Blender 3.3.1 LTS

Lançado o Blender 3.3.1 LTS, confira as novidades desse canivete suíço para modelagem, animação, texturização, composição, renderização, e edição de vídeo.

Blender 3.3.1 LTS

O programa Blender LTS visa garantir que projetos duradouros possam ser executados usando uma versão estável do Blender, que fornecerá correções críticas ao longo de um período de 2 anos. A versão LTS não terá novos recursos, alterações de API ou melhorias. Qualquer correção crítica aplicada à versão estável mais recente será regularmente portada para versões ativas do Blender LTS.

Esse lançamento tem suporte até September 2024, no quadro abaixo temos o changelog do Blender 3.3.1 LTS.

Regression: The start frame of NLA tracks can not be negative. [T100918] Cycles shows transmission in displaced shader as black. [T100914] Cryptomatte layers saved incorrectly with EXR DWA compression. [T96933] Cryptomatte EXR Output Bit Depth should always be 32bit. [T88049] Banding-like effect in Cycles using OpenVDB volumes. [T100714] Texture bake fills black when set clear texture. [T100708] The eevee view model failed to load the texture, causing the model to be purple. [T57759] EEVEE: Fix attributes node on Alpha Clip/Hashed materials. [rB5e372fca7c8] Regression: “Copy Location” constraint doesn’t work if the control object is a vertex and we’re in edit mode. [T99141] UI: Add shift-click hint to library overrides button tooltip. [rBc25181be4d8] Fix: Spreadsheet row filters unimplemented for boolean type. [rBbcdb90b9618] OBJ exporter does not properly export “image sequence” texture names. [T100669] New 3.1+ OBJ exporter UI fields order could be improved. [T96297] Some C++ importers/exporters (e.g. OBJ) reset file dialog Sort By mode. [T100887] Fix: link drag search feature only works forgeometry nodes groups. [rB568265964e9] Sync markers option doesn’t work when sliding keyframes with a keyboard entry. [T100851] GPencil: Copy paste stroke(s) does not respect autokeying value. [T100999] GLibC Compat: Add deprecated memory hooks symbols removed from 2.34. [rBbf6a9d705f1] Cleanup: quiet missing-variable-declarations warning. [rBec2938c71a5] Fix compilation on Linux, glibc 2.34, and CentOS libraries. [rB6143b3ab382] Stereo Top/Bottom Render (Cycles) Missing Z Channel:. [T100886] Incorrect strip length when timecodes are used. [T100771] 3.3LTS: crash when entering sculpt mode of a wire mesh if it is a “custom object” of a bone. [T101081] Regression: Blender Crashes When snap roll a bone in armature. [T101040] Color picker colors drift value for some OCIO configurations. [T101000] vse group strips expanding in length on cancelled movement. [T101098] GPencil: Important feature request for Blender 3.3 LTS: Add new option “Forced Intersection”. [T101087] Regression: VSE doesn’t interpolate Scene Strip anymore. [T100998] Regression: Crash on connecting UV sphere node to transform node. [T101137] Regression: Crash when left click on Point Density node. [T101001] GPencil: Add frame number to Trace operator. [rBfe15766f463] Regression: Tiled rendering is not applied to texture baking in 3.x onwards, causing crash on large bakes. [T100626] Regression: Denoising depth pass: different result from 3.2.2 (ok) to 3.3. [T101065] Add oneAPI to the ‘cycles_device’ command line argument help text. [rBa920f32] obj: support importing multiple files at once. [rBdba599c8064] GPencil: Allow import several SVG at time. [rB345cdf71e96] C++ exporters (OBJ/Collada/USD/Alembic) do not remember the path/filename on subsequent exports. [T100797] Regression: Drag and Drop seems to be broken for image files from desktop. [T100899] glTF exporter: Fix crash when original texture export is packed. [rBAed9b7805] glTF exporter: Fix default sheen factors. [rBA0f1e12d8] glTF exporter: optimized animation size option was not saved when ‘remember export settings’. [rBA6552dc49] UI Animation Render: Attribute error when running in background. [T101239] glTF exporter: avoid crash when apply modifiers + shapekeys. [rBA06ad75f3] Regression: baking procedural texture in more than 2048 pixels fails. [T101354] Regression: Can’t save second Viewlayer as .exr. [T101365] No option to restore previous trackpad behavior on Windows since multitouch support. [T97925] glTF exporter: Fix color attribute export. [rBA4feb92043cbd] Regression: Export UV Layout is blurry. [T101134] UV editor: Console warning when hovered over tools. [T101138] EEVEE: Screen Space Refraction Artefacts when the viewport is narrow and non square. [T101034] Regression: Right aligned header. [T100141] Moving bone to another layer doesn’t trigger a depsgraph update. [T101046] Blender 3.2.1 – Animation on nodes gets bugged out when dealing with Node Groups (duplicate node names). [T101109] GPencil: Active layer separation freezes blender if layer is empty. [T101317] GPencil: Crash when sculpting after “bake object transform to grease pencil”. [T101370] Cycles: increase min-supported driver version for Intel GPUs. [rBa6c27ea49da] Regression: useless Snapping menu in the adjustment popup of Edge bevel weight operator. [T101343] Fix typo and and incorrect property initialization. [rBb4e8d03e5cf] Fix curves sculpting in deformed space when using Subdivide node. [rBede6c262229] GPencil: framechanging does not evaluate keyframed layer transform correctly (if this would result in identity matrix). [T101164] Regression: Console flooded with warnings when fluid type is Domain. [T101231] GPencil: Fix unreported memory leak in Fill inverse. [rB662ba67210b] Curve draw tool’s cursor depth mode use a random Z value when viewport camera is orthographic. [T101347] Node editor: Add driver to socket slots list?. [T101341] Fix missing Outliner updates when adding nodetrees. [rBcc8df686ad7] Geometry Nodes in searching pulls nodes from other node add-ons. [T101259] Regression: Screw Modifier Calculate Order is broken. [T101075] New OBJ importer handles UVs incorrectly when some faces of an object don’t have UVs. [T101487] Grease Pencil: New lines in Multiframe editing appear as Onion skinning overlay. [T101548] Grease Pencil: Selecting strokes in Edit Mode imprecise if layer transforms are animated. [T101564] Rain Test Animation demo crashes Blender 3.3. [T101559] Cycles: Spurious recompiles on Metal in Blender 3.3.x on macOS 13.0. [T101598] Regression: Incorrect context for running data unlink. [T101510] Regression: Deleting Object in outliner with a specific filter setting crashes Blender. [T101233]


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