Lançado o pacote de correções KDE Plasma 5.21.3

Os desenvolvedores do KDE Plasma lançam o terceiro pacote de correções para a versão 5.21, confira.


KDE Plasma 5.21.3

O anúncio foi feito em 16 de março de 2021.

"Hoje o KDE lança uma atualização de correção de bugs para o KDE Plasma 5, versão 5.21.3. O Plasma 5.21 foi lançado em fevereiro de 2021 com muitos refinamentos de recursos e novos módulos para completar a experiência do desktop. Esta versão adiciona duas semanas de novas traduções e correções dos contribuidores do KDE."


Os pacotes de correções não costumam ser muito grandes, mas contem ajustes muito importantes.

Nesse pacote de correções os seguintes pacotes receberam correções.

  • Bluedevil
  • Breeze
  • breeze-gtk
  • Discover
  • Dr Konqi
  • Plasma Addons
  • KDE Hotkeys
  • Info Center
  • KSysGuard
  • kwayland-server
  • KWin
  • libksysguard
  • Oxygen
  • Plasma Browser Integration
  • Plasma Desktop
  • Plasma Firewall
  • Plasma Networkmanager (plasma-nm)
  • Plasma Phone Components
  • Plasma Systemmonitor
  • plasma-thunderbolt
  • plasma-vault
  • Plasma Workspace
  • plasma-workspace-wallpapers
  • qqc2-breeze-style
  • System Settings

Os detalhes das correções podem ser vistos no quadro abaixo.

Plasma 5.21.3 Complete Changelog Bluedevil Manually bind width of list item. Commit. [applet] Enable Bluetooth checkbox should be always enabled. Commit. Fixes bug #433232 Breeze Correct global theme metadata. Commit. Fixes bug #414417 In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. breeze-gtk Adjust menu heights to properly match Breeze QStyle, second time. Commit. Fixes bug #433158 Gtk3, gtk4: unscrew libhandy’s height. Commit. Fixes bug #430081 Discover Only turn http[s] links into clickable links. Commit. Do not fiddle with the search field when its not visible. Commit. Updates: wrap the text when it doesn’t fit. Commit. Dr Konqi Map kdeinit5. Commit. Fixes bug #433483 Wire up productInfoError to fall back to ‘kde’ product. Commit. Don’t assert that there is 1 product. Commit. Input focus is no longer dancing tango with two text fields. Commit. Fixes bug #433480 Refine warning message. Commit. Log why debugger entered failure state. Commit. Plasma Addons Fix outdated API key for flickr provider. Commit. See bug #427566 KDE Hotkeys In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. Info Center Force-resize columns in the wayland module. Commit. Fixes bug #433327 KSysGuard Add missing #include . Commit. Fixes bug #433517 Add providerName to power plugin. Commit. Use correct unit for charge rate. Commit. kwayland-server Update pressed keys even if there is no focused surface. Commit. KWin In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. Inputmethod: Use the object to connect to slots. Commit. Wayland: Do not force qtvirtualkeyboard. Commit. In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. Inputmethod: If the client hides itself, act accordingly. Commit. In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. libksysguard Avoid emitting configurationChanged during save. Commit. Fixes bug #422672 SensorDataModel: Do not insert columns that are out of range. Commit. Fixes bug #433064 Properly initialize the parent widget to nullptr in ProcessController. Commit. Fixes bug #434074 Also emit showTitleChanged when reloading the config. Commit. Fixes bug #433954 Fix build. Commit. Move CGroup pid fetching callback to the controller. Commit. Fixes bug #430615 Oxygen In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. Plasma Browser Integration In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. Plasma Desktop [kcms/joystick] Fix minor leak. Commit. Fixes bug #385894 Require KF5Codecs. Commit. [kcms/keyboard] Allow faster keyboard repeat rates. Commit. Fixes bug #286760 Kcm/autostart: Add missing include. Commit. Pass Qt::MatchExactly when calling QAbstractItemModel::match for strings. Commit. In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. Plasma Firewall In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. Plasma Networkmanager (plasma-nm) In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. [applet] Remove broken call to closeSearch(). Commit. [applet] Manually bind width of list item. Commit. In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. Plasma Phone Components Fix panel clock from not respecting 12/24 hour settings. Commit. In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. Avoid potential double dbus start. Commit. Remove code pushed by mistake. Commit. Apporder reflects favorites. Commit. Plasma Systemmonitor The checkbox can be bigger than the text. Commit. Fixes bug #434009 Ensure correct paddings. Commit. Fixes bug #434007 Display existing search text in search field for application/process pages. Commit. Fixes bug #433324 Set “ForceSaveOnDestroy” to true for Applications and Processes faces. Commit. Do not call a non-existing function. Commit. Fixes bug #433706 Avoid showing “Processes: 0” in applications sidebar whilst loading. Commit. Fixes bug #433326 Properly change colorSet. Commit. Fixes bug #434006 Fix some visual bugs of the KillDialog. Commit. Fixes bug #433751 Fix initial size of page download dialog. Commit. Fixes bug #433726 plasma-thunderbolt In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. Include for std::this_thread::sleep_for. Commit. plasma-vault Manually bind width of list item. Commit. Plasma Workspace [Image wallpaper] Make the Positioning combobox as equally wide as the other comboboxes. Commit. [Notifications] Emit dataChanged in setData call. Commit. See bug #429862 [applets/devicenotifier] Manually bind width of list item. Commit. Re-add Force Font DPI spinbox on Wayland. Commit. Fixes bug #433115 Proper form factor filtering. Commit. Fixes bug #433983 Pass Qt::MatchExactly when calling QAbstractItemModel::match for strings. Commit. Adapt more KCMs to using Kirigami.ActionToolbar for their footer actions. Commit. Fix query of StartPlasma::hasSystemdService. Commit. Fixes bug #433333 In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. [lookandfeel/ActionButton] Fix broken focus effect. Commit. Fixes bug #433755 Use separate face controller for appearance config. Commit. Fixes bug #424458 plasma-workspace-wallpapers In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. qqc2-breeze-style Revert “[Units] Add sizeForLabels”. Commit. [Units] Add sizeForLabels. Commit. [RangeSlider] Lower Kirigami version to 2.14. Commit. SDDM KCM Use Kirigami.ActionToolBar to auto-resize the SDDM KCM’s footer. Commit. System Settings [sidebar view] Set header KCM icon size correctly. Commit. In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch “ours”. Commit. Underscores are not allowed in action names. Commit. Fixes bug #433109





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