Editor de imagens Krita 5.0 Beta 3 lançado para Linux

Os desenvolvedores do Krita pretendem lançar a versão final antes do Natal, confir as correções do Beta 3.







Krita é uma ferramenta de criação de ilustrações, concept art, histórias em quadrinhos, pinturas digitais, animações, possibilitando também ser usado como um programa de retoques e manipulação de fotografia, conversor de formatos, suportando vários modelos de cores e pintura HDR. Wikipédia



 Krita 5.0 Beta 3 

O anúncio de lançamento foi feito em 01 de Dezembro de 2021.

"Hoje estamos lançando o terceiro beta do Krita 5. Existem muitas correções em comparação ao beta 2. Nosso objetivo é lançar o Krita 5 antes do Natal e estamos começando a nos sentir um pouco confiantes sobre isso. Claro, as compilações noturnas estáveis já têm uma série de correções em comparação com esta versão beta ..."



No quadro abaixo você pode conferir as principais correções do Beta 3 em relação ao Beta 2.

Resources can no longer be assigned the speciall All and All Untagged tags. BUG:446148 Alpha-mask PNG brush tips work correctly again. BUG:445691 Android: creating a 16 bits integer image no longer crashes. BUG:445179 Thumbnail for MYB mypaint brushes in a bundle now are loaded. Fix a performance issue in the magnetic selection tool. The recorder no longer goes in an infinite loop if the selected colorspace is not supported by the recorder. Drag and drop of remote images and copy/paste of images from Chrome is fixed. BUG:446029 Cancelling pasting is fixed. BUG:438426 Tyson Tan provided many disambiguations for user-visible text, which helps improve translations. A crash that happened when opening the popup palette, closing the image then creating a new image was fixed. BUG:443402 Paste at Cursor now positions the clip correctly. BUG:446120 The outline of brushes with a non-standard number of spikes is now correct. BUG:445927 Disable subpixel translation in the transform tool. BUG:445714 Fix saving palette on quitting Krita. BUG:444309 Fix deduplication of resources on import. BUG:445367 A crash when using the text brush was fixed. BUG:443308 The handling of pattern files of types other than gimp patterns was fixed. BUG:443151 Resource libraries are now sorted in alphabetical order in the bundle manager. Patch by Reinold Rojas. Handling of really broken .kra files was improved. BUG:443559 Performance of textured brushes was improved. Renaming brush presets and SeExpr presets was fixed. BUG:445048 Fix saving MyPaint brush presets after modification. BUG:445281, BUG:445282 Improve the stylinmg of the tagging widget. BUG:445625 Fix a crash when trying to add or move layers too quickly. BUG:445831, BUG:444516 Fix a crash in the transform tool. BUG:441826 Fix the text tool not updating the font size correctly. Fix the initialization of the random generator for non-brush tools. BUG:445775 Fix tilt rotation when the canvas is rotated and the stabilizer is active. BUG:436618 Make the mesh gradient respond to the first invocation. BUG:445617 Make mesh gradient handles consistent with the mesh transform tool handles. BUG:442201 Fix canceling saving an edited gradient. Fix loading palettes of types other than GPL and KPL. Fix an assert when opening an SVG document. Make it possible to actually change between different resource folder locations. Make it possible to overwrite existing workspace definitions. BUG:444975 Fix a crash when warning the user when there is a problem saving a resource. BUG:445581 Update the Intel GPU driver version detection. Fix artefacts in the freehand selection tool in polygonal mode. BUG:441569 Fix issues with layer styles not be able to retrieve resources such as patterns or gradients. BUG:443621 Blacklist line tool to make it work while recorder is active. Make the line tool’s preview faster. BUG:411768 Fix the flickering in the line tool’s preview. Make it possible to save mypaint brush presets to resource bundles. Fix issues creating a new image from the clipboard. BUG:443111 Do not select control handles when using the Edit Shapes Tool rectangular selection option. BUG:434535 Fix updates when undoing pasting multiple layers. Fix