Lançado a suíte de escritório LibreOffice 6.4.5

O LibreOffice 6.4.5 é lançado com 106 correções, confira os detalhes desse lançamento.


LibreOffice é uma suíte de aplicativos livre para escritório disponível para Windows, Unix, Solaris, Linux e Mac OS X. A suíte utiliza o formato OpenDocument — formato homologado como ISO/IEC 26300 e NBR ISO/IEC 26300 — e é também compatível com os formatos do Microsoft Office, além de outros formatos legados. Wikipédia

LibreOffice 6.4.5

O anúncio foi feito em 02 de Julho de 2020.

"Berlim, 2 de julho de 2020 - A Document Foundation anuncia a disponibilidade do LibreOffice 6.4.5, o quinto lançamento menor da família LibreOffice 6.4, voltado para entusiastas da tecnologia e usuários avançados. O LibreOffice 6.4.5 inclui mais de 100 correções de bugs e melhorias para documentar a compatibilidade e interoperabilidade com o software de outros fornecedores."


Esse lançamento do LibreOffice 6.4.5 contêm 106 correções, somando o RC1 e o RC2.

Correções do LibreOffice

deb#961473 set A4 in extras/source/shellnew templates [Rene Engelhard]
rhbz#1844263 unchecked nullptr return from SfxViewFrame::Current() [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#37268 Data Pilot and sheet local defined named range insert menu entry inactive [Julien Nabet]
tdf#64690 EDITING: Process hang on find/replace in Basic code involving "\&" [Andreas Heinisch]
tdf#78352 FILEOPEN: DOCX - Incorrect space between bullet and first line text due to wrong tab stop at value [Vasily Melenchuk]
tdf#79082 FILESAVE: Tab positions not being retained in PPT and being lost in PPTX [Piet van Oostrum, Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#79998 FILESAVE: XLSX export breaks or some sheet names (sheet name length >31 characters) [Serge Krot]
tdf#94628 Fileopen: Docx custom numbering triangle symbol incorrectly displayed as a dot [Vasily Melenchuk]
tdf#95189 Paragraph numbering on one paragraph resets when it shouldn't [Vasily Melenchuk]
tdf#97416 Editing: Database password properties in ODB file not re-settable via UI [Julien Nabet]
tdf#97694 Base macros cannot be digitally signed [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#101856 MAILMERGE Add conditional to expand / collapse bookmarks [Serge Krot]
tdf#102625 Formula editor breaks surrogate pairs [Julien Nabet]
tdf#103602 new documents fail ODF validation with Error: unexpected attribute "draw:fill" [Michael Stahl]
tdf#104017 FILESAVE: DOC: New rows are displayed on table after RT [Justin Luth]
tdf#106181 FILESAVE: Check boxes get lost when saving as .XLSX [Serge Krot]
tdf#108496 FILEOPEN: DOCX file numbered list restarted from 1 following section break assumes previous numbered list sequence after 1 [Vasily Melenchuk]
tdf#114258 BASIC: Bad select after scrolling in Object Catalog [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#116883 FILEOPEN DOCX Numbering format shown as "1.1.1-" even though it should be "1-1-1-" [Vasily Melenchuk]
tdf#120394 FILEOPEN: Numbers appear in numbered list MSO created in attached DOC without visible number format [Vasily Melenchuk]
tdf#122408 linked subform shows empty when slave field is a function call [Lionel Elie Mamane]
tdf#122461 SQL parser doesn't accept identifiers containing newlines [and gives a syntax error when Query Wizard correctly generates a query containing one] [Lionel Elie Mamane]
tdf#123801 Small caps captions do not display the Figure/Illustration/etc. category label [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#124790 Mailmerge: Background image in printed address labels not visible [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#125609 radiobutton receives item status changed event after listbox value selection [Noel Grandin]
tdf#125981 The "Default" button for quotes in AutoCorrect options doesn't reset the display of replacement [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#126025 Extrusion on/off is faulty in saving for Fontwork favorite 40 [Stephan Bergmann]
tdf#126468 Unable to deselect 'Visible' flags in Base query, if field is set for "sorting" [Julien Nabet]
tdf#127778 FILEOPEN DOCX Margin setting is not considered if smaller than heading size [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#127889 Can't unmerge cells using tabbed user interface [andreas kainz]
tdf#128665 EDITING: Undo takes action on another shape [Vasily Melenchuk]
tdf#128689 Request to Localize More Formatting Icons into Korean UI [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#129620 Crash when I press down arrow in edit header dialog using e.g, Japanese keyboard [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#129702 [UI] Smart tags wrongly listed in AutoCorrect options dialog [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130354 Cannot sign existing PDF, ' .tmp does not exist' from 6.4 [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#130479 Inlined BMP fills do not render [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#130770 Autofilter not updated on data change (automatically or manually) [scito]
tdf#130792 Draw crashes when trying to add a point in a multiline ( steps in comment 8 ) [Noel Grandin]
tdf#131076 UI: Text import dialogue default focus is 'Character set' instead of 'OK' [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#131333 Cannot change data point icons in Calc's XY or points and lines chart [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#131366 Crash when I type the letter "i" after the letter "f" in a paragraph with style "emphasis" and font "Linux Biolinum G" [Gabor Kelemen]
tdf#131423 Function Wizard in Calc allows too many parameters [Eike Rathke]
tdf#131684 Crash when doing undoing [Xisco Fauli, Michael Stahl]
tdf#132169 Drawing line width changes randomly while changing [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#132173 Function Wizard does not enter array formulas with inline arrays correctly [Eike Rathke]
tdf#132187 For every repeated paste the page count (incl. content) doubles [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#132236 Crash in: swlo.dll ( steps in comment 12) [Michael Stahl]
tdf#132267 Scrollers for long menus are not shown / black [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#132514 FILEOPEN DOCX Table character direct formatting not applied with another table in footer [László Németh]
tdf#132594 No display of labels in pie charts if xlsx created with Excel 2007 (regression in 6.4 vs 6.0 and 5.2) [Tünde Tóth]
tdf#132596 Crash in: SwPosition::SwPosition(SwPosition const &) [Michael Stahl]
tdf#132623 Custom properties dialog contents don't expand to fill the dialog when resized [andreas kainz]
tdf#132626 CAPTION DIALOG: Can't type dot in caption category [STR in comment 2, GTK3 VCL only] [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#132678 Crash running mail merge wizard for doc from tdf#119942 [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#132730 Assertion if apply Ctrl+Shift+M on group [Julien Nabet]
tdf#132732 Restart Numbering in Paragraph with chosen Number impossible (GTK3) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#132735 Colibre: Wrong Icons for Smooth Graphic Filter [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#132749 Colibre: Missing Localized Icons for Extra Large Size [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#132766 FILESAVE DOCX Bulleting symbol changes after RT [Vasily Melenchuk]
tdf#132788 assigning a custom theme will redraw it only, if it is the first try [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#132814 EDITING: Impossible to change an existing Integer primarykey in MySQL/MariaDB to AutoValue in GUI [Julien Nabet]
tdf#132832 XLayoutConstrains.calcAdjustedSize doesn't return proper size for multiline checkbox and hyperlink [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#132939 Calc: Crash for uninitialized FilterDescriptor in macro [Julien Nabet]
tdf#132968 Breeze, Colibre, elementary, Sifr, Sukapura: Wrong folder action icons in open dialog with gen backend [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#133012 elementary: The gripper icon looks like a “More Options” menu [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#133036 CRASH: customizing notebookbar (gen) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#133053 Crash in: x11::SelectionManager::handleDragEvent [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#133250 Colibre: Inconsistent Icon for Red, Blue and Green [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#133267 Undo inserting a row above extremely slow [Luboš Luňák]
tdf#133270 MAILMERGE progress is not updated during export of many files [Serge Krot]
tdf#133271 FILESAVE: Vertical text saves as horizontal to ODT (but OK to DOCX) [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#133348 Crash when using undo 3 times in comment reply [Julien Nabet]
tdf#133411 Replacing lots of cell styles consumes too much memory/CPU [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#133426 Crash attempting to save mail merge to file multiple times in parallel [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#133474 FILEOPEN: DOC: Images are not loaded [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#133595 FILESAVE XLSX Excel gives invalid content error when opening file with shape [Serge Krot]
tdf#133604 FILESAVE: DOCX: fields are not displayed in MSO after RT [Michael Stahl]
tdf#133633 LO crashes with SuperNova Magnifier & ScreenReader [Michael Weghorn]

