Confira nessa matéria como é fácil instalar o Codeblocks 17.12 no seu sistema operacional Debian e derivados.
Code::Blocks é um ambiente de desenvolvimento integrado de código aberto e multiplataforma. Ele foi desenvolvido em C++, usando wxWidgets. Sua arquitetura é orientada a plugin, de forma que suas funcionalidades são definidas pelos plugins fornecidos a ele. Wikipédia
A versão atual é a 17.12, confira abaixo o Changelog dessa versão.
For the release 17.12, we provide a changelog hereby about what has changed since 16.01 (to download the change log, a link is provided at the bottom of this page):
autotools: Try to fix building with newer boost
Prevent sending EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST while opening a context menu in wxScintilla
Allow the user to discard old config file if it fails to load
Return false if there are errors reading a xml file with tinyxml
Fix crash when reading truncated config file
Make sure we show an error message box when we cannot save the config file
Move the wizard files to the correct folder when making bundle
Fix blurryness when making a bundle
autotools: Add OSX bundle making support (ticket #562, thanks Dave Murphy)
autotools: Fix compilation using autotools on OSX
Fix ProjFile::Rename to correctly add the new file to m_ProjectFilesMap (thanks homertp, ticket #521)
script bindings: Don't crash when trying to add wxString and something that is not a wxString
Speed up project loading for large projects (projects with many files or many targets)
FileManager: Write directly to symlinked files (wx30 only, ticket #276)
autotools: Modernize our build system (ticket 349, thanks David Seifert)
osx: Build all plugins as dynamic libraries (ticket #275, thanks Franko F)
osx: Fix plugins location (ticket #275)
Remove homemade static_assert and use the real thing
Add additional tests to MacrosManager to determine if a newer project has been activated.
Linux (autofoo): Try to use system provided squirrel, astyle, tinyxml (based on Fedoras unbundle-patch)
Fix issue #358 - Remove additional flags from pkg-config files (thanks Vincent C and Alexander GQ Gerasiov)
c++11: Use unique_ptr instead of auto_ptr (ticket 349 applied partially, thanks David Seifert)
c++11: Remove our nullptr implementation and some other tr1 classes
osx: Fix launching in terminal when the executable path contains characters that need to be escaped (thanks Easior Lars)
batch: Fix crash when batch building, because the autofitting accesses null pointer
c++11: Code::Blocks now requires a C++11 capable compiler
Use more proper types in some places (thanks frithjofh)
script binding: Log messages with any buffer size (hack, patch by unknown person)
Do not add a cmd.exe in front of NUL when replacing macros
Remove all breakpoint related functions from EditorBase
Remove all bookmark functions from EditorBase - they are not needed there, just in cbEditor
applied patch to remove and sync macro prefixes (thanks White-Tiger)
Fix a bug in configmanager.cpp which can lead to undefined behaviour. Wrong combination of std::map::erase and iterators (thanks to frithjofh).
Core / UI
Remove ads extension when saving newly created files on wxGTK (ticket #571)
Fix status bar flickering when scrolling the editors
Make sure that menu items in the Project menu are correctly disabled
Notify the user that there is running compilation during quit and ask if he/she wants to stop it
Make sure that menu items in the context menu in Projects tab are correctly enabled/disabled
Clean up the UpdateUI behaviour of the File menu items
Remove 'Save All', 'Save all projects' and 'Close all project' menu items from the File menu
Add update ui processing for the File -> Properties menu item
Add 'Enable both' and 'Disable both' menu items in the Options submenu for the files in the project tree
Replace the cbMessageBox with AnnoyingDialog shown when there is config write error. This makes it possible to retry the saving of the config file
Do not loose changes when clicking twice the same target in ProjectOption dialog (ticket #547, thanks homertp)
lexer: Add PowerShell script support
Fix redraw problem on ubuntu because freeze/thaw are used in a wrong way
Move the open containing folder setting to the environment dialog (ticket #419)
Fix open containing folder on linux (ticket #419)
editor: Fix middle click copy/pasting when using wx2.8
editor: Revert some commits related to copy and pasting on wxGTK (9420, 6883, 5185) (ticket #524)
Update the info window after a plugin is uninstalled
editor: Insert new line below and above current line without indentation (ticket #180, thanks scarphin)
Do not loose settings when re-ordering targets in the project options dialog (ticket #534, thanks homertp)
When removing files from a project, sort the files in the selection dialog. (thanks Miguel Gimenez)
Always hide the "auto generated" text for files that do not belong to a project
Make it possible to edit all targets in the Select Target dialog (thanks homertp, ticket #522)
editor: Select word at cursor if there is nothing selected and the 'Select next occurrence' command is executed
editor: Make the UpdateUI behaviour for 'Select next occurrence' and 'Select skip to next occurrence' to be a bit more logical
editor: Fix bug in the Select Skip Next command when using it on the first selection
Add the current position of the cursor in the status bar (thanks frithjofh)
Preserve open editors per target/project (ticket #182 thanks scarphin)
lexer: Added few new keywords to Fortran lexer (thanks darmar, ticket #500)
Fix crashes at startup due to undefined behaviour in wxPropGrid (ticket #489)
Remove explicit sizing and leave that to the sizers for controls in CodeStat settings, DoxyBlocks settings and Editor settings (thanks blauzahn)
printing: Fix printing splitted windows and improve the restoration of gutter and line numbers (thanks LETARTARE)
Limit the number of targets visible in the menu to lower number to try to fit them on screen (ticket #478)
Implement Select target menu item that shows an incremental select dialog (#ticket 478)
