Navegador pale Moon 28.9 é lançado

O navegador Pale Moon é um fork do Firefox que busca ser leve, rápido e eficiente, confira as novidades e correções da versão 28.9.

Pale Moon

Pale Moon é um navegador web de código aberto com ênfase em customização, como expressado em seu lema "Your browser, Your way". Há lançamentos oficiais tanto para Microsoft Windows como para Linux, e um lançamento não-oficial para macOS, e compilações contribuídas para diversas plataformas. Wikipédia

Pale Moon 28.9

Lançado no dia 25 de Março de 2020.

Novas características:

  • Iteradores assíncronos implementados (aguarde () e loops de espera) (ES2018)
  • Implementação de reprodução de mídia baseada em playback.
  • Funções de regras CSSStyleSheet herdadas não padrão implementadas.
  • Implementado o elemento html5 <dialog>. Para ativar isso, altere dom.dialog_element.enabled para true.
  • Implementou a ocultação opcional de guias fixadas nos painéis CtrlTab / AllTab. (controlado pelas preferências browser.ctrlTab.hidePinnedTabs e browser.allTabs.hidePinnedTabs)
  • Adicionada velocidade de reprodução de 1,25x aos elementos de mídia html.
  • Adicionado um pref oculto (browser.places.smartBookmarks.max) para controlar os tamanhos das categorias de favoritos inteligentes padrão.



Aligned with the overhauled specification.
Aligned the way DOM styles are computed with mainstream browser behavior.
Removed the (unused) DOM promise implementation.
Enabled seeking to next frame in media files.
Enabled dynamic UA updates for emergency use.
Implemented rule processing stub for font-variation-settings.
Increased the maximum XML nesting depth to 2048 levels for extreme corner cases and to conservatively align with other browsers.
Improved the privacy of geolocation lookup calls, with thanks to a generous service donation from
Improved reporting of the operating system in site-specific user-agent overrides.
Improved table drawing performance again after the rewrite for sticky positioning making it slower.
Updated CSP processing to allow custom scheme wildcards to be specified without a port.
Aligned the behavior of outlines with other browsers when dealing with CSS-repositioned elements.
Changed the way hardware acceleration is controlled from the application.
Changed the default monospace font for main languages from Courier New to Consolas.
This provides a more balanced font for fixed-width text that is slightly more condensed and more in line with the naturally compacter variable-width fonts used everywhere else.
Changed the browser's behavior when restoring tabs from previous sessions. To prevent stale pages, it will now by default perform a "soft refresh" of the page instead of drawing it purely from cache without checking if the page needs updating. If you prefer the old behavior, set browser.sessionstore.cache_behavior to 0 in about:config.
Updated NSPR to 4.24 and NSS to ~3.48.1-RTM, removing the previous custom patch level with NSS being able to support custom rounds for DBM now.
For extensive release notes with all NSS changes, see NSS_Releases
Implemented an NSS performance optimization for Master Password use with limited effect.
Fixed some potential crashing scenarios with WebGL on Linux.
Completely removed showModalDialog.
Disabled some logging in production builds.
Removed various gadgeteering/redundant/dead DOM APIs (casting/presentation, FlyWeb)
Removed support for a number of critical libraries being system-supplied.
Removed "Copy raw data" button from the troubleshooting information page, since it's never used by us in that format, and users mistakenly keep using it instead of copying text.
Removed a bunch of Android and iOS support code.
Fixed an issue with form elements sometimes being incorrectly disabled.
Fixed several crashes.
Fixed an issue with Captive Portal detection sometimes firing even when disabled by the user.
Performed various tree-wide code cleanups.
Backed out a large code cleanup patch for causing subtle issues in website operation (e.g. WordPress). This will have to be revisited later; the reintroduced code is not in use in practice.
Cleaned up the application updater code.

Security-related fixes:

Fixed a potential pointer issue in cubeb. DiD
Disabled allowing remote jar: URIs by default for security reasons. If you need this functionality for your non-standard environment, you can enable it with the preference network.jar.block-remote-files, but please consider moving away from this method of providing web-based applications.
Removed a potentially dangerous and otherwise ineffective optimization from the JavaScript engine.
Fixed unwanted behavior where created/focused pop-up windows could potentially cover the DOM fullscreen notification, hiding it from users. (CVE-2020-6810)
Fixed an issue where copying data as a curl request from developer tools would not properly escape parameters. (CVE-2020-6811)
Updated our sctp library code with several upstream fixes.
Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 4 fixed, 3 already mitigated, 1 rejected, 11 not applicable.



Para instalar abra o seu terminal e de os comandos abaixo na sequencia.

Entre no diretório de instalação.

cd /opt

Faça o download do Pale Moon 29.

sudo wget

 De o comando abaixo para descompactar o arquivo que fez o download.

sudo tar -xvf palemoon-

Torne seu usuário proprietário do diretório do Pale Moon, isso para que ele seja atualizado sempre que sair atualizações.

sudo chown $USER:$USER /opt/palemoon

Crie o lançador no menu do sistema.

sudo nano /usr/share/applications/palemoon.desktop

Cole as linhas abaixo no editor nano aberto no terminal.

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Web Browser
Comment=Access the Internet
Exec=/opt/palemoon/palemoon %U

Salve teclando Ctrl + x tecle s e tecle Enter para fechar.

Prontinho, basta ir ao menu e usar o seu navegador Pale Moon.


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