Lançado o Archinstall versão 2.4.0.RC1

O Archinstall veio para facilitar a instalação do sistema e com isso aproximar os novatos do seu fantástico mundo, confira as novidades desse lançamento.


Archinstall é uma biblioteca auxiliar para instalar o Arch Linux. Ele é empacotado com diferentes instaladores pré-configurados, tais como o instalador "guided".

Para quem ainda não conhece o archinstal confira nosso vídeo.

Archinstall versão 2.4.0.RC1

Essa nova versão recebeu uma repaginada na aparência, começando pelo novo menu.

Alguns destaques interessantes para o archinstall 2.5

  • Opções de compactação transparente do sistema de arquivos Btrfs e o modo sem cópia na gravação de dados (nodatacow)
  • Varias melhorias para o uso de scripts complementares ao instalador.
  • Uso do kwrite no lugar do kate.
  • E várias outras novidades que você confere no quadro abaixo.
  • Correções no Xorg para amdgpu

 No quadro abaixo você pode conferir o log completo de correções e alterações.

Localization/Translation options for all archinstall output (Currently us, es and se is available). To contribute please read the translation contribution README Introduction of pytest test cases for a lot of the code archinstall.package_search() was added to streamline the package search into one place, and move the logic for parsing the results into find_package() instead. archinstall.Installer().minimal_installation now has two new flags, testing=False and multilib=False. archinstall.Installer() now has a new function .enable_multilib_repository() which enables multilib in the pacman conf. archinstall.Installer() now has a new function .enable_testing_repositories() which enables testing repos in the pacman conf. Created archinstall.load_config() and archinstall.save_config() functions for loading and saving configurations, instead of having it in guided. This should allow people to seamlessly load configurations and save it through the "archinstall" format. No need to create your own format and configurations unless you want to. Arguments are always initialized through['arguments'] but this should allow for processing configurations through --conf independent of guided. archinstall.post_process_arguments() has been added and will be execute after loading of configurations. This cleans up any arguments and converts it to proper archinstall structures. The .uuid property of archinstall.Partition() and archinstall.BlockDevice() now uses blkid instead of lsblk, which should improve reliability and stability when used together with partprobe. Improvements to the BTRFS handling has been made, namely allowing for more complex layouts. Among those things are also the option for compression and nodatacow. Partitions now has a "bind name" definition to deal with BTRFS "virtual" namespace. archinstall.split_bind_name() can split partition representations into traditional /dev/x and @/. archinstall.Partition().end_sectors has been added to give the sector at which the partition ends, .size now uses lsblk to return the size. archinstall.Partition().device_path now returns /dev/x even if the partition has a logical namespace attached to it. archinstall.Partition().bind_name has been added to get the logical namespace for a partition archinstall.Partition().partprobe now only calls partprobe on the partition itself, rather than system wide. archinstall.Partition().format() now homogenize the name of the filesystem to format so that vfat and fat32 are treated equally for instance. archinstall.Partition().mount() now handles BTRFS virtual namespaces by checking the .bind_name property and adds the corresponding mount options required. archinstall.SysCommand* now escapes VT100 escape codes by default on the output when iterating over the result output. Multiple partitions now store a key-file for each partition, but not for multiple subvolumes using the same luks volume. archinstall.Installer() now keeps track of which packages have been installed. archinstall.minimal_installation() now enables periorid trim by default archinstall.add_bootloader() now sets --removable for GRUB on UEFI to try and eliminate some oddities where EFI wouldn't boot the GRUB setup. archinstall.SysCommand* now allows to override system locales. By default en_US locale will be set. But this could be useful for overriding locales and get output in another language. Keep in mind that output matching (if b'example' in SysCommand("ssh @x") would need to be localized from 'example' to for instance 'exempel' in swedish if you override en_US) archinstall.list_installed_locales() has been added to list the available locales archinstall.list_timezones() has been added to show available time-zones using timedatectl as the source of truth archinstall.update_keyring() has been added as a specific call to make it clear what we're doing in guided. Guided will now attempt update the keyring if it's out of date. This function is deprecated upon release and will be removed once stability to archlinux-keyring can be guaranteed. (Upstream is tracking this in a private issue Examples have been created for --disk_layouts, --creds and --conf. Since they are now split into separate files to comply with security concerns when sharing user configurations publicly. This makes supporting easier, and multiple machine setups easier as they can share common --conf but have different --disk_layouts for instance. profiles/applications/ has been added as a application profile to properly configure pipewire Python based qtile has been added as a new Windows Manager (WM) archinstall.group_search() have been added to return information about a package group archinstall.get_subvolumes_from_findmnt() takes a findmt JSON struct and yields BtrfsSubvolume dataclasses for each result found. archinstall.get_subvolume_info() takes a path, and returns a dict containing all the information about the subvolume archinstall/lib/disk/ data class has been added to separate logic between block devices, loopdevices and dmcrypt devices specifically. DMCryptDev().MapperDev can be used to access the mapper device associated. dm-0 -> /dev/mapper/luksloop for instance. DMCryptDev().mountpoint can be used to see where the cryptdev is mounted DMCryptDev().filesystem returns the mapperdev's filesystem archinstall/lib/disk/ data class has been added just like dmcryptdev to separate logic between devices further. MapperDev().subvolumes is one of the few/many helper functions which returns subvolumes on the specified /dev/mapper/ device. archinstall.blkid() has been added to help with calling, parsing and returning data from blkid. Returns a dict with the information. archinstall.get_loop_info() returns losetup information in a dict structure archinstall.enrich_blockdevice_information can enrich blkid and other structures with information from /sys/class/block/* archinstall.uevent() is a parser for /sys/class/block/{dev_name}/uevent information archinstall.get_blockdevice_uevent() retrieves information for a given /sys/class/block/{dev_name}/uevent dev name. archinstall.get_parent_of_partition() returns a string path to the parent of a partition archinstall.find_mountpoint() returns a dict containing information returned from findmnt without additional parsing archinstall.get_all_targets() cleans up findmnt and returns only the mount point based on looking at targets archinstall.Partition().mountpoint has been added to make it easier to access where a partition is mounted. archinstall.Partition().subvolumes has been added and iterates all subvolumes under the specific partition archinstall.TranslationError is a new exception that might pop up archinstall.Installer().add_bootloader() now called separate functions for the three different supported boot loader. The code does the same more or less, just separated into functions for easier maintenance. archinstall.Installer().add_systemd_bootloader() archinstall.Installer().add_grub_bootloader() archinstall.Installer().add_efistub_bootloader() archinstall.Installer().enable_sudo now places configurations in /etc/sudoers.d/* instead of modifying /etc/sudoers.

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