Fix read-after-the-end-of-array bug when a project has more than MAX_TARGETS number of targets in it (ticket #478)
Use separate up/down buttons for the search dirs tab instead of a spin buttin (ticket #477)
Use separate up/down buttons for the linker libs list instead of a spinbutton (ticket #477)
Make the GotoFile to try calculate a column width based on its content, so everything fits in the column
GotoFunction: Make the dialog re-sizable
Set the focus to the cancel button in the about dialog to enable closing with escape to work on wx28 on linux
Add configuration option to make focusing the first build error an option (ticket #473, thanks yvesdm3000)
Make env settings dialog resizeable on Windows (thanks mgimenez)
GotoFile: New goto file dialog which uses virtual list which makes it possible to have 50-100k elements in it without visible slowdowns
Replace case insensitive with case sensitive checking when the user changes a virtual target name (ticket #468 thanks bluehazzard)
Speed up goto file opening for large projects (ticket #325)
Make editor and environment settings resize correctly (fixes ticket #467)
Better align widgets vertically in the EditPath dialog
Use wxStdButtonSizer to make buttons more consistent (ticket #421)
Sort the elements in the tree, so they are consistent (ticket #421)
Fix an out-of-bounds read in the new GetUserVariableDialog (ticket #421)
Specify min size for the text ctrl in the EditPath dialog, so it is a bit more user friendly (ticket #421)
Use bitmap buttons for buttons in the EditPath dialog (ticket #421)
Replace flexgridsize with simpler boxsize in edit path dialog and fix the control expansion (ticket #421)
Set HiDPI aware to false for C::B on Windows with HiDPI monitors (HiDPI support in wx starts from wx31+), should resolve some layout issues
Allow macros in project notes. Press J to do the replacement (patch by unknown person)
Properly restore the line number settings in the editor after printing
Add dialog for global variables to "Edit Path" dialog (ticket #421, thanks bluehazzard)
Fix incorrect usage of size_t (ticket #66)
Add multiple select in the "Copy to..." dialog in Search Directories (ticket #410)
Disable the Copy to buttons in the Build options dialog if nothing in the list is selected, because these operations do nothing in this case
Add multiple select in the "Copy selected to" dialogue (ticket #410, thanks bluehazzard)
Fix default buttons in most dialog broken after the change to use wxStdDialogButtonSizer (ticket #368)
Fix SF Ticket #386 Parallel builds arbitrarily limited to 100.
Apply modified SF ticket #66 Patch for "Goto Function" enhancement. Thanks Bat.
editor: Enable folding for newly created files (partly fixes ticket #366)
editor: Enable switching between header and implementation for templates (.tpp;.tcc . <-> .h;.hpp).
Use a listbox instead of choice for the list of variables in the global variables dialog (ticket #346, thanks bluehazzard)
Updated the cc tooltip colours after the settings have changed
Fix sorting of virtual folders when there is an empty one (thanks earlgrey)
Clarify the menu item names for splitting the editor
show project/workspace file name and target title in title of batch window
lexer: Added autotools, cu and inno setup lexers (patch by unknown person)
editor: Apply patch #71 - Wrap around when reaching the last bookmark in an editor (thanks beja)
Correct template title not to use illegal characters (patch by unknown person)
Allow to rename virtual folders via menu (patch by unknown person)
Select highlighting scheme from status bar for convenience (patch by unknown person)
Apply patch #80 - prevent asking for closing the workspace in batch builds (thanks Bat)
Applied patch by frithjofh w/ some refactoring for the search/replace dialog (see,20849.msg142364.html#msg142364)
Remove (new) from the name of the watches window
fixed wrong message in batch builds on errors
Use the app window in cbGetSingleChoiceIndex and cbGetTextFromUser as parent when nullptr is passed
Replace calls to wxGetTextFromUser with a custom function that allows sizing and proper placement (also add missing PlaceWindow calls when the wxTextEntryDialog is used)
Replace calls to wxGetSingleChoiceIndex with a custom function that allows sizing and proper placement
Limit the vertical resizing of the EditPath dialog
Use a std dialog button sizer in the GDB's breakpoints dialog
Remove strangely looking SetSize call, remove the static line widget from Compiler flags dialog
Rename the OK button to Close in the configure tools dialog
Remove a panel and a flexgridsizer from the compiler flags dialog
Make the edit path sizable
Replace box sizers with std dialog button sizers where possible, also expand the sizers
Expand the std button sizers in order to make the dialogs look better on wxGTK
Show file in the project tree command should show the Management tab if it is closed
disable saving / loading editor layout by default (due to a bug)
make loading/restoring project/editor layout an option
Replace '&' with '__' in the xrc file for the edit tools dialog (fixes ticket #321)
Change description of $$(macros) to $(macros) in the configure add dialog
Fix crash when showing the call tip
Fix doxygen spelling in the settings panel
Make the size of toolbar controls configurable in the settings (ticket #303)
Fix an issue that Code Completion list got hidden after shown up
Fix assert on generate ctor implementation
Fix possible inconsistency caused by bad usage of cbAssert - the expression must not have side effects, because in some builds they might not be executed
Fix default colours for code call tips (thanks darmar)
Send proper events for 'Autoselect single match'
Automatically test for doxygen document. (thanks White-Tiger)
Fix a bug that we have forget adding the doxygen documents for macro
Fix a endless loop crash bug when parsing C99 designated initializer
Fix ticket #278 and ticket #393 (thanks White-Tiger)
Fix ticket #351
Try to fix issue #14 for real this time (high memory consumption due to recursive symbolic links)
show an error to the user if expression could not be resolved
Fix a parsing std namespace bug.
