LibreOffice 6.1.1 chega com varias correções

O LibreOffice é a melhor suite de escritório livre, sempre em pleno desenvolvimento lança sua nova versão com mais de 100 correções de bugs, confira nessa matéria.


LibreOffice é uma suíte de aplicativos livre para escritório disponível para Windows, Unix, Solaris, Linux e Mac OS X. A suíte utiliza o formato OpenDocument — formato homologado como ISO/IEC 26300 e NBR ISO/IEC 26300 — e é também compatível com os formatos do Microsoft Office, além de outros formatos legados. Wikipédia

LibreOffice 6.1.1

Essa nova versão vem com 113 correções de bugs que você pode conferir abaixo.

Bugs fixed compared to 6.1.0
coverity#1438224 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara]
deb#905442 apparmor: fix saving files in enforced mode [Vincas Dargis]
i#66963 Excel file with large graphic crashes calc for memory usage [Caolán McNamara]
i#71244 new chart: Updates of charts in writer [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#9603 infinite recursion [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#9689 outer loop unrelated to inner loop [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#9856 outer loop unrelated to inner loop [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#9892 null-dereference [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#9908 validate no negative editengine selection positions [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#9917 use a WW8SprmIter to find the sprm [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#9934 null deref [Caolán McNamara]
rhbz#1610692 [fix available] (soffice:13740): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 10:28:04.861: gtk_widget_queue_draw_area: assertion 'height >= 0' failed [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#37223 Direct copy & paste from Calc into existing Writer table, places all in one cell (work around: paste-special in new table first) [László Németh]
tdf#41425 FILESAVE: Formatting and/or data validation, positioned after last non-empty cell, is lost when saving to XLS or XLSX [László Németh]
tdf#63561 FILESAVE: Removed tab stop returns on roundtrip [Justin Luth]
tdf#81943 FILEOPEN: RTF - Image should be placed behind table (wrap through-in background) [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#91502 The functions FORMULA and ISFORMULA do not return the correct array under "iterative evaluation" condition (array-evaluation) [Eike Rathke]
tdf#94502 FILESAVE: Distorted and unusable export of stacked bar chart to Excel .XLSX [Balazs Varga]
tdf#96275 FILEOPEN RTF: Incorrect basic shape position [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#96469 FILESAVE: Data Point Color in Charts lost on DOCX/XLSX export [Balazs Varga]
tdf#98074 FILESAVE: Cell formatting lost / corrupted style.xml (reported by Excel) when saving file to XLSX [Markus Mohrhard]
tdf#98558 FILEOPEN: CRASH: ODS with large chart out of memory 'Bad Allocation' on 32-bit LO since LO 4.0 [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#101254 Arrowheads in sidebar are disabled, although object can carry arrowheads. [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#101534 EDITING: paragraph in specific document (content from external source?) changes indent when copying and pasting from and to same paragraph [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#107012 date with custom format macro and locale other than English don't produce desired result [Eike Rathke]
tdf#108078 [FILESAVE DOCX] Chart title area fill property lost when saved as DOCX [Balazs Varga]
tdf#108608 EDITING: Draw file be unresponsive if a large text is pasted into a textbox [Noel Grandin]
tdf#109077 FILEOPEN: Word text boxes with background, become two in LO [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#109137 FILESAVE: ODT: when reopened with LO, the graphic moves to page 2 [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#111306 EDITING: The master slide loses the background when changing page format of orientation using the sidebar [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#112447 Image not visible if other image hidden by unused Page style [Michael Stahl]
tdf#112563 'Random' number displayed on style organizer page [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#112975 LibO is maxing out one core for a long time (since LibO 6.0) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#113889 [FILESAVE]: changes format of date in cell from DD.MM.YY to MM.DD.YY with save file to .XLSX [Eike Rathke]
tdf#114427 LibreOffice crashes on disposing a frame with a basic macro [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#115086 Crash in: sc::PivotTableDataProvider::assignLabelsToDataSequence(unsigned int) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#115254 [NEWHELP] Some branch bookmarks are not working [Olivier Hallot]
