Lançado a Distro Deepin Linux 20.5

O Deepin 20.5 é lançado com varias novidades, confira.

Deepin 20.5

O Anúncio foi feito em 31 de Março de 2022.

"No deepin 20.5, um grande número de recursos práticos coletados do feedback do usuário é desenvolvido e lançado, o kernel estável é atualizado para a versão 5.15.24, as vulnerabilidades subjacentes são corrigidas e a compatibilidade e a segurança do sistema são aprimoradas ainda mais. Bem-vindo a experimentá-lo."



Reconhecimento facial

O reconhecimento facial, um dos métodos de autenticação biométrica, é suportado em dispositivos adaptados. Depois de registrar seu rosto no Centro de Controle, da próxima vez na tela de bloqueio e na interface de login, você poderá fazer login no deepin com seu ID de rosto.

Fixar capturas de tela

Ao clicar em "Pin Screenshots" antes de fazer uma captura de tela, a captura de tela ficará grudada no topo das janelas e sua posição poderá ser movida. Ao "fixar" esta imagem na área de trabalho, você pode usar outros aplicativos ao mesmo tempo para melhorar a eficiência do trabalho. 


Ele suporta várias funções práticas, como recebimento automático de e-mail após a conexão da rede e gerenciamento de pastas personalizadas, otimizou de forma abrangente as interações e substituiu a estrutura e os plugins pelo popular vue+tinymce, trazendo uma melhor experiência do usuário. 

Loja de aplicativos

Ele oferece as entradas para enviar feedback e solicitar atualizações. Quando você tiver problemas de instalação e atualização do aplicativo, envie os problemas na página do aplicativo diretamente para o suporte oficial e obtenha soluções. Além disso, ele suporta dispositivos de tela sensível ao toque com gestos de um dedo e vários dedos. 

Pesquisa geral

A precisão da recuperação e o escopo da pesquisa foram bastante otimizados, e os tipos de arquivo e as extensões de arquivo podem ser usados como palavras-chave para uma pesquisa precisa. 


O Log completo no quadro.

New features and optimizations Kernel The Stable kernel is updated to version 5.15.24. DDE Facial authentication is available on adapted devices. Multiple IPs can be set for a single wired network adapter. The interactions of password authentication for wireless networks are optimized. Installer The Privacy Policy is updated. Grand Search File types and file extensions can be used as keywords. The search scope is enlarged. Device Manager Devices can be enabled/disabled. Local drivers of devices in deb format can be installed, updated, and uninstalled. Document Viewer The performance for viewing DOCX files is optimized. Mail In the new version, you can: Jump to new emails directly by clicking system notifications. Automatically receive emails when the network is reconnected. Add folders to and remove folders from the Favorite folder. Stick common emails and aggregated emails on top. Preview email attachments. Add Gmail, Yahoo Mail easily. Import contacts in vCard format. Switch the character encoding to fix the display error in the email body. See the "Send Time" in the forwarded email. Send files by clicking the "Send by email" option in the right-click menu. Receive emails automatically every few days. Get enriched functions of mail editor. Movie More video/audio file formats are supported. Screen Capture Screenshots can be pinned on top of windows. Music Playlists can be reordered by dragging and dropping songs in them. Image Viewer Some error messages are added. Album Imported folders are automatically added as new albums. Some error messages are added. The logic of file deletion and restoration is optimized. The display of Album is optimized when it is called by third-party applications. File Manager Custom corner markers can be added to files by third-party programs. Custom context menus can be configured by third-party programs. Showing file extensions in file names can be enabled or disabled in settings. Some special characters are supported in file names. App Store Some touchscreen devices are supported. The feedback page is added. "Ask for update" is added on the app details page. "Do not show installed applications" is added in the Settings of the main menu. It is available to drag and drop the window on the left and top of App Store. Prompts for downloading and installation failure are added. Downloading and installing extensions in App Store are supported for Browser over V5.5.4. libreoffice LibreOffice is upgraded to V7.0.4 and the libreoffice-gtk3 style is added. System Monitor The information in the "Services" module is optimized. Others Upstream icon themes are synced to update some old app icons. Driver packages of NVIDIA graphics cards are added. The systemd250 is integrated. Bug fixes DDE Fixed: after installing the flatpak package of Telegram and upgrading Telegram, its icon was not shown in the launcher on some devices. Fixed: multiple identical icons were in the tray area of the Dock on some devices. Fixed: after successful updates in dual-screen extended mode, it changed to copy mode on some devices. Fixed: in 12-hour time format, the time in the Dock was incompletely displayed. Fixed: failed to automatically lock screen on some devices if the focus was on an unselected option. Fixed: wireless networks cannot be found and listed on some devices. Fixed: some app icons were wrongly displayed in the Dock on some devices after the apps exited. Fixed: failed to open the launcher after system updates on some devices. Fixed: the brightness value in Control Center was shown incorrectly on some devices. Fixed: the logo on the lock screen was wrongly displayed if the display scaling was set to 5 on some HiDPI screens. Fixed: failed to restore the maximized window of Control Center the first time on some devices. Fixed: there was still a "More" button under the changelog for system updates even when the changelog had been shown completely. Fixed: the WPS apps were blurry when the display scaling was set to 1.25. Fixed: UI issues. Backup and Restore Fixed: the backup time was 8 hours earlier than the modification time on some devices. Fixed: the system cannot be entered on some devices after restoring to factory settings with full disk encryption. File Manager Fixed: When copying a small file to a USB flash drive on some devices, the progress was very slow. Fixed: the icon of Document Viewer was missed in the "Open with" window on some devices. Fixed: it crashed on some devices when you selected a video file and hit the spacebar to preview it. Text Editor Fixed: after replacing text and closing Text Editor twice on some devices, the paste function was unavailable the third time. Movie Fixed: an abnormal blank window had appeared when you pressed the spacebar to play a video on some devices. Fixed: failed to play videos from URL addresses on some devices. Fixed: it crashed on some devices after opening Movie on the desktop and playing a video from an URL. App Store Fixed: it crashed on some devices in the process of installing applications. Fixed: the installation failure message was shown on some devices even though the applications installed were opened. Fixed: large banner thumbnails took up a large amount of CPU on some devices. Fixed: it did not display all changelog content on some devices after clicking the "More" button for applications to be updated. Fixed: the application had been installed while its status displayed was "downloading". Fixed: the searched keywords were missed in the input box after performing the search operation and jumping to the "search results" interface. Grand Search Fixed: it was available to search for files under hidden directories. Optimized: its stability and performance. Others Fixed: system security vulnerabilities to improve system security. Fixed: microphones cannot be used for sound input on some Intel models (10th and 11th generation low-voltage processors). Fixed: system updates were stuck on some devices and the system cannot be entered.



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