Lançado o navegador de internet Firefox 110

O Firefox 110 recebeu correções de segurança e novidades com destaque para importação de favoritos, histórico e senhas não apenas do Edge, Chrome ou Safari, Opera, Opera GX e Vivald. 


Lançado o navegador de internet Firefox 110

Mozilla Firefox é um navegador livre e multiplataforma desenvolvido pela Mozilla Foundation com ajuda de centenas de colaboradores. A intenção da fundação é desenvolver um navegador leve, seguro, intuitivo e altamente extensível. Wikipédia



  • Agora é possível importar favoritos, histórico e senhas não apenas do Edge, Chrome ou Safari, mas também do Opera, Opera GX e Vivaldi para todas as pessoas que desejam migrar para o Firefox!
  • A sandbox de GPU foi habilitada no Windows.
  • Observação: um bug na popular ferramenta X-Mouse Button Control (XMBC) pode fazer com que a rolagem da roda do mouse pare de funcionar. Os autores estão trabalhando em uma atualização. Enquanto isso, a rolagem pode ser restaurada reconfigurando o XMBC: desative a opção Tornar a janela de rolagem da roda de rolagem sob o cursor nas configurações globais ou ative a opção Desativar a janela de rolagem sob o cursor se estiver usando um perfil personalizado para o Firefox.
  • No Windows, os módulos de terceiros agora podem ser impedidos de se injetar no Firefox, o que pode ser útil se estiverem causando falhas ou outro comportamento indesejável.
  • Os campos de entrada de data, hora e local de data e hora agora podem ser limpos com o atalho Cmd+Backspace e Cmd+Delete no macOS e Ctrl+Backspace e Ctrl+Delete no Windows e Linux.
  • O Canvas2D acelerado por GPU é ativado por padrão no macOS e Linux.
  • Melhoria de desempenho do WebGL no Windows, MacOS e Linux.
  • Permite a sobreposição de vídeo decodificado por hardware com GPUs não Intel no Windows 10/11, melhorando o desempenho de reprodução de vídeo e a qualidade de dimensionamento de vídeo.

Correções de segurança

Security Vulnerabilities fixed in Firefox 110 Announced February 14, 2023 Impact high Products Firefox Fixed in Firefox 110 #CVE-2023-25728: Content security policy leak in violation reports using iframes Reporter Johan Carlsson Impact high Description The Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header could allow an attacker to leak a child iframe's unredacted URI when interaction with that iframe triggers a redirect. References Bug 1790345 #CVE-2023-25730: Screen hijack via browser fullscreen mode Reporter Irvan Kurniawan Impact high Description A background script invoking requestFullscreen and then blocking the main thread could force the browser into fullscreen mode indefinitely, resulting in potential user confusion or spoofing attacks. References Bug 1794622 #CVE-2023-25743: Fullscreen notification not shown in Firefox Focus Reporter Hafiizh Impact high Description A lack of in app notification for entering fullscreen mode could have lead to a malicious website spoofing browser chrome. This bug only affects Firefox Focus. Other versions of Firefox are unaffected. References Bug 1800203 #CVE-2023-0767: Arbitrary memory write via PKCS 12 in NSS Reporter Christian Holler Impact high Description An attacker could construct a PKCS 12 cert bundle in such a way that could allow for arbitrary memory writes via PKCS 12 Safe Bag attributes being mishandled. References Bug 1804640 #CVE-2023-25735: Potential use-after-free from compartment mismatch in SpiderMonkey Reporter Samuel Groß Impact high Description Cross-compartment wrappers wrapping a scripted proxy could have caused objects from other compartments to be stored in the main compartment resulting in a use-after-free after unwrapping the proxy. References Bug 1810711 #CVE-2023-25737: Invalid downcast in SVGUtils::SetupStrokeGeometry Reporter Lukas Bernhard Impact high Description An invalid downcast from nsTextNode to SVGElement could have lead to undefined behavior. References Bug 1811464 #CVE-2023-25738: Printing on Windows could potentially crash Firefox with some device drivers Reporter Mark Impact high Description Members of the DEVMODEW struct set by the printer device driver weren't being validated and could have resulted in invalid values which in turn would cause the browser to attempt out of bounds access to related variables. This bug only affects Firefox on Windows. Other operating systems are unaffected. References Bug 1811852 #CVE-2023-25739: Use-after-free in mozilla::dom::ScriptLoadContext::~ScriptLoadContext Reporter Holger Fuhrmannek Impact high Description Module load requests that failed were not being checked as to whether or not they were cancelled causing a use-after-free in ScriptLoadContext. References Bug 1811939 #CVE-2023-25729: Extensions could have opened external schemes without user knowledge Reporter Vitor Torres Impact moderate Description Permission prompts for opening external schemes were only shown for ContentPrincipals resulting in extensions being able to open them without user interaction via ExpandedPrincipals. This could lead to further malicious actions such as downloading files or interacting with software already installed on the system. References Bug 1792138 #CVE-2023-25732: Out of bounds memory write from EncodeInputStream Reporter Ronald Crane Impact moderate Description When encoding data from an inputStream in xpcom the size of the input being encoded was not correctly calculated potentially leading to an out of bounds memory write. References Bug 1804564 #CVE-2023-25734: Opening local .url files could cause unexpected network loads Reporter Ameen Basha M K and Shaheen Fazim Impact moderate Description After downloading a Windows .url shortcut from the local filesystem, an attacker could supply a remote path that would lead to unexpected network requests from the operating system. This also had the potential to leak NTLM credentials to the resource. This bug only affects Firefox on Windows. Other operating systems are unaffected. References Bug 1809923 Bug 1784451 Bug 1810143 Bug 1812338 #CVE-2023-25740: Opening local .scf files could cause unexpected network loads Reporter Axel Chong (@Haxatron) Impact moderate Description After downloading a Windows .scf script from the local filesystem, an attacker could supply a remote path that would lead to unexpected network requests from the operating system. This also had the potential to leak NTLM credentials to the resource. This bug only affects Firefox for Windows. Other operating systems are unaffected. References Bug 1812354 #CVE-2023-25731: Prototype pollution when rendering URLPreview Reporter pyakovlev & Alexander Volkov Impact low Description Due to URL previews in the network panel of developer tools improperly storing URLs, query parameters could potentially be used to overwrite global objects in privileged code. References Bug 1801542 #CVE-2023-25733: Possible null pointer dereference in TaskbarPreviewCallback Reporter Ronald Crane Impact low Description The return value from gfx::SourceSurfaceSkia::Map() wasn't being verified which could have potentially lead to a null pointer dereference. References Bug 1808632 #CVE-2023-25736: Invalid downcast in GetTableSelectionMode Reporter Lukas Bernhard Impact low Description An invalid downcast from nsHTMLDocument to nsIContent could have lead to undefined behavior. References Bug 1811331 #CVE-2023-25741: Same-origin policy leak via image drag and drop Reporter Dohyun Lee (@l33d0hyun) of SSD Labs Impact low Description When dragging and dropping an image cross-origin, the image's size could potentially be leaked. This behavior was shipped in 109 and caused web compatibility problems as well as this security concern, so the behavior was disabled until further review. References Bug 1813376 Bug 1437126 Bug 1812611 #CVE-2023-25742: Web Crypto ImportKey crashes tab Reporter Goras Francesco Impact low Description When importing a SPKI RSA public key as ECDSA P-256, the key would be handled incorrectly causing the tab to crash. References Bug 1813424 #CVE-2023-25744: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 110 and Firefox ESR 102.8 Reporter Mozilla developers and community Impact high Description Mozilla developers Kershaw Chang and the Mozilla Fuzzing Team reported memory safety bugs present in Firefox 109 and Firefox ESR 102.7. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort some of these could have been exploited to run arbitrary code. References Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 110 and Firefox ESR 102.8 #CVE-2023-25745: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 110 Reporter Mozilla developers and community Impact high Description Mozilla developers Timothy Nikkel, Gabriele Svelto, Jeff Muizelaar and the Mozilla Fuzzing Team reported memory safety bugs present in Firefox 109. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort some of these could have been exploited to run arbitrary code. References Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 110




