Suíte de escritório LibreOffice 7.4.6 lançado com mais de 70 correções de bugs

A familia 7.4 do LibreOffice é indicada para empresas e usuários conservadores, confira as correções desse lançamento.

Suíte de escritório LibreOffice 7.4.6 lançado com mais de 70 correções de bugs

O anúncio foi feito  em 09 de Março de 2023.

"A Document Foundation anuncia o lançamento do LibreOffice 7.4.6 Community, o sexto menor lançamento da família LibreOffice 7.4."

Bugs corrigidos que somam o total de 73 entre RC1 e RC2.
ofz#54461 null-dereference [Caolán McNamara] ofz#55499 output buffer has to at least be the same size as input buffer [Caolán McNamara] ofz#55751 check that level is valid [Caolán McNamara] ofz#555520 check level is MAX_OUTLINE_LEVEL [Caolán McNamara] rhbz#2162862 [abrt] libreoffice-core: (anonymous namespace)::signalHandlerFunction(): soffice.bin killed by SIGABRT [Caolán McNamara] tdf#88484 Sample text in font name combobox doesn't display [Khaled Hosny] tdf#116566 Respect configured AutoSpellCheck colour in the dialog too [Rafael Lima] tdf#123139 Reading XLSX format ignores horizontal alignment (generated with Apache POI Java library) [Eike Rathke] tdf#131203 In the case of import of some DOCX documents with tables with specified table column width, created with Apache POI library, LO throws an exception [László Németh] tdf#134283 "Show Page Variable" broken in 7.0Beta2 [Bjoern Michaelsen] tdf#135938 Highlighted cross-reference is not displayed in dialog "Name" entry [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#139934 FILEOPEN: Date is shown as an integer [Eike Rathke] tdf#143100 Disable cell style commands and sidebar when sheet is protected [Heiko Tietze] tdf#146248 Crash at undo header swlo!sw::XTextRangeToSwPaM+0x5f9: [László Németh] tdf#146500 Writer crash when entering a paragraph break or carriage return [Michael Stahl] tdf#146765 Base Form - crash when scrolling in dual form & "data as table" display (macOS Arm) [Patrick Luby] tdf#146875 Writer: ToC Index updating hangs [Michael Stahl] tdf#146933 Keypress events attached to table control columns in Base no longer responded to (steps in comment 4) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#147740 Lower icons disappear in groupedbar compact user interface [Szymon Kłos] tdf#148085 About dialog hyperlinks look bad (invisible / have no contrast) in dark mode on Windows [Caolán McNamara] tdf#148360 FILEOPEN: Incorrect indent of first line [Justin Luth] tdf#148727 Help text is incomplete for cell range examples, e.g. for SUM, PRODUCT etc. [Olivier Hallot] tdf#149482 XModifyListener triggering infinite creation of new sheets [Caolán McNamara] tdf#149588 FILEOPEN PPTX: text box shows that does not show in PowerPoint [Attila Szűcs] tdf#150380 Calc crash when clicking on the title of the Border Color toolbar popdown [Noel Grandin] tdf#150706 Export as PDF warnings in console with debug LO [Caolán McNamara] tdf#150823 Track changes: list of > 20 registered changes; vanishing after rejecting one change [Michael Stahl] tdf#151152 Autofilter checkbox status is wrong when I deselect one item, click OK, then click on the dropdown again (2nd case) [Tünde Tóth] tdf#151341 Slow macOS install caused by bzip2 dmg [Patrick Luby] tdf#151627 Skia rendering (both Vulkan and raster) artifacts in the sd slidesorter, crashes with Vulkan [Julien Nabet] tdf#151755 FILESAVE XLS/X: contentless cells at row end are losing their borders on export [Attila Szűcs] tdf#151886 "Use English function names" changes decimal separator recognition [Eike Rathke] tdf#151898 Sidebar Icons and "Font Color" Icon Appear Blurry When On HiDPI [Caolán McNamara] tdf#152031 Reducing width of RTL table creates "stairway" effect [Mark Hung] tdf#152082 Converting .xlsx to .ods does not correctly convert chosen filtering options [Tünde Tóth] tdf#152085 Section with two columns do not work in