Make it possible to utilize more than 16 CPU threads while building (ticket #327)
Make Code::Blocks work better with current SDCC (ticket #567, #371, thanks Philipp Klaus Krause)
Clean up the clang flags a bit and add the common sort options
Add -std=c++14 and -std=gnu++14 to the list of C++ only flags (format the file to be a bit more readable)
Try to improve the invalid compiler message we're printing
Add button to compiler toolbar to show the select target dialog
Improve clang log parsing (parse the file and line for notes)
Use the correct flag to the linker when building windows gui applications with clang (ticket #51, thanks edison)
Fix the AVR GCC compiler on linux to not add invalid include and linker paths
Remove deprecated cygwin only flag (ticket #526, thanks Jannick)
Corrected "defines" switch for Gfortran (thanks darmar, ticket #499)
Improvement of parsing of Gfortran compiler output (thanks darmar, ticket #497)
Updated output parser for VS2015 (thanks sodev, ticket #496)
Add -std=c11 to default compiler options
Batch mode doesn't work on MacOS (ticket #425, thanks Franko F for the original patch)
Save the other resource settings in the Compiler options dialog
Add support for the following options : -std==c++1y and -std=c++1z
Fix description of "-ansi" compiler-flag in "options_common_warnings.xml".
Expand backtick expression when doing clean for makefile projects (fixes #326)
Switch to build log when compiling single file (ticket #222, thanks Sergey Bezgodov)
Remove the limit on the number of processors and change the default to use all available in the machine (fixes #327)
Don't compile the regexes for the compiler until they are really needed (speeps up startup)
Support for new compilers: android-GCC MW, powerpc-EABI (patch by unknown person)
Added more common options to clang, gcc, msvc
parsing Gfortran v5.* compiler messages in new v5.* format; option -fopenmp should be applied at compiler and linker command line (thanks darmar)
Applied patch to make Cygwin compiler work with recent Cygwin installations (thanks stahta01)
Mark the GDB attach to process command to be a continue command
Remove squirrel based pretty printers - users are supposed to use the gdb-python-pretty-printers
Disable the Examine memory menu item for child or special (function args and local variables) watches (ticket #408)
Make it possible to examine the memory of non-pointer variables like structs (ticket #408)
Make it possible to examine the memory of a watched variable using the contect menu in the watches window (ticket #408, thanks bluehazzard)
Truncate the value when displaying the watches tooltip (ticket #85, thanks Bat)
Fix crash in the disassembly windows (ticket #506 and #503, thanks bluehazzard)
Fix parsing of shortened strings
Make the source code in mixed mode to be treated as comments by the asm lexer
Save the Mixed mode setting from the Disassembly dialog (thanks bluehazzard, ticket #503)
Examine memory dialog remembers the size to dump (ticket #503)
Fix parsing of backtrace produced by newer CDB's (ticket #430 thanks debugfanchin)
Make if possible to debug 32bit program with CDB 64bit (ticket #429, thanks debugfanchin)
Don't call EditorLinesAddedOrRemoved twice for split editors
Don't print a warning when the current compiler is set to "No compiler" and the active debugger is set to "Target's default"
Set print elements limit to the default for gdb, using unlimited has proven to be dangerous
Fix gdb watch parsing error when there is a repeating sequence just before a closing brace '}'
Fix issue #254 - make it possible to use the stop button for the CDB debugger (thanks maras420)
Scripted Wizard
Apply YWX additions (GetWizardScriptFolder, FillContainerWithSelectCompilers,AppendContainerWithSelectCompilers,FillContainerWithChoices,AppendContainerWithChoices)
Improve Code::Blocks plugin wizard (ticket #481, thanks bluehazzard)
Add support for 3.1 in the WxWidgets wizard (thanks New Pagodi)
Fix images to be 32x32 and be transparent (fixes ticket #314)
Added FLUID and SDL2 templates (patch by unknown person)
Add new templates to automake build-system
Added Java wizards for fun
Added qt5 and improved qt4 wizard (patch by unknown person)
Added arduino and msp430 wizards (patch by unknown person)
Added SDL2 wizard (patch by unknown person)
Added wizard for D language (patch by unknown person)
Applied (modified) patch by stahta01 to relax wizards when searching for library files to link against, see:,20730.msg142215.html#msg142215
Spell Checker
Add (Fedora-)path for dictionaries.