adding a new file layer. Fix issues with testing the speed sensor in the scratch pad. BUG:425124 Fix issues with retrieving the pattern in the pattern fill layer generator. Fix artefacts in the color smudge lightness mode. Improve font style selection, enabling the proper styles to be selected. BUG:425312 Report to the user when a bundle fails to save. BUG:439110 Improve importing bundles. BUG:445336 Improve handling layer styles. Remove the vertical shift-drag to resize the current brush feature. BUG:442544 Improve handling and editing palettes. Fix a crash in the freehand selection tool. Fix issues with embedding palettes and other resources in a .KRA document. Fix a crash when working with gamut masks. Animation: fix caching bug when scrubbing from cached to uncached frame. BUG:445265 Fix some crashes when Krita is built with optional dependencies missing. BUG:445276 On database creation, add tags only after all storages have been added, so all resources that can be tagged by default are tagged. In the scale and resize image dialogs, set the focus on the first field instead of the OK button. BUG:445250, BUG:444806 Android: write document state info in mdiArea title. Fix issues creating, saving and updating SeExpr scripts. Fix issues creating, saving and updating workspaces. BUG:444980 Android: Fix crash in file handling on Android 11. Fix a crash when exporting an image with EXIV data. BUG:444256 Android: fix problems with the Android Back Button. Fix a crash when selecting a new color after a document has been closed. BUG:444308 Android: Fix closing the popup palette with a keyboard shortcut. BUG:443631 Improve color drag & drop on the canvas Fix update issues in KoDualColorButton. BUG:442861 Fix a possible crash on closing a document. BUG:444613 Improve the welcome page. Improve the preset history docker so the correct row is selected. Patch by Mike Will. Fix exporting a recorder session. Improve discrete canvas rotation. Patch by Reinold Rojas. BUG:429637 Animation: Improve the usability of navigating keyframes. BUG:444310 Animation: Fix a Windows-specific issue with the autokey blank causing artefacts. BUG:441588 Refine tablet right click popup palette behavior. BUG:441899 Fix saving the current session to the right location. BUG:443652 Fix the translation context of the layer group menu. BUG:444238 Make it possible to select and deselect ABR files in the brush tip tab of the preset editor. Fix handling jpeg2000 images. Fix a problem where editing text makes the color selector select the wrong color. BUG:443793 Android: fix hiding the popup palette when using Samsung Air Actions. BUG:443600 Make Krita 5 and Krita 4 session files compatible. Android: fix a memory leak in the Android Window Manager. Do not make the toolbars immovable after configuring a toolbar. BUG:441808 Change Lod in Move Tool to ‘true’ by default. Set Crop Tool to have Grow checked by default. Change autosave to be every 7 minutes. Change the default DPI when importing a PDF to 300. Make the layer docker narrower. Update SeExpr with upstream patches. OpenGL: support LoD on OpenGL ES 2. ANGLE: support 10 and 12-bit HDR. OpenGL ES: support float and half textures. OpenColorIO: use Natron’s workaround for parsing LUTs on localized systems. BUG:407921 OpenColorIO: support VFX Platform CY2021 and newer. BUG:435474 Improve the SeExpr user interface and parser. Halve the minimum width of recorder’s status bar item. Fixed default scrollwheel behavior on timeline to be consistent. BUG:443852 StoryboardDocker: Added more protection from duplicate names in storyboard docker. The storyboard export functionality has been improved. Fix crash during animation export. BUG:442578 Fix updates of the brush editor when the preset is chagned externally. BUG:443579 Fix the textured smudge brush causing square artifacts when drawing on a transparency mask. BUG:443422 Fix performance issues with textured brushes.



Você não precisa instalar a versão beta, basta fazer o download do Krita beta 3 empacotado em appimage, marcar como executável e executar para usar.

Download Krita 5.0 Beta 3 appimage

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