East Asian vertical writing mode (TB_RL) [Mark Hung] tdf#152404 Crash in Writer when using Japanese Hiragana input method and shortcut Ctrl+Alt+C to insert a new comment while there is uncommitted text [Caolán McNamara] tdf#152436 FILESAVE: PPTX: Ole object disappears after RT [Tünde Tóth] tdf#152493 FILESAVE WebDAV upload (updating an existing remote file) fails with LO 7.4 (i.e. with libcurl), and no workaround any more (-with-webdav=neon) [László Németh] tdf#152506 Footnote order error, first footnote replaced. [László Németh] tdf#152532 Assign Action dialog does not scroll to the event automatically in kf5 [Michael Weghorn] tdf#152559 Skia - LibreOffice Draw crashed when I zoom in the view of a diagram [Julien Nabet] tdf#152676 Writer: Compatibility options no longer saved as default [Noel Grandin] tdf#152710 CRASH: importing ooo84576-1.odt, crashtest; corrupt document structure [Michael Stahl] tdf#152717 DDE linking in calc is broken since 7.4.3 RC1 [Mike Kaganski] tdf#152726 Pasting Selection to Sheet as BMP Image, Text of Button is getting bigger. [Noel Grandin] tdf#152785 OC: localedata contains a typo [Julien Nabet] tdf#152900 "Create new field as primary key" is disabled when pasting data as new table [Julien Nabet] tdf#152948 Calc Function Wizard incorrectly displays 2 ISEVEN() and 2 ISODD() [Eike Rathke] tdf#152950 Calc sort crashes after changing from default language to a different one [Caolán McNamara] tdf#152964 Crash on undo deletion of table with track changes enabled [László Németh] tdf#153003 Copying a query and pasting as table in same database impossible [Julien Nabet] tdf#153006 Report Builder: Format for inserting Date and Time changed to "week of the year" and "timestamp" (Linux) [Noel Grandin] tdf#153036 FILEOPEN PPTX resized connector broken [Attila Szűcs] tdf#153039 (LO 7.4) Multiple bugs while submitting XML from XForms document [Michael Stahl] tdf#153091 Pasting from nedit (on Linux) not working. [Caolán McNamara] tdf#153096 Manage Changes dialog columns broken for cell content changes [Eike Rathke] tdf#153116 CRASH when removing text box from drawing object (GTK3) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#153161 FILESAVE: Data cannot save successfully if I open an old presentation, add some text in it, save it and close it. [Mike Kaganski] tdf#153172 Options > Charts > Default Colors are no longer persistent in the preview since LO 7.4, and not even used since LO 7.5 [Noel Grandin] tdf#153220 CRASH: Clicking on Border and background after undoing header insertion [Caolán McNamara] tdf#153273 Scroll bar not in dark mode when system dark mode enabled [Caolán McNamara] tdf#153287 Dark mode: Combo box and Edit box look and feel inconsistent on Windows [Caolán McNamara] tdf#153319 Crash in: SwFrame::GetPhyPageNum() const or SwFrame::ImplFindPageFrame() shortly after opening ODT [Caolán McNamara] tdf#153330 The XFilePickerControlAccess.setLabel method does not change the name of the "Open" button (when LO Open/Save dialogs are not used). [Caolán McNamara] tdf#153434 crash clicking on "tools -> macro -> manage macro -> basic -> new" [Caolán McNamara] tdf#153438 LiberaOffice Draw Portable: "Replace" button is not active in Tools->Color Replacer [Caolán McNamara] tdf#153510 Conditional formatting with STYLE and incorrect (case) style name -> continuous CPU consumption, menus not drawn in some UI renders [Mike Kaganski] tdf#153514 STYLE finds wrong style with different case [Mike Kaganski] tdf#132714 Crash when icon deleting table-row used for diagram generation. [László Németh] tdf#153669 Formula stops working after copy and paste onto a different cell [Kohei Yoshida] tdf#153724 A macro which is executed in older versions but not in newer versions. [Mike Kaganski] tdf#153763 Scroll to first/last sheet buttons broken [Caolán McNamara⇚

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