Budgie desktop 10.5.2 no Debian 11 Bullseye

O Budgie Desktop é um ambiente simples, elegante moderno, Com a chegada do congelamento no Debian ele também foi atualizado, confira.





Budgie Desktop

Budgie é um ambiente de área de trabalho que usa tecnologias do GNOME, tais como o GTK+ e é desenvolvido pelo projeto Solus, bem como pelos contribuintes, a partir de numerosas comunidades como o openSUSE Tumbleweed, Arch Linux e Ubuntu Budgie. Wikipédia


Budgie Desktop 10.5.2

O anúncio de lançamento foi feito em 02 de Dezembro de 2020.

"Solus tem o orgulho de anunciar nossa mais nova iteração em nosso principal ambiente de desktop, Budgie 10.5.2, com uma ampla gama de novos recursos e correções de bugs!"

O ambiente recebeu dezenas de correções e melhorias, vocẽ pode conferir todas aqui.


Menu de aplicativos







 Como ele utiliza o Gnome também utiliza as configurações do Gnome e o Nautilus.

Gerenciador de arquivos Nautilus

Bugs corrigidos

No quadro abaixo você pode conferir as correções feitas em relação a versão anterior.

Applets Fix Workspace Applet allowing more than max supported workspace count. We will now return a -1 on our WM AppendNewWorkspace if we are rejecting more additions of workspaces, which informs our WorkspaceApplet to not show the + button (even if set to always show) and reject drag actions onto new workspaces. Panel Added missing LEFT and RIGHT panel layouts in the manager, which prevented downstreams and users from using panel.ini files with left or right panels. During panel initialization, we will now appropriately set dock-mode if needed, which fixes an issue where the class would only be applied if the dock mode setting actually changed. Fix a crash when removing an applet with missing information. The Tasklist applet will no longer cause the rest of the panel contents to be thrown into the aether when you have many windows open. You will be able to scroll up / down to get all the windows and we will be working on dedicated buttons in the tasklist applet in Budgie 10.5.3. This resolves two bugs, one from 2014 and another from 2017. Regions which do not have any panel widgets / applets will no longer be shown, allowing applets to take up more space and eliminates weird spacing related issues. When changing away from dock mode on a panel, we will now correctly remove the dock-mode CSS class. Raven Chromium-based browser notifications no longer display with broken icon images. This was due to the fact that these browsers would prefix the icon with file:/// and Chromium-based browsers would not pass the correct path. We will now default to the fallback mail-unread-symbolic icon for these applications. Notifications and Notification Groups can no longer be selected, which would result in a visual change with no obvious or easy way to deselect them. There are no functional changes, as there are no actions which make use of the selection of Notifications or Notification Groups. Notifications are no longer appended to Notification Groups, resulting in older Notifications being higher in a Notification Group’s list than newer ones. The Sound widget will no longer allow raising the volume above 100% when the option is off. The MPRIS player will correct the album art URLs provided by Spotify, which would otherwise be misreported by Spotify, resulting in images which could not be found. Other Budgie Popovers will now properly handle window scale factors. Crash fixes related to the usage of Wnck have been resolved. Fix some custom keyboard shortcuts and media keys not correctly applying after boot or reboot. Night Light will now appropriately start or end if an application has the fullscreen state amongst its many states, and not just being fullscreen. This is useful if you have an application which is fullscreen and above or below other windows, is sticky (maintains position regardless of workspace), shaded, etc.


Infelizmente não temos uma task do Budgie e portanto não tem ele em .iso Live. Você precisa instalar o Debian base com o netinst do Debian Bullseye e em seguida o Budgie com o comando abaixo.

sudo apt install budgie-* nautilus gnome-terminal gnome-backgrounds arc-theme materia-gtk-theme papirus-icon-theme

Ai está.


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