O Libreoffice 6.4.2 chega com varias correções, confira nessa matéria.
LibreOffice é uma suíte de aplicativos livre para escritório disponível para Windows, Unix, Solaris, Linux e Mac OS X. A suíte utiliza o formato OpenDocument — formato homologado como ISO/IEC 26300 e NBR ISO/IEC 26300 — e é também compatível com os formatos do Microsoft Office, além de outros formatos legados. Wikipédia
O anúncio do lançamento foi feito hoje, confira.
"Berlim, 19 de março de 2020 - A Document Foundation anuncia a disponibilidade do LibreOffice 6.4.2, o segundo lançamento menor da família LibreOffice 6.4, voltado para entusiastas da tecnologia e usuários avançados. O LibreOffice 6.4.2 inclui várias correções de bugs e melhorias na compatibilidade de documentos."

Vale lembrar que essa não é uma versão destinada a produção, para produção de preferência a versão 6.3.5
O LibreOffice 6.4 tem duas etapas de correções.
Bugs fixed
ofz#20455 sw: HTML import: fix invalid table in footer [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#91219 FILESAVE: Crash when anchoring a shape with a textbox to a frame that is anchored to that shape [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#93389 Document recovery strips encryption [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#95495 Fileopen: List levels not recognized in .docx custom outline numbering [Szabolcs Toth]
tdf#103964 FILEOPEN: DOCX: misread shapes break the document layout (both 2007 and newer DOCX) [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#106742 FILEOPEN: DOC(X) table with minus left spacing in MSO Word 2013+ [Michael Stahl]
tdf#108272 FILEOPEN: SAXException: [word/document.xml line 2]: unknown error for .docx with floating table in header [László Németh]
tdf#119191 FILEOPEN, FILESAVE The object rotates and switches position to a different cell everytime I Open/Close again. [Regina Henschel]
tdf#122053 kde5: Orca screen reader does not read text for context menus and dialogs [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#122218 After Update to 6.1.4 on macOS fonts are blurred on retina display (xcode 10) [Christian Lohmaier]
tdf#122488 Toolbar icons to insert row/column in table are misleading with Sifr [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#123971 Row height incorrect in Calc on reload regression when row contains multiline text and cells with different font sizes [Thorsten Behrens]
tdf#125510 Highly visible icon missing within Sifr icon set [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#125682 Wrong calculation number of pages(field NUMPAGES) if page numbering(field PAGE) starts from EVEN number [Michael Stahl]
tdf#126578 EDITING: Create as View not available before connecting to Database (open table, executing query, open form) [Julien Nabet]
tdf#126700 Untitled document remains open when have a default template [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#126785 All libreoffice programs are duplicating the inputs [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#127508 I cannot disable effect from highlighted/normal column/row header [Heiko Tietze]
tdf#127815 Non-breaking spaces not inserted when LibreOffice-KDE5 is installed, since Libo 6.3.x (French typo) [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#128849 Add new Breeze-Dark SVG / Sifr-Dark SVG icons [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#128873 Calc - long time to open file in 6.4 beta [Serge Krot]
tdf#128921 LibO 6.3.x contextual menu very slow with KDE5 vcl [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#129221 Numbered bullets don't restart after header in importred .docx file [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#129446 Slide Pane: Context menu is not displayed under certain conditions (gen) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#129529 Cannot open 819-pages ODT [Michael Stahl]
tdf#129553 Assert replacing in a specific text [Michael Stahl]
tdf#129809 LibreOffice Writer crash while moving one letter with hyperlink (gtk3/kf5) [Caolán McNamara, Michael Weghorn]
tdf#129976 PDF image loses white background, when presentation is exported to PDF [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#130054 Function wizard: Clicking on column header to get A:A-style reference stops working after switching to another sheet [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#130071 Shortcuts don't work in Find&Replace dialog if vcl=kde5 and LANG=ru_RU.UTF8 [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#130105 FILEOPEN XLSX Datapoint label position changes [Balazs Varga]
tdf#130123 Expert configuration: Table lacks column resizing capabilities [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130148 Gallery drop-down list in Impress B&N dialog shows only start of full path instead item name [Onur Yilmaz]
tdf#130161 Object list in catalog doesn't refresh after adding a Module or dialog [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130262 Writer thinks a two page doc file has an infinite number of pages [Patrick Jaap]
tdf#130274 TRACK CHANGES: Crash in swlo.dll with track changes enabled and AutoCorrect [Michael Stahl]
tdf#130325 When navigating validity dropdown using the arrow keys, the first option from the list is chosen right away [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#130341 EDITING: Impossible to delete a table from Relationdesign in Linux KDE5 [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#130370 calc: editing: ui: weakness with named ranges, move of cell to another sheet destroys referencing to local name reference there [Eike Rathke]