tdf#115438 Pasting unformatted text over selected text causing LibreOffice Impress not to respond [Paul Trojahn]
tdf#115937 FILEOPEN: crash when opening this .odp file [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#116350 PPTX: Missing font effect "transformation" support [Szymon Kłos]
tdf#116370 Printing doesn't start in particular documents until you show first pages [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#116856 Update Appdata screenshots [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#117017 Text formatting .uno:Subscript, .uno:Superscript work from menu and Sidebar deck, but not completed with assigned keyboard shortcut [Maxim Monastirsky]
tdf#117069 Crash when double-clicking in an empty chart that was saved as XLS [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#117081 cannot create Firebird embedded database unless experimental features is turned on [Xisco Faulí]
tdf#117086 Writer crashes when opening odt from the attached document [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#117127 error when reading the value of a variable in the IDE (crash) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#117426 CRASH: Print Preview crashes on signed document without infobar [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#117553 Footnote navigation when in footnote text is inconsistent [Jim Raykowski]
tdf#117707 Fontwork border line increases from 0,02inch to 0,03 inch when copy/pasting a fontwork between two sessions [Armin Le Grand]
tdf#117795 Base crashes when selecting all controls on a Report and trying to change the font [Julien Nabet]
tdf#117797 Crash / assert when resaving a specific PPT [Tomaž Vajngerl]
tdf#117892 Area tab: Bitmap preview is not shown [Jim Raykowski]
tdf#117972 Incorrect source string for UI in Pootle - Libreoffice 6 and Master [heiko tietze]
tdf#118058 Writer hangs opening ODT document created in Writer 5 [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#118107 Assertion failure when playing Fade in and Swivel animation (with OpenGL) [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#118150 FILEOPEN XLSX Chart width gets compressed [Bartosz Kosiorek]
tdf#118261 Doesn't work new feature New “spell out” chapter numbering styles for Russian [Christian Lohmaier]
tdf#118281 Form control information for Text Box use 'cm' for units, not units as selected in other dialogs. [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#118377 CRASH: Writer crashes inserting a section [Armin Le Grand]
tdf#118381 Inaccurate symbol signs [Thorsten Wagner]
tdf#118385 CRASH: LibreOffice Writer unexpectedly silently exits on loading a certain document. [Szymon Kłos]
tdf#118453 Navigator drag mode doesn't work [SalimHabchi]
tdf#118457 [UI] Help button should be on the left of dialog (iv) [Olivier Hallot]
tdf#118528 FILEOPEN ODT Table rendered in wrong position. Position change reverts after save. [Justin Luth]
tdf#118547 Lock mark on protected sheet tab disappears when entering wrong password [Julien Nabet]
tdf#118593 Opening first document pauses for 6-7 s, drops to 2 s by inserting a smart card into reader [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#118609 [CRASH] [Basic] [Calc] on closing a file if open hidden and if a particular subroutine is used before closing [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#118659 FILEOPEN: Read Error in .EPS images inserted in LibreOffice 6.0 beta1 or older [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#118730 Label in report builder doesn't have text [Armin Le Grand]
tdf#118751 FIREBIRD: Firebird support is available by default with version 6.1RC [Xisco Faulí]
tdf#118786 Crash deleting a table using the floating table toolbar [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#118844 [NEWHELP] Colibre icons missing in several help pages. [Olivier Hallot]
tdf#118859 Crash when two Fields are empty, on same line and inside a table and hide paragraphs of empty fields active [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#118860 Impress opengl: hang when switching to slide where graphic is loaded async [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#118976 Area tab: Pattern preview is not shown [Jim Raykowski]
tdf#118983 inserting columns or rows changes global named ranges on different sheets if expand references is on and insertion touches the edge (ignoring sheet) [Eike Rathke]
tdf#118990 VLOOKUP in XLSX with external reference to Windows share saved incorrectly [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#118994 JAWS has no access to accessibility objects [Ilhan Yesil]