Support Unicode path names (thanks White-Tiger)
Better support short forms like "doesn't" (thanks White-Tiger)
Pumped hunspell lib to more recent version to allow adding additional / multiple dictionaries
Some status messages to the user to track down if something goes wrong
Added modified/bug-fixed patch by bluehazzard: Add possibility to change compiler
Bug-fix for erroneous message when user cancels dialog
Bug-fix for some UI logic (enabling/disabling applicable controls)
Query the user to save all projects at end for convenience
Show summary of operation done at end
Mark project files modified if they are changed
Fix config option label - swapped of and #
pump: update of ASTYLE plugin to fix bug #493 AStyle crashes in svn build rev 11033
make Mozilla style preview work correctly
Fix bug in settings dialog "Break logical conditions..." (ticket #450, thanks bluehazzard)
Fix a typo in the setting dialog.
Fix spelling - parentheses is the correct word
Fix issue #352 (thanks sodev)
Support for XML log file format v1 and v2 (v1 will be obsolete soon)
Allow macros in command line parameters provided through settings
Added support for Vera++ (
Add PATH to cppcheck executable if required before the call
Add wxSpinCtrl alignment styles
Fix drawing artefacts when built with wx3.0
Don't write \0 characters in generated/altered files when C::B is built with wx3.x
Fix crash, when closing wxs-file and a sub-property is selected; see:,21893.0.html
Improve compatibility with wx3.x by adding some new events and removing events that aren't supported (thanks mgimenez)
Sort generated includes and forward declartion to prevent random changes to the source files when the hash function changes
Fix the resizing of the ArrayStringEditor dialog
Make it handle minsize corretly for wxSplitter (ticket #465, thanks Volker Meyer)
fix assert with wx3.0, due to doubled properties in some sizeritems.
introduced settings wrt to controlling translation and style of translation code (wxT(), _T()...) globally
move wxMathPlot and it's counterpart wxSmithPlot in wxContribItems and wxSmithContribItems.
Other Plugins
abbreviations: Applied patch to fix abbreviations target is missing in some project files (thanks stahta01)
abbreviations: Fixed bug in with non-alpha-numeric character abbreviations (thanks BlueHazzard)
cb_share_config: Added simple "export all" functionality for easy backup of all config stubs to a backup folder
cbp2make: Added (further improved) cbp2make by mirai-computing due to project seems dead otherwise
CodeStat: Fix assert in the progress update (thanks blauzahn)
cscope: Fix hang of cscope when given a missing file (ticket #448 Robert Morin)
help: allow to search for keywords also on
DoxyBlocks: Clean up the UI a bit
DoxyBlocks: Filter out comment strings in the parameter documentation (thanks Yves De Muyter)
HexEditor: Change the label of the OK button to Find
HexEditor: Limit vertical resizing of the search dialog
HexEditor: Fix text misalignment when selecting numbers in the editor
IncrementalSearch: wx3 compatibility-fix
ProjectImporter: Better handling for more recent VC workspaces / project files (patch by unknown person)
SourceExporter/NassiShneiderman: Make sure only one File -> Export menu is created no matter which plugin is created first
SourceExporter: Fix undefined behaviour
ThreadSearch: Add option to disable/enable the autosizing of log columns (fixes #324, thanks Sergey Bezgodov)
ThreadSearch: Fix infinite filesystem traversal when there are cyclic symlinks present
todo: Display count of list item (ticket #452 Sergey Bezgodov)
todolist plugin: some code improvements by frithjofh
Valgrind: Quote the path to the xml file if needed - makes the plugin work when the project is located in a path with spaces
Updated 3rd party libs
move astyle (plugin) out of beta into v3.0 release
updated exchndl (crash handler) to v0.8.2
updated exception handler to v0.8.1
updated wxPDFDoc library to recent GIT version to resolve licensing issues
updated exchndl (crash handler) DLL to v0.8.0
updated library to v0.9.5 for better wx30 compatibility
Misc (targeting wx3)
Fix assert when loading files and the global enconding setting is set to default (ticket #305)
Fix assert when closing the application during long compilation
Memory dump window has wrong proportion on windows (ticket #557, thanks bluehazzard)
Fix assert when executing Build -> Errors -> Next error and there is no error in the list
Fix the highlight language button in the status bar
Fix assert when pressing the auto-detect button in the compiler settings
Always disable symbol browser in such builds to prevent crashes (ticket #225)
Fix compilation with latest wx master (thanks blauzahn)
Fix assert on startup in IncrementalSearch (ticket #405, thanks bluehazzard)
Fix assert due to the same labeled property added to the wxSmith's property grid for wxStdDialogButtonSizer
Fix some alignment asserts reported for some of the dialogs
Fix assert when calling wxSetWorkingDirectory with an empty path
Fix two asserts in the AVR wizard
Fix lots of asserts when batch building (there are some left though)
Fix assert when the current target uses "No compiler" (fixes ticket #315)
Fix asserts when wizard icons are no 32x32 pixels big (fixes ticket #314)
Fix an assert in ToDo plugin (thanks blauzahn)
Fix assert when deleting a compiler
Fix assert when the search mask in the Find/Replace dialog is empty (fix formatting of the code around)
Fix the ValueTooltip autosizing. It was disabled for wx29, but should work in all wx3.0, because my patch should be in them
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Para amb64 (64 bits )
Code::Blocks é um ambiente de desenvolvimento integrado de código aberto e multiplataforma. Ele foi desenvolvido em C++, usando wxWidgets. Sua arquitetura é orientada a plugin, de forma que suas funcionalidades são definidas pelos plugins fornecidos a ele. Wikipédia
A versão atual é a 17.12, confira abaixo o Changelog dessa versão.
