Lançado o Mesa 3D 22.2.0-rc3

Mesa é o driver de vídeo mais usado nas distribuições Linux, ele já vem incluído no Kernel e é usado por placa Intel, AMD e Nvidia, confira as correções e novidades desse lançamento.

Lançado o Mesa 3D 22.2.0-rc3

Mesa, também chamado Mesa3D e The Mesa 3D Graphics Library, é um driver de dispositivo de código aberto e implementação de software do OpenGL, Vulkan e de outras especificações. Wikipédia


Todas as correções e melhorias no quadro abaixo.

shortlog ======== Axel Davy (6): frontend/nine: Skip invalid swvp calls frontend/nine: Fix buffer tracking out of bounds frontend/nine: Fix ATOC handling frontend/nine: Fix cso restore bug frontend/nine: Fix shader multi-use crash frontend/nine: Fix ff position_t fallback when w = 0 Charmaine Lee (1): mesa/st: fix reference to nir->info after nir_to_tgsi Chia-I Wu (26): turnip: add tu_common.h as the common header turnip: remove includes that are already in tu_common.h turnip: add tu_drm.h turnip: add tu_suballoc.h turnip: update tu_cs.h turnip: add tu_query.h turnip: add tu_image.h turnip: add tu_formats.h turnip: update tu_descriptor_set.h turnip: add tu_shader.h turnip: add tu_pipeline.h turnip: add tu_clear_blit.h turnip: add tu_dynamic_rendering.h turnip: add tu_lrz.h turnip: add tu_pass.h turnip: add tu_wsi.h turnip: update tu_autotune.h turnip: add tu_device.h turnip: add tu_cmd_buffer.h turnip: add tu_android.h turnip: update tu_util.h turnip: move away from tu_private.h turnip: remove tu_private.h turnip: remove headers from libtu_files turnip: use SPDX-License-Identifier turnip: fix a use-after-free in autotune Dylan Baker (5): .pick_status.json: Update to a3bf0da1cbd4b10043c80bf44609a3024b5fcc36 .pick_status.json: Update to 24b9ad7cd5ebc7cfa5d03cf0f243ea4841c971b9 .pick_status.json: Update to 74fc367127ccf945f4c649dd6ddff955c802e36e .pick_status.json: Mark 11ab6087797f805cf158048915c67945613c9a72 as denominated VERSION: bump to 22.2.0-rc3 Eric Engestrom (1): vk/device-select-layer: fix .sType of VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties Jesse Natalie (2): egl/wgl: Delete unused variables/code egl/wgl: Fix some awkward sizeof formatting Konstantin Seurer (1): radv: Fix stack size calculation with stage ids Lionel Landwerlin (1): anv: don't return incorrect error code for vkCreateDescriptorPool Liviu Prodea (1): meson: Microsoft / maybe Intel CLC need the all-targets workaround just like clover Marek Olšák (2): glthread: unbind framebuffers in glDeleteFramebuffers glthread: call _mesa_glthread_DeleteBuffers unconditionally Mike Blumenkrantz (4): radv: fix return type for meta resolve shaders nir/validate: clamp unsized tex dests to 32bit mesa: fix blending when using luminance/intensity emulation mesa: require render target bind for A/L/I in format selection Pavel Ondračka (1): r300: fix variables detection for paired ALU and TEX instructions in different branches Qiang Yu (1): nir/lower_gs_intrinsics: fix primitive count for points Samuel Pitoiset (1): radv: fix cleaning the meta query state if an error occured Yonggang Luo (2): microsoft/clc: Fixes compiling errors with clang/mingw64 in clc/clc_compiler_test.cpp util: Fixes invalid assumption that return non null by function util_format_fetch_rgba_func sjfricke (1): isl: fix bug where sb.MOCS is not being set




Basta que você mantenha o seu sistema operacional Linux atualizado e em breve ira receber a nova versão.

Para Arch Linux e derivados

sudo pacman -Syu

Para Debian e derivados

sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade

Para Fedora e derivados

sudo dnf update

Para openSUSE

sudo zypper update

 Para verificar a versão do Mesa em seu sistema execute.

glxinfo | grep version




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