tdf#119013 Date Format MM/DD/YY not Preserved When reading XLSX or XLS [Eike Rathke]
tdf#119015 A .PPTX has table in wrong position (at the top), with one cell blue without text [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#119029 Saving presentations with charts to PPTX looses data labels rotation [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#119034 ADDRESS function >> R1C1 style is used instead of A1 style, if "A1" argument is floating-point number with zero integer [Eike Rathke]
tdf#119052 Two "Edit Style" buttons on the "Character Style" dialog [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#119117 German sort algorithm "phone book" does not work [Julien Nabet]
tdf#119128 CALC: toggle INSERT/OVERWRITE is broken since 6.1 [Maxim Monastirsky]
tdf#119130 Menu items opening with a delay in a document containing a large amount of comments ( not gtk3) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#119133 QT5 integration Save As or PDF Export dialog has and empty file name and always home directory [Katarina Behrens]
tdf#119136 FILEOPEN: DOCX from TextMaker freezes Writer due to a style with a blank name [Justin Luth]
tdf#119137 MAXIFS, MINIFS, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS: error in parameters list (Err:504) for scalar value (non-reference, non-array) as main range [Eike Rathke]
tdf#119141 This version is unable to retrieve data from a webpage (link external data) [Justin Luth]
tdf#119155 Freeze after command format->text->Capitalize Every Word [Julien Nabet]
tdf#119160 PPTX: Font effect 'transformation' save with shape filling [Szymon Kłos]
tdf#119162 Format > Text > Cycle Case on attached example file hangs Calc reproducibly [Julien Nabet]
tdf#119169 Impress 6.1 CRASH when editing bulleted list ( steps in comment 4) [Noel Grandin]
tdf#119194 Deprecation warning mentions wrong command line parameter when -convert-to used [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#119212 List of character sets in ASCII Filter Options is mixed up [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#119224 Crash scrolling formatted 2007 DOCX with revision, comments and images (SfxListener::~SfxListener() EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_WRITE) ( steps in comment 8 ) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#119231 Help button in "Sign Signature Line" dialogue [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#119234 filter import of OOXML Shapes from Word fail to render in LibreOffice [Noel Grandin]
tdf#119245 Base form opens over top of query parameter replacement dialog opened by query form is based off. [Maxim Monastirsky]
tdf#119251 Indents & Spacing doesn't accept non-default units [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#119252 Fileopen: Table opens a width of 115.60 cm (since LibO6.1) in webview [Stephan Bergmann]
tdf#119276 Sidebar Deck icon is not set through extension [Tomaž Vajngerl]
tdf#119282 Area tab: Pattern color change results in pattern shown in Bitmap tab page [Noel Grandin]
tdf#119294 Intermittent crash when Frame and document have blank database fields and "Hide paragraphs" option on [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#119325 Tooltip not shown in colour palette [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#119326 The application crashes when you add the "Windows Share" File Services resource [Noel Grandin]
tdf#119357 No text printed since upgrade to 6.1 Linux - no font-information in postscript file [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#119399 Add new Venezuela currency bolívar soberano (VES) [Eike Rathke]
tdf#119402 Wrong result of Conditional formatting with type Date: condition "This week" shows 9 days in week instead 7 days [Eike Rathke]
tdf#119425 Use Ctrl+Tab to switch between sheets on macOS [heiko tietze]
tdf#119427 The selectionChanged event of the interface does not work with mouse clicks. [Julien Nabet]


Pra ter a mais nova versão do LibreOffice você deve entender que elas são altamente instáveis ainda, só devem ser usadas por usuários com conhecimento intermediário e nunca em computadores de produção.

Ciente dos riscos instale de acordo com a sua distribuição.

Para Debian testing e derivados.

Torne seu sistema híbrido, precisamos de pacotes do repositório experimental.

Aprenda usar o Debian testing hibrido contrib non-free.

Instale com o comando abaixo.

sudo apt install -t experimental libreoffice

Para Ubuntu 18.04 e posteriores.

Adicione a PPA Fresh do LibreOffice.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa

Atualize a lista de pacotes.

sudo apt update

Atualize o sistema para atualizar o LibreOffice.

sudo apt full-upgrade


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