 Window too large to get to okay on 1600x900 display [conditional formating, cell style] [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124292 KDE5: Fractional scaling makes most UI and rendered text look bad [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#124326 Undo after drag&drop changes the original formula [Dennis Francis]
tdf#124327 Calc. Wrong render of legend's font in Chart (OpenGL enabled) [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#124329 Published attribute of shapes in sheets regarding the now 3 anchoring types is missing [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#124385 toolkit: UnknownPropertyException on setModel() call [Vasily Melenchuk]
tdf#124386 Don't show all symbols [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124411 Impress: dragging image from file browser to slide replaces [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124469 table of figures and index of tables not clickable in pdf [Michael Stahl]
tdf#124503 LibreOffice doesn't detect JVM because of unexpected java.vendor property value [Stephan Bergmann]
tdf#124579 Basic Macro hang up when using (operation system) filepicker/folderpicker [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#124586 Crash if switch from user outline numbering to chapter numbering with same paragraph style [Michael Stahl]
tdf#124598 gtk3_kde5: Opening file dialog makes LO hang if KIO libraries are not installed [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#124605 Empty Variant leads to the following operator being ignored [Eike Rathke]
tdf#124613 FORMATTING: Page Style for First page number shows up a "1.05" (gen) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124652 gtk3_kde5: Hang/crash when using folderpicker from Java extension [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#124670 Lost of space symbols in DOCX document [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#124676 FILESAVE: xlsx document with pivot table exported by Calc results in recovery dialog when opened in Excel [Dennis Francis]
tdf#124698 CRASH: closing authentication dialog after LibreOffice [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124704 No values of variables shown by mouseover in BASIC [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124722 CRASH: after pasting, if deleting more text than fits on a page [Michael Stahl]
tdf#124725 The LibreOffice Help Webpage- Can't search for anything after typing what I wanted to look for & pressing "Enter" [Ilmari Lauhakangas]
tdf#124730 Writer Crashes when Creating New Style [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124756 Media objects do not trigger effects. [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#124791 LO installer is missing UI language codes [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#124794 Installation fails on Windows Server 2008 R2 [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#124804 FORMATTING Image properties Borders not properly handled (automatically reset to default) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124828 FILEOPEN XLS Crash with large spreadsheet [Caolán McNamara, Luboš Luňák]
tdf#124919 Increasing text size in table only affects the first cell [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124932 UI: GTK3: in dialog Customize, the list Shortcut Keys doesn't get the focus with TAB, no other option to enter any widget [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124942 CRASH - 3D Slide Transitions in Impress [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124979 Assert when saving versions [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124980 Crash when defining a range [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124984 Organize basic macro: newly added module doesn't show up [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124990 kde5: unfinished DnD of a sheet erases all contents of the sheet [Katarina Behrens]
tdf#125002 [Styles] Tab stop settings get mixed up during editting them [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#125011 Can't duplicate an object [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#125039 Regression from bug 123259 when anchoring a graphic as character [Michael Stahl]
tdf#125080 LibreOffice crashes when adding icons to Gallery [Caolán McNamara]
Template:Tfd propagate getGFileInfo failure less aggressively [Stephan Bergmann]



Para instalar o LibreOffice 6.2.4 você deve visitar o link abaixo, fazer o download e instalar em seu sistema operacional.

Download libreOffice 6.2.4


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