For the release 17.12, we provide a changelog hereby about what has changed since 16.01 (to download the change log, a link is provided at the bottom of this page):
autotools: Try to fix building with newer boost
Prevent sending EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST while opening a context menu in wxScintilla
Allow the user to discard old config file if it fails to load
Return false if there are errors reading a xml file with tinyxml
Fix crash when reading truncated config file
Make sure we show an error message box when we cannot save the config file
Move the wizard files to the correct folder when making bundle
Fix blurryness when making a bundle
autotools: Add OSX bundle making support (ticket #562, thanks Dave Murphy)
autotools: Fix compilation using autotools on OSX
Fix ProjFile::Rename to correctly add the new file to m_ProjectFilesMap (thanks homertp, ticket #521)
script bindings: Don't crash when trying to add wxString and something that is not a wxString
Speed up project loading for large projects (projects with many files or many targets)
FileManager: Write directly to symlinked files (wx30 only, ticket #276)
autotools: Modernize our build system (ticket 349, thanks David Seifert)
osx: Build all plugins as dynamic libraries (ticket #275, thanks Franko F)
osx: Fix plugins location (ticket #275)
Remove homemade static_assert and use the real thing
Add additional tests to MacrosManager to determine if a newer project has been activated.
Linux (autofoo): Try to use system provided squirrel, astyle, tinyxml (based on Fedoras unbundle-patch)
Fix issue #358 - Remove additional flags from pkg-config files (thanks Vincent C and Alexander GQ Gerasiov)
c++11: Use unique_ptr instead of auto_ptr (ticket 349 applied partially, thanks David Seifert)
c++11: Remove our nullptr implementation and some other tr1 classes
osx: Fix launching in terminal when the executable path contains characters that need to be escaped (thanks Easior Lars)
batch: Fix crash when batch building, because the autofitting accesses null pointer
c++11: Code::Blocks now requires a C++11 capable compiler
Use more proper types in some places (thanks frithjofh)
script binding: Log messages with any buffer size (hack, patch by unknown person)
Do not add a cmd.exe in front of NUL when replacing macros
Remove all breakpoint related functions from EditorBase
Remove all bookmark functions from EditorBase - they are not needed there, just in cbEditor
applied patch to remove and sync macro prefixes (thanks White-Tiger)
Fix a bug in configmanager.cpp which can lead to undefined behaviour. Wrong combination of std::map::erase and iterators (thanks to frithjofh).
Core / UI
Remove ads extension when saving newly created files on wxGTK (ticket #571)
Fix status bar flickering when scrolling the editors
Make sure that menu items in the Project menu are correctly disabled
Notify the user that there is running compilation during quit and ask if he/she wants to stop it
Make sure that menu items in the context menu in Projects tab are correctly enabled/disabled
Clean up the UpdateUI behaviour of the File menu items
Remove 'Save All', 'Save all projects' and 'Close all project' menu items from the File menu
Add update ui processing for the File -> Properties menu item
Add 'Enable both' and 'Disable both' menu items in the Options submenu for the files in the project tree
Replace the cbMessageBox with AnnoyingDialog shown when there is config write error. This makes it possible to retry the saving of the config file
Do not loose changes when clicking twice the same target in ProjectOption dialog (ticket #547, thanks homertp)
lexer: Add PowerShell script support
Fix redraw problem on ubuntu because freeze/thaw are used in a wrong way
Move the open containing folder setting to the environment dialog (ticket #419)
Fix open containing folder on linux (ticket #419)
editor: Fix middle click copy/pasting when using wx2.8
editor: Revert some commits related to copy and pasting on wxGTK (9420, 6883, 5185) (ticket #524)
Update the info window after a plugin is uninstalled
editor: Insert new line below and above current line without indentation (ticket #180, thanks scarphin)
Do not loose settings when re-ordering targets in the project options dialog (ticket #534, thanks homertp)
When removing files from a project, sort the files in the selection dialog. (thanks Miguel Gimenez)
Always hide the "auto generated" text for files that do not belong to a project
Make it possible to edit all targets in the Select Target dialog (thanks homertp, ticket #522)
editor: Select word at cursor if there is nothing selected and the 'Select next occurrence' command is executed
editor: Make the UpdateUI behaviour for 'Select next occurrence' and 'Select skip to next occurrence' to be a bit more logical
editor: Fix bug in the Select Skip Next command when using it on the first selection
Add the current position of the cursor in the status bar (thanks frithjofh)
Preserve open editors per target/project (ticket #182 thanks scarphin)
lexer: Added few new keywords to Fortran lexer (thanks darmar, ticket #500)
Fix crashes at startup due to undefined behaviour in wxPropGrid (ticket #489)
Remove explicit sizing and leave that to the sizers for controls in CodeStat settings, DoxyBlocks settings and Editor settings (thanks blauzahn)
printing: Fix printing splitted windows and improve the restoration of gutter and line numbers (thanks LETARTARE)
Limit the number of targets visible in the menu to lower number to try to fit them on screen (ticket #478)
Implement Select target menu item that shows an incremental select dialog (#ticket 478)
Fix read-after-the-end-of-array bug when a project has more than MAX_TARGETS number of targets in it (ticket #478)
Use separate up/down buttons for the search dirs tab instead of a spin buttin (ticket #477)
Use separate up/down buttons for the linker libs list instead of a spinbutton (ticket #477)