Caso a sua distribição tenha o Firefox em seus repositórios, aguarde que em breve chega a atualização para você. Caso não tenha confira.
A instalação sera feita usando o Firefox dos servidores da Mozilla e instalado no diretório /opt.
Abra o terminal e de os comandos na sequencia.

Entre no diretório de trabalho.
cd /opt
De o comando abaixo para fazer o download da ultima versão do Firefox, escolha a sua plataforma e linguagem.

Firefox i686 ( 32 bits ) PT_BR

sudo wget -O firefox.tar.bz2 ""

Firefox i686 ( 32 bits ) EN_US

sudo wget -O firefox.tar.bz2 ""

Firefox amd64 ( 64 bits ) PT_BR

sudo wget -O firefox.tar.bz2 ""

Firefox amd64 ( 64 bits ) EN_US

sudo wget -O firefox.tar.bz2 ""
Descompacte o arquivo do download.
sudo tar -jxvf /opt/firefox.tar.bz2

 Vamos criar o atalho no menu, de o comando abaixo no terminal.

sudo nano /usr/share/applications/Firefox.desktop

Copie as linhas abaixo em vermelho no arquivo aberto,salve e feche.

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Browse the World Wide Web
GenericName=Web Browser
X-GNOME-FullName=Firefox Web Browser
Exec=/opt/firefox/firefox %u

Deve ficar como na imagem.

Salve teclando ctrl +x tecle s e tecle Enter para fechar.

Para finalizar vamos tornar o seu usuário dono do diretório do Firefox, com isso o Firefox ira atualizar automaticamente quando a Mozilla liberar atualizações.

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /opt/firefox

Firefox instalado e atualizado.



  1. Excelente, Ricardo! Funcionou perfeitamente aqui, mas para funcionar no Debian Bookworm/Testing tive que instalar o pacote "libdbus-glib-1-2".

    Fiz o procedimento indicado no tutorial mas o Firefox não abriu, então executei no terminal para ver o que estava acontecendo e apareceu a seguinte mensagem: XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /opt/firefox/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Couldn't load XPCOM.

    Muito obrigado por compartilhar!


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