tdf#130426 Overflow error for unicode beyond Chr(&H7FFF) [Stephan Bergmann]
tdf#130440 Undo in impress always switches back to first slide [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#130483 Crash on pasting a table from Writer [Mark Hung]
tdf#130499 kf5: Crash when closing Writer after D'n'D of text [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#130501 URL in unicode interpretate as file link (PDF export) [Stephan Bergmann]
tdf#130533 Elementary: icons for lists handling in Impress Sidebar aren't in the same style [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130548 Page right and bottom margins in Writer in Landscape always zero [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130573 labels "4bit grayscale" and "4bit color" are exchanged in export to BMP [Noel Grandin]
tdf#130610 Writer: DOCX export: text is not bold [Serge Krot]
tdf#130657 FILEOPEN XLSX position of column is not retained [Balazs Varga]
tdf#130679 Draw: Convert to polygon doesn't work [Noel Grandin]
tdf#130708 Firebird: wrong precision and scale for DECIMAL and NUMERIC [Julien Nabet]
tdf#130742 LibreOffice Start Center overlay icons aren't correct for Flat ODF documents [Heiko Tietze]
tdf#130756 CRASH: traversing tabs with Ctrl+PageUp/Down (gen) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130760 Impress crashes on broken hyperlink click [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#130762 Degrees spinbutton is no longer wraps around (gen) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130776 PPTX import: Missing bullet in Smartart [Gülşah Köse]
tdf#130793 Basic Dialog does not import/export images [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#130794 kf5: Keyboard input ignored [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#130799 FILEOPEN DOCX Table cells missing vertical lines [Szabolcs Toth]
tdf#130814 FILEOPEN: DOCX: Paragraph looses formatting [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#130817 FILEOPEN: Incorrect footnote symbol [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#130825 local name breaks if previous sheet is deleted [Eike Rathke]
tdf#130827 kf5: unable to dock floating toolbars in dock areas [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#130831 CRASH when displaying a dialog containing a checkbox [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#130841 kf5 main window loses status bar on macro triggered resize [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#130864 Sifr: Slide transition icons on Impress Sidebar aren't black&white [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130871 Wrong Net Lines Only Chart Type in Colibre, Breeze, and Sifr [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130875 Breeze and Sifr Have No Envelope Orientation Icons [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130879 Breeze: Missing Character Spacing Icons in Writer Sidebar [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130885 Sifr: Missing Slide Layout Image [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130908 Chapter Numbering can't load custom style ( gtk3 ) [Noel Grandin]
tdf#130912 Footnotes: "Before" and "After" text is placed the wrong way around [Julien Nabet]
tdf#130915 Unable to assign columns properly (gen) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130917 FILESAVE DOCX Signature line export creates invalid document [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#130922 CRASH: Moving backwards in Paste Table wizard (gen) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130925 Problem scrolling past lines 999 & 1000 in the LibreOffice Calc Macro editor, in either direction if View - Line Numbers enabled [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130939 Breeze & Sifr: Missing Merge Cells dialog icons [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130947 elementary: Missing Merge Cells dialog icons [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130959 LibreOffice crashes when opening files with non-existing hyperlinks [Noel Grandin]
tdf#130989 Chapter Numbering can't load custom style ( gen ) [Caolán McNamara]
Bugs fixed compared to 6.4.2 rc1:
tdf#117088 FILEOPEN: Some labels in charts are not displayed by default [Balazs Varga]
tdf#118893 CRASH Impress: UI locks up when I drag a slide from the left "Slides" view to the Windows taskbar [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#126904 In LO Calc: Right arrow causes a large unexpected column jump in protected sheet. [Noel Grandin]
tdf#127782 New Print dialog is too high [Heiko Tietze]
tdf#130515 Time field in Base form will not display correct format. [Noel Grandin]
tdf#130680 CRASH: cutting content of document [Michael Stahl]
tdf#131031 F5 navigator in calc opens initially very wide [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#131060 FILEOPEN DOCX Column chart X axis labels are truncated [Balazs Varga]
tdf#131208 Crash on double click to paragraph style [Jim Raykowski]
tdf#131210 UI: Language Options: editing 'Date acceptance patterns' crashes whole application (gtk3) [Julien Nabet]
tdf#131248 Crash when closing SQL Edit Query (gtk3 only) [Caolán McNamara]
Aconselho aguardar a chegada em seus repositórios ou no Snap ou Flatpak.
Mas se quiser experimentar faça o download no Link abaixo.