Make the GotoFile to try calculate a column width based on its content, so everything fits in the column
GotoFunction: Make the dialog re-sizable
Set the focus to the cancel button in the about dialog to enable closing with escape to work on wx28 on linux
Add configuration option to make focusing the first build error an option (ticket #473, thanks yvesdm3000)
Make env settings dialog resizeable on Windows (thanks mgimenez)
GotoFile: New goto file dialog which uses virtual list which makes it possible to have 50-100k elements in it without visible slowdowns
Replace case insensitive with case sensitive checking when the user changes a virtual target name (ticket #468 thanks bluehazzard)
Speed up goto file opening for large projects (ticket #325)
Make editor and environment settings resize correctly (fixes ticket #467)
Better align widgets vertically in the EditPath dialog
Use wxStdButtonSizer to make buttons more consistent (ticket #421)
Sort the elements in the tree, so they are consistent (ticket #421)
Fix an out-of-bounds read in the new GetUserVariableDialog (ticket #421)
Specify min size for the text ctrl in the EditPath dialog, so it is a bit more user friendly (ticket #421)
Use bitmap buttons for buttons in the EditPath dialog (ticket #421)
Replace flexgridsize with simpler boxsize in edit path dialog and fix the control expansion (ticket #421)
Set HiDPI aware to false for C::B on Windows with HiDPI monitors (HiDPI support in wx starts from wx31+), should resolve some layout issues
Allow macros in project notes. Press J to do the replacement (patch by unknown person)
Properly restore the line number settings in the editor after printing
Add dialog for global variables to "Edit Path" dialog (ticket #421, thanks bluehazzard)
Fix incorrect usage of size_t (ticket #66)
Add multiple select in the "Copy to..." dialog in Search Directories (ticket #410)
Disable the Copy to buttons in the Build options dialog if nothing in the list is selected, because these operations do nothing in this case
Add multiple select in the "Copy selected to" dialogue (ticket #410, thanks bluehazzard)
Fix default buttons in most dialog broken after the change to use wxStdDialogButtonSizer (ticket #368)
Fix SF Ticket #386 Parallel builds arbitrarily limited to 100.
Apply modified SF ticket #66 Patch for "Goto Function" enhancement. Thanks Bat.
editor: Enable folding for newly created files (partly fixes ticket #366)
editor: Enable switching between header and implementation for templates (.tpp;.tcc . <-> .h;.hpp).
Use a listbox instead of choice for the list of variables in the global variables dialog (ticket #346, thanks bluehazzard)
Updated the cc tooltip colours after the settings have changed
Fix sorting of virtual folders when there is an empty one (thanks earlgrey)
Clarify the menu item names for splitting the editor
show project/workspace file name and target title in title of batch window
lexer: Added autotools, cu and inno setup lexers (patch by unknown person)
editor: Apply patch #71 - Wrap around when reaching the last bookmark in an editor (thanks beja)
Correct template title not to use illegal characters (patch by unknown person)
Allow to rename virtual folders via menu (patch by unknown person)
Select highlighting scheme from status bar for convenience (patch by unknown person)
Apply patch #80 - prevent asking for closing the workspace in batch builds (thanks Bat)
Applied patch by frithjofh w/ some refactoring for the search/replace dialog (see,20849.msg142364.html#msg142364)
Remove (new) from the name of the watches window
fixed wrong message in batch builds on errors
Use the app window in cbGetSingleChoiceIndex and cbGetTextFromUser as parent when nullptr is passed
Replace calls to wxGetTextFromUser with a custom function that allows sizing and proper placement (also add missing PlaceWindow calls when the wxTextEntryDialog is used)
Replace calls to wxGetSingleChoiceIndex with a custom function that allows sizing and proper placement
Limit the vertical resizing of the EditPath dialog
Use a std dialog button sizer in the GDB's breakpoints dialog
Remove strangely looking SetSize call, remove the static line widget from Compiler flags dialog
Rename the OK button to Close in the configure tools dialog
Remove a panel and a flexgridsizer from the compiler flags dialog
Make the edit path sizable
Replace box sizers with std dialog button sizers where possible, also expand the sizers
Expand the std button sizers in order to make the dialogs look better on wxGTK
Show file in the project tree command should show the Management tab if it is closed
disable saving / loading editor layout by default (due to a bug)
make loading/restoring project/editor layout an option
Replace '&' with '__' in the xrc file for the edit tools dialog (fixes ticket #321)
Change description of $$(macros) to $(macros) in the configure add dialog
Fix crash when showing the call tip
Fix doxygen spelling in the settings panel
Make the size of toolbar controls configurable in the settings (ticket #303)
Fix an issue that Code Completion list got hidden after shown up
Fix assert on generate ctor implementation
Fix possible inconsistency caused by bad usage of cbAssert - the expression must not have side effects, because in some builds they might not be executed
Fix default colours for code call tips (thanks darmar)
Send proper events for 'Autoselect single match'
Automatically test for doxygen document. (thanks White-Tiger)
Fix a bug that we have forget adding the doxygen documents for macro
Fix a endless loop crash bug when parsing C99 designated initializer
Fix ticket #278 and ticket #393 (thanks White-Tiger)
Fix ticket #351
Try to fix issue #14 for real this time (high memory consumption due to recursive symbolic links)
show an error to the user if expression could not be resolved
Fix a parsing std namespace bug.
