O Stellarium é o melhor software open source para astrônomos amadores que desejam conhecer e estudar em detalhes o cosmos, confira os detalhes da versão 0.22.2 e faça o download para Linux, Windows ou macOS.
Stellarium 0.22.2
é um software livre de astronomia para visualização do céu nos moldes
de um planetário, licenciado nos termos da GNU General Public License
versão 2, disponível para Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS e Symbian
como uma versão paga desenvolvida pela Noctua Software.
As principais mudanças desta versão:
- Adicionadas licenças de reconhecimento para skycultures
- Muitas melhorias no plugin Satellites, esp. exibição de sombra da terra e filtragem
- Melhorias no AstroCalc: gráficos, eclipses, trânsitos
- Melhorias nos plugins Chuvas de Meteoros, Exoplanetas e Estrelas de Navegação
- Catálogo DSO atualizado
- Modo ANGLE corrigido para alguns casos raros
- Um grande número de correções de bugs e solicitações e aprimoramentos de recursos fechados (consulte a lista completa de alterações).
Grande atualização da estrutura interna do Qt para as próximas versões.

No quadro abaixo a lista completa da alterações.
Added “type” column to WUT list (GH: #2502)
Added twilights to the nautical navigation data (GH: #2489)
Added new visual filter for satellites (GH: #1527, #2060)
Added group of satellites (Gonets)
Added “Transits of Mercury and Venus across the Sun” computations for AstroCalc tool (GH: #2477)
Added new filter for communications satellites
Added feature to recognise the communications data for satellites
Added GUI for manual addition of comm frequencies for satellites (GH: #2476)
Added support inclination classifications for geocentric orbits for satellites
Added feature to adding and restoring the descriptions of satellites
Added tool to reset TLE sources in Satellites plugin (GH: #2458)
Added ‘altitude’ parameter to custom filter of satellites
Added option to colored invisible satellites: you can toggle behaviour of colorification invisible satellites now
Added recognition licenses for sky cultures (GH: #2410)
Added new names to DSO (GH: #2463)
Added recognition the standard magnitudes for Starlink and OneWeb satellites
Added ability to select all satellites in the list by one touch
Added custom filter for satellites (GH: #2457, #2060)
Added quick selection buttons for DSO (GH: #2425, #2427)
Added ability to use time mask for naming of screenshots (GH: #1283)
Added visualisation Earth umbra and penumbra for satellites (GH: #2451, #2360, #1246)
Added support directional elongation (GH: #2405)
Added some Barnard outlines (GH: #2412)
Fixed saving GRS properties
Fixed missing meteor showers name (GH: #2492)
Fixed bugs in planetary transits (GH: #2491)
Fixed orbit validation for observers
Fixed selecting items from the recent search in Search tool
Fixed signal/slot issue in Search Tool
Fixed wrong selection of object in Search Tool/Lists
Fixed placement for output data on HDPI devices (Observ. plugin)
Fixed flickering Lunar halo (GH: #2240)
Fixed selection ANGLE mode: simplify force-switching to ANGLE mode (GH: #2471)
Fixed missing translations
Fixed dead links and phrases in sky cultures
Fixed filtering issue for satellites and update some defaults
Fixed description for XMM-Newton satellite
Fixed guessing the groups of satellites
Fixed slow down of time when the Moon is selected (GH: #2465)
Fixed eclipse problem (GH: #2464)
Fixed conversion tool radToHms(): avoiding possible negative zero for value of seconds (GH: #2460)
Fixed wrong code in radToHMSStr and radToHMSStrAdapt convertors (GH: #2460)
Fixed work AstroCalc/(Phenomena and RTS) tools with Qt 5.14+ (GH: #2459)
Fixed Milky Way texture (GH: #2420, #2421)
Fixed duplicate for NGC 5504
Fixed stars info: hiding separation info for double stars with “fake values” (GH: #2429)
Fixed broken signal/slot in Meteor Showers plugin (GH: #2433)
Fixed ‘Nights above horizon’ feature in Observability plugin (GH: #2436)
Fixed rendering orbits of artificial satellites (GH: #2452)
Fixed crash when some star catalogues deleted or adding (GH: #2404)
Fixed opacity/magnitude conflict for objects from Barnard catalog (GH: #2408)
Fixed possible duplicates of DSO names
Fixed hourly motion of objects (GH: #2505, #2498)
Fixed show negative radiant drift in RA for meteor showers (GH: #2504)
Changed setFullScreen() method (GH: #660)
Changed infostring data for observers: hided the meaningless data
Changed Satellites plugin: add improvements for visibility prediction of satellites
Changed behaviour in Satellites plugin: display satellites and their orbits within selected range of altitudes only when related option is activated.
Changed behaviour in Satellites plugin: Some specific comm terms from the channel description are translatable now
Changed AstroCalc/Graphs tools: a full refactoring
Changed AstroCalc/PC tool: refactoring the graphs
Changed Exoplanets plugin: refactoring the graphs
Updated filter ‘orbit calculation error’ in the Satellites plugin
Updated pulsars catalog
Updated list of locations
Updated meteor showers catalog (GH: #2492)
Updated default list of satellites
Updated script for InnoSetup (GH: #2450)
Updated planetary nomenclature
Updated communications data for satellites
Updated DSO catalog (v3.16; GH: #2414, #2473)
Updated list of description of satellites
Updated data in Meteor Showers catalog (GH: #2467, #2449)
Updated GUI in Meteor Showers plugin
Updated default hint color for satellites
Updated Meteor Showers plugin (GH: #2416)
Updated DSO names
Removed QCustomPlot dependence
Removed scaling mode from shortcuts for Windows (GH: #2450)
Download Stellarium 0.22.2 para Linux ( appimage )
Download Stellarium 0.22.2 para Windows
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