Download LibreOffice 6.4.2
LibreOffice é uma suíte de aplicativos livre para escritório disponível para Windows, Unix, Solaris, Linux e Mac OS X. A suíte utiliza o formato OpenDocument — formato homologado como ISO/IEC 26300 e NBR ISO/IEC 26300 — e é também compatível com os formatos do Microsoft Office, além de outros formatos legados. Wikipédia
LibreOffice 6.4.2
O anúncio do lançamento foi feito hoje, confira.
"Berlim, 19 de março de 2020 - A Document Foundation anuncia a disponibilidade do LibreOffice 6.4.2, o segundo lançamento menor da família LibreOffice 6.4, voltado para entusiastas da tecnologia e usuários avançados. O LibreOffice 6.4.2 inclui várias correções de bugs e melhorias na compatibilidade de documentos."

Vale lembrar que essa não é uma versão destinada a produção, para produção de preferência a versão 6.3.5
O LibreOffice 6.4 tem duas etapas de correções.
Correções LibreOffice 6.4.1
Bugs fixed
ofz#20455 sw: HTML import: fix invalid table in footer [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#91219 FILESAVE: Crash when anchoring a shape with a textbox to a frame that is anchored to that shape [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#93389 Document recovery strips encryption [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#95495 Fileopen: List levels not recognized in .docx custom outline numbering [Szabolcs Toth]
tdf#103964 FILEOPEN: DOCX: misread shapes break the document layout (both 2007 and newer DOCX) [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#106742 FILEOPEN: DOC(X) table with minus left spacing in MSO Word 2013+ [Michael Stahl]
tdf#108272 FILEOPEN: SAXException: [word/document.xml line 2]: unknown error for .docx with floating table in header [László Németh]
tdf#119191 FILEOPEN, FILESAVE The object rotates and switches position to a different cell everytime I Open/Close again. [Regina Henschel]
tdf#122053 kde5: Orca screen reader does not read text for context menus and dialogs [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#122218 After Update to 6.1.4 on macOS fonts are blurred on retina display (xcode 10) [Christian Lohmaier]
tdf#122488 Toolbar icons to insert row/column in table are misleading with Sifr [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#123971 Row height incorrect in Calc on reload regression when row contains multiline text and cells with different font sizes [Thorsten Behrens]
tdf#125510 Highly visible icon missing within Sifr icon set [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#125682 Wrong calculation number of pages(field NUMPAGES) if page numbering(field PAGE) starts from EVEN number [Michael Stahl]
tdf#126578 EDITING: Create as View not available before connecting to Database (open table, executing query, open form) [Julien Nabet]
tdf#126700 Untitled document remains open when have a default template [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#126785 All libreoffice programs are duplicating the inputs [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#127508 I cannot disable effect from highlighted/normal column/row header [Heiko Tietze]
tdf#127815 Non-breaking spaces not inserted when LibreOffice-KDE5 is installed, since Libo 6.3.x (French typo) [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#128849 Add new Breeze-Dark SVG / Sifr-Dark SVG icons [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#128873 Calc - long time to open file in 6.4 beta [Serge Krot]
tdf#128921 LibO 6.3.x contextual menu very slow with KDE5 vcl [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#129221 Numbered bullets don't restart after header in importred .docx file [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#129446 Slide Pane: Context menu is not displayed under certain conditions (gen) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#129529 Cannot open 819-pages ODT [Michael Stahl]
tdf#129553 Assert replacing in a specific text [Michael Stahl]
tdf#129809 LibreOffice Writer crash while moving one letter with hyperlink (gtk3/kf5) [Caolán McNamara, Michael Weghorn]
tdf#129976 PDF image loses white background, when presentation is exported to PDF [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#130054 Function wizard: Clicking on column header to get A:A-style reference stops working after switching to another sheet [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#130071 Shortcuts don't work in Find&Replace dialog if vcl=kde5 and LANG=ru_RU.UTF8 [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#130105 FILEOPEN XLSX Datapoint label position changes [Balazs Varga]
tdf#130123 Expert configuration: Table lacks column resizing capabilities [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130148 Gallery drop-down list in Impress B&N dialog shows only start of full path instead item name [Onur Yilmaz]
tdf#130161 Object list in catalog doesn't refresh after adding a Module or dialog [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130262 Writer thinks a two page doc file has an infinite number of pages [Patrick Jaap]
tdf#130274 TRACK CHANGES: Crash in swlo.dll with track changes enabled and AutoCorrect [Michael Stahl]
tdf#130325 When navigating validity dropdown using the arrow keys, the first option from the list is chosen right away [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#130341 EDITING: Impossible to delete a table from Relationdesign in Linux KDE5 [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#130370 calc: editing: ui: weakness with named ranges, move of cell to another sheet destroys referencing to local name reference there [Eike Rathke]