Make it possible to utilize more than 16 CPU threads while building (ticket #327)
Make Code::Blocks work better with current SDCC (ticket #567, #371, thanks Philipp Klaus Krause)
Clean up the clang flags a bit and add the common sort options
Add -std=c++14 and -std=gnu++14 to the list of C++ only flags (format the file to be a bit more readable)
Try to improve the invalid compiler message we're printing
Add button to compiler toolbar to show the select target dialog
Improve clang log parsing (parse the file and line for notes)
Use the correct flag to the linker when building windows gui applications with clang (ticket #51, thanks edison)
Fix the AVR GCC compiler on linux to not add invalid include and linker paths
Remove deprecated cygwin only flag (ticket #526, thanks Jannick)
Corrected "defines" switch for Gfortran (thanks darmar, ticket #499)
Improvement of parsing of Gfortran compiler output (thanks darmar, ticket #497)
Updated output parser for VS2015 (thanks sodev, ticket #496)
Add -std=c11 to default compiler options
Batch mode doesn't work on MacOS (ticket #425, thanks Franko F for the original patch)
Save the other resource settings in the Compiler options dialog
Add support for the following options : -std==c++1y and -std=c++1z
Fix description of "-ansi" compiler-flag in "options_common_warnings.xml".
Expand backtick expression when doing clean for makefile projects (fixes #326)
Switch to build log when compiling single file (ticket #222, thanks Sergey Bezgodov)
Remove the limit on the number of processors and change the default to use all available in the machine (fixes #327)
Don't compile the regexes for the compiler until they are really needed (speeps up startup)
Support for new compilers: android-GCC MW, powerpc-EABI (patch by unknown person)
Added more common options to clang, gcc, msvc
parsing Gfortran v5.* compiler messages in new v5.* format; option -fopenmp should be applied at compiler and linker command line (thanks darmar)
Applied patch to make Cygwin compiler work with recent Cygwin installations (thanks stahta01)
Mark the GDB attach to process command to be a continue command
Remove squirrel based pretty printers - users are supposed to use the gdb-python-pretty-printers
Disable the Examine memory menu item for child or special (function args and local variables) watches (ticket #408)
Make it possible to examine the memory of non-pointer variables like structs (ticket #408)
Make it possible to examine the memory of a watched variable using the contect menu in the watches window (ticket #408, thanks bluehazzard)
Truncate the value when displaying the watches tooltip (ticket #85, thanks Bat)
Fix crash in the disassembly windows (ticket #506 and #503, thanks bluehazzard)
Fix parsing of shortened strings
Make the source code in mixed mode to be treated as comments by the asm lexer
Save the Mixed mode setting from the Disassembly dialog (thanks bluehazzard, ticket #503)
Examine memory dialog remembers the size to dump (ticket #503)
Fix parsing of backtrace produced by newer CDB's (ticket #430 thanks debugfanchin)
Make if possible to debug 32bit program with CDB 64bit (ticket #429, thanks debugfanchin)
Don't call EditorLinesAddedOrRemoved twice for split editors
Don't print a warning when the current compiler is set to "No compiler" and the active debugger is set to "Target's default"
Set print elements limit to the default for gdb, using unlimited has proven to be dangerous
Fix gdb watch parsing error when there is a repeating sequence just before a closing brace '}'
Fix issue #254 - make it possible to use the stop button for the CDB debugger (thanks maras420)
Scripted Wizard
Apply YWX additions (GetWizardScriptFolder, FillContainerWithSelectCompilers,AppendContainerWithSelectCompilers,FillContainerWithChoices,AppendContainerWithChoices)
Improve Code::Blocks plugin wizard (ticket #481, thanks bluehazzard)
Add support for 3.1 in the WxWidgets wizard (thanks New Pagodi)
Fix images to be 32x32 and be transparent (fixes ticket #314)
Added FLUID and SDL2 templates (patch by unknown person)
Add new templates to automake build-system
Added Java wizards for fun
Added qt5 and improved qt4 wizard (patch by unknown person)
Added arduino and msp430 wizards (patch by unknown person)
Added SDL2 wizard (patch by unknown person)
Added wizard for D language (patch by unknown person)
Applied (modified) patch by stahta01 to relax wizards when searching for library files to link against, see:,20730.msg142215.html#msg142215
Spell Checker
Add (Fedora-)path for dictionaries.