Correções do LibreOffice

ofz#20904 check bounds [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#83309 FILEOPEN: NUMBERING: text paragraph indentation/tab stops in .DOCX displayed incorrectly with tab [Vasily Melenchuk]
tdf#120394 FILEOPEN: Numbers appear in numbered list MSO created in attached DOC without visible number format [Vasily Melenchuk]
tdf#121384 Crash of Writer opening any document with "invalid" python file in home directory (linux) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130999 Greek dictionary cannot be loaded on Collabora Online ( [Andras Timar]
tdf#131353 Core build fails with poppler >= 0.86.0 [Martin Whitaker]
tdf#131357 Help files lack syntax definition for some Calc functions [Steve Fanning]
tdf#132093 Editing snap lines: dialog decreases entered values when drawing scale is 1:many [Stephan Bergmann]
tdf#132254 When copying a block/rectangle, the pasted lines are in reverse order [Michael Stahl]
tdf#132321 Deleting a paragraph at start or end of section deletes the object anchored to it [Michael Stahl]
tdf#132326 CRASH: undoing paste of frames [Michael Stahl]
tdf#132431 Crash: "vector::_M_fill_insert" with large sumifs [Luboš Luňák]
tdf#132597 Crash in: swlo.dll [Michael Stahl]
tdf#132725 Crash in: BigPtrArray::Index2Block(unsigned __int64) anchor to paragraph [Michael Stahl]
tdf#132744 Images anchored to character in table not pasted [Michael Stahl]
tdf#132754 DOCX import: invalid list start numbering with 0.0.0. [Vasily Melenchuk]
tdf#133326 Crash after redo (steps in comment 5) [Noel Grandin]
tdf#133629 FORMATTING: Calc crashes on setting borders to all cells on more than one sheet simultaneously [Noel Grandin]
tdf#133641 CRASH: after clicking on a drop-down form [Michael Stahl]
tdf#133862 Crash when trying to customize toolbar during embedded Equation editing [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#133981 CRASH: Undoing deletion of selection [Michael Stahl]
tdf#133982 CRASH: copying content in nested table [Michael Stahl]
tdf#133985 "Merge and Center Cells" dialog: default (active) button is "Cancel" [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#133990 CRASH: Undoing table deletion [Michael Stahl]
tdf#134019 Calc FILEOPEN Crash in: sclo.dll [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#134021 Crash swlo!SwFrame::CheckPageDescs+0x12d6: [Michael Stahl]
tdf#134023 Select the table by dragging over the columns become harder [Justin Luth]
tdf#134243 Hang launching mailmerge wizard with a specific file [Caolán McNamara]


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