tdf#130426 Overflow error for unicode beyond Chr(&H7FFF) [Stephan Bergmann]
tdf#130440 Undo in impress always switches back to first slide [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#130483 Crash on pasting a table from Writer [Mark Hung]
tdf#130499 kf5: Crash when closing Writer after D'n'D of text [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#130501 URL in unicode interpretate as file link (PDF export) [Stephan Bergmann]
tdf#130533 Elementary: icons for lists handling in Impress Sidebar aren't in the same style [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130548 Page right and bottom margins in Writer in Landscape always zero [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130573 labels "4bit grayscale" and "4bit color" are exchanged in export to BMP [Noel Grandin]
tdf#130610 Writer: DOCX export: text is not bold [Serge Krot]
tdf#130657 FILEOPEN XLSX position of column is not retained [Balazs Varga]
tdf#130679 Draw: Convert to polygon doesn't work [Noel Grandin]
tdf#130708 Firebird: wrong precision and scale for DECIMAL and NUMERIC [Julien Nabet]
tdf#130742 LibreOffice Start Center overlay icons aren't correct for Flat ODF documents [Heiko Tietze]
tdf#130756 CRASH: traversing tabs with Ctrl+PageUp/Down (gen) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130760 Impress crashes on broken hyperlink click [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#130762 Degrees spinbutton is no longer wraps around (gen) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130776 PPTX import: Missing bullet in Smartart [Gülşah Köse]
tdf#130793 Basic Dialog does not import/export images [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#130794 kf5: Keyboard input ignored [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#130799 FILEOPEN DOCX Table cells missing vertical lines [Szabolcs Toth]
tdf#130814 FILEOPEN: DOCX: Paragraph looses formatting [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#130817 FILEOPEN: Incorrect footnote symbol [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#130825 local name breaks if previous sheet is deleted [Eike Rathke]
tdf#130827 kf5: unable to dock floating toolbars in dock areas [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#130831 CRASH when displaying a dialog containing a checkbox [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#130841 kf5 main window loses status bar on macro triggered resize [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#130864 Sifr: Slide transition icons on Impress Sidebar aren't black&white [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130871 Wrong Net Lines Only Chart Type in Colibre, Breeze, and Sifr [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130875 Breeze and Sifr Have No Envelope Orientation Icons [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130879 Breeze: Missing Character Spacing Icons in Writer Sidebar [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130885 Sifr: Missing Slide Layout Image [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130908 Chapter Numbering can't load custom style ( gtk3 ) [Noel Grandin]
tdf#130912 Footnotes: "Before" and "After" text is placed the wrong way around [Julien Nabet]
tdf#130915 Unable to assign columns properly (gen) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130917 FILESAVE DOCX Signature line export creates invalid document [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#130922 CRASH: Moving backwards in Paste Table wizard (gen) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130925 Problem scrolling past lines 999 & 1000 in the LibreOffice Calc Macro editor, in either direction if View - Line Numbers enabled [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#130939 Breeze & Sifr: Missing Merge Cells dialog icons [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130947 elementary: Missing Merge Cells dialog icons [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#130959 LibreOffice crashes when opening files with non-existing hyperlinks [Noel Grandin]
tdf#130989 Chapter Numbering can't load custom style ( gen ) [Caolán McNamara]
Correções LibreOffice 6.4.2
Bugs fixed compared to 6.4.2 rc1:
tdf#117088 FILEOPEN: Some labels in charts are not displayed by default [Balazs Varga]
tdf#118893 CRASH Impress: UI locks up when I drag a slide from the left "Slides" view to the Windows taskbar [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#126904 In LO Calc: Right arrow causes a large unexpected column jump in protected sheet. [Noel Grandin]
tdf#127782 New Print dialog is too high [Heiko Tietze]
tdf#130515 Time field in Base form will not display correct format. [Noel Grandin]
tdf#130680 CRASH: cutting content of document [Michael Stahl]
tdf#131031 F5 navigator in calc opens initially very wide [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
tdf#131060 FILEOPEN DOCX Column chart X axis labels are truncated [Balazs Varga]
tdf#131208 Crash on double click to paragraph style [Jim Raykowski]
tdf#131210 UI: Language Options: editing 'Date acceptance patterns' crashes whole application (gtk3) [Julien Nabet]
tdf#131248 Crash when closing SQL Edit Query (gtk3 only) [Caolán McNamara]
Aconselho aguardar a chegada em seus repositórios ou no Snap ou Flatpak.
Mas se quiser experimentar faça o download no Link abaixo.
Download LibreOffice 6.4.2
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