Support Unicode path names (thanks White-Tiger)
Better support short forms like "doesn't" (thanks White-Tiger)
Pumped hunspell lib to more recent version to allow adding additional / multiple dictionaries
Some status messages to the user to track down if something goes wrong
Added modified/bug-fixed patch by bluehazzard: Add possibility to change compiler
Bug-fix for erroneous message when user cancels dialog
Bug-fix for some UI logic (enabling/disabling applicable controls)
Query the user to save all projects at end for convenience
Show summary of operation done at end
Mark project files modified if they are changed
Fix config option label - swapped of and #
pump: update of ASTYLE plugin to fix bug #493 AStyle crashes in svn build rev 11033
make Mozilla style preview work correctly
Fix bug in settings dialog "Break logical conditions..." (ticket #450, thanks bluehazzard)
Fix a typo in the setting dialog.
Fix spelling - parentheses is the correct word
Fix issue #352 (thanks sodev)
Support for XML log file format v1 and v2 (v1 will be obsolete soon)
Allow macros in command line parameters provided through settings
Added support for Vera++ (
Add PATH to cppcheck executable if required before the call
Add wxSpinCtrl alignment styles
Fix drawing artefacts when built with wx3.0
Don't write \0 characters in generated/altered files when C::B is built with wx3.x
Fix crash, when closing wxs-file and a sub-property is selected; see:,21893.0.html
Improve compatibility with wx3.x by adding some new events and removing events that aren't supported (thanks mgimenez)
Sort generated includes and forward declartion to prevent random changes to the source files when the hash function changes
Fix the resizing of the ArrayStringEditor dialog
Make it handle minsize corretly for wxSplitter (ticket #465, thanks Volker Meyer)
fix assert with wx3.0, due to doubled properties in some sizeritems.
introduced settings wrt to controlling translation and style of translation code (wxT(), _T()...) globally
move wxMathPlot and it's counterpart wxSmithPlot in wxContribItems and wxSmithContribItems.
Other Plugins
abbreviations: Applied patch to fix abbreviations target is missing in some project files (thanks stahta01)
abbreviations: Fixed bug in with non-alpha-numeric character abbreviations (thanks BlueHazzard)
cb_share_config: Added simple "export all" functionality for easy backup of all config stubs to a backup folder
cbp2make: Added (further improved) cbp2make by mirai-computing due to project seems dead otherwise
CodeStat: Fix assert in the progress update (thanks blauzahn)
cscope: Fix hang of cscope when given a missing file (ticket #448 Robert Morin)
help: allow to search for keywords also on
DoxyBlocks: Clean up the UI a bit
DoxyBlocks: Filter out comment strings in the parameter documentation (thanks Yves De Muyter)
HexEditor: Change the label of the OK button to Find
HexEditor: Limit vertical resizing of the search dialog
HexEditor: Fix text misalignment when selecting numbers in the editor
IncrementalSearch: wx3 compatibility-fix
ProjectImporter: Better handling for more recent VC workspaces / project files (patch by unknown person)
SourceExporter/NassiShneiderman: Make sure only one File -> Export menu is created no matter which plugin is created first
SourceExporter: Fix undefined behaviour
ThreadSearch: Add option to disable/enable the autosizing of log columns (fixes #324, thanks Sergey Bezgodov)
ThreadSearch: Fix infinite filesystem traversal when there are cyclic symlinks present
todo: Display count of list item (ticket #452 Sergey Bezgodov)
todolist plugin: some code improvements by frithjofh
Valgrind: Quote the path to the xml file if needed - makes the plugin work when the project is located in a path with spaces
Updated 3rd party libs
move astyle (plugin) out of beta into v3.0 release
updated exchndl (crash handler) to v0.8.2
updated exception handler to v0.8.1
updated wxPDFDoc library to recent GIT version to resolve licensing issues
updated exchndl (crash handler) DLL to v0.8.0
updated library to v0.9.5 for better wx30 compatibility
Misc (targeting wx3)
Fix assert when loading files and the global enconding setting is set to default (ticket #305)
Fix assert when closing the application during long compilation
Memory dump window has wrong proportion on windows (ticket #557, thanks bluehazzard)
Fix assert when executing Build -> Errors -> Next error and there is no error in the list
Fix the highlight language button in the status bar
Fix assert when pressing the auto-detect button in the compiler settings
Always disable symbol browser in such builds to prevent crashes (ticket #225)
Fix compilation with latest wx master (thanks blauzahn)
Fix assert on startup in IncrementalSearch (ticket #405, thanks bluehazzard)
Fix assert due to the same labeled property added to the wxSmith's property grid for wxStdDialogButtonSizer
Fix some alignment asserts reported for some of the dialogs
Fix assert when calling wxSetWorkingDirectory with an empty path
Fix two asserts in the AVR wizard
Fix lots of asserts when batch building (there are some left though)
Fix assert when the current target uses "No compiler" (fixes ticket #315)
Fix asserts when wizard icons are no 32x32 pixels big (fixes ticket #314)
Fix an assert in ToDo plugin (thanks blauzahn)
Fix assert when deleting a compiler
Fix assert when the search mask in the Find/Replace dialog is empty (fix formatting of the code around)
Fix the ValueTooltip autosizing. It was disabled for wx29, but should work in all wx3.0, because my patch should be in them
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olá, seja bem vindo ao Linux Dicas e suporte !!