Lançado o editor de imagens Gimp 2.99.10 para Linux

O editor de imagens Gimp caminha cuidadosamente para a versão 3.0, mas com inúmeras novidades e melhorias, confira.


GIMP é um programa de código aberto voltado principalmente para criação e edição de imagens raster, e em menor escala também para desenho vetorial. Wikipédia

Gimp 2.99.10

Nesse lançamento logo ao abrir o Gimp temos a nova tela de boas vindas desenvolvida por @zemarmot.

Nova caixa de confirmação ao sair.

As janelas das ferramentas também seguem o mesmo estilo.

Seguem os destaques desse lançamento.

  • Conceito de "Camadas interligadas" substituído pelo novo conceito de "Conjunto de camadas"
  • Ícones de bloqueio nos acopláveis de item (Camadas, Canais, Localizações) movidos ao lado do ícone de visibilidade (olho)
  • Alt-clique nos ícones de visibilidade e de bloqueios nos acopláveis de item, alterna massivamente a visibilidade e os bloqueios entre os itens selecionados
  • Os itens acopláveis apresentam agora cabeçalhos de ícones para colunas de visibilidade e bloqueios
  • O tema do nosso sistema mostra dicas visíveis em torno de ícones de visibilidade e bloqueios não definidos ao pairar sobre os itens acopláveis
  • Nova caixa de verificação para ativar ou desativar a dinâmica nas opções de ferramentas de pintura (substituindo a dinâmica "Dinâmica desligada")
  • Melhor suporte para Wayland e MacOS Big Sur (e mais recentes)
  • "Preencher por deteção de desenho de linha" na Ferramenta “Balde de tinta”, tem uma nova opção
  • Canais e localizações multi-selecionáveis com parte das ações relevantes a funcionar
  • Vários melhoramentos no formato dos ficheiros, em particular para PSD, JPEG-XL e HEIF
  • Novo suporte do formato de ficheiros Cursor do Microsoft Windows (ficheiros .cur)
  • Removidos os portais de captura de ecrã KDE e GNOME a favor do Freedesktop one
  • A implementação da captura de ecrã do Windows tem agora uma opção "Incluir cursor do rato".
  • API libgimp nova e modificada para programadores de plug-in

Confira o changelog completo no quadro abaixo.

Overview of Changes from GIMP 2.99.8 to GIMP 2.99.10 ==================================================== Core: - Linked layers concept replaced by named sets of layers: * One can now store your current selection of layers under any given name and select it again later. * You can also search for layers by their names with patterns (as configured in Preferences, see next news item) and save this pattern search if desired. - Preferences > Interface now has an "Item search" with a dropdown settings proposing the following values: * Basic text search: this search does tokenization, case-folding and UTF-8 normalization. Moreover ASCII alternates are compared, which means that e.g. "e" would matched accented versions (such as "é" or others). * Glob pattern search: this is the GLib implementation of this pattern syntax. It matches '*' (wildcard) and '?' (joker). GLib docs notes also: "Note that in contrast to glob(), the '/' character can be matched by the wildcards, there are no '[...]' character ranges and '*' and '?' can not be escaped to include them literally in a pattern." * Regular expression search: Perl-compatible regular expressions as implemented in GLib. - New item visibility lock: forbidding to change the state of visibility of a given item. This is useful when shift-clicking massively items visibility, but you want to exclude some specific items from the visibility switch. - New internal API gimp_widget_blink_rect() to blink only specific area of a widget, which may be useful for various notification-type exchanges. This is used in particular to blink lock cells in GimpItemTreeView in order to point attention to the reason why an action is forbidden (e.g. when trying to paint on a layer with pixels locked, a message would be shown on status bar and the "Lock pixels" icon would blink). - XCF version 16 with support of item sets. - Wayland: * Clean some popup code out of gtk_menu_popup() which is deprecated and won't work anymore on Wayland (wrong positionning). * Use GtkGestureDrag in ColorWheel module and ScrolledPreview widget to avoid unwanted popups and make us future-proof for GTK4. - macOS: various improvements for macOS support of the development version. In particular the slowness issues have been solved and various bugs have been fixed. - The debug dialog only gets a backtrace of the main thread now, because of some bugs in GDB locking GIMP when trying to get a full backtrace for all threads. - The line art data is now stored for a few additional minutes in the user context after closing the bucket fill tool. This allows quick switch between tools without forcing a recomputation of the line art. - Stroking a path with source tools (Clone, Heal…) is now possible when the tool is active and a source was selected. Technically it's more of a bug fix because the GUI existed as though it was meant to work, but since the report has existed for more than 13 years and I'm not sure it has ever worked, it's worth writing it here. - Block the statusbar from needlessly triggering full canvas redraws by not propagating its resize requests. This is quite a useful optimization for macOS in particular (but any OS in general too). - Alpha and position locks can now be set on layer groups. Alpha lock on groups mostly works like pixel lock (except for the alpha channel only). Position lock work both ways by forbidding moving child layers but also parent layers. - XCF version 17 with support of visibility locks, as well as ability to set alpha or position locks on layer groups. User Interface: - Link icon removed from the Layers dockable. - Lock icon its now made visible next to the "Eye" icon (visibility) on each item row, where the Link icon was. It raises a popover to switch all available locks (contents, position, visibility, alpha): * This makes locks much more obvious rather than when they were at the dockable header. * This also works better with multiple selection of items (when one selected item is locked and another is not, the lock button were ending up in inconsistent state). * This is clearer by showing or not icons (rather than always showing several icons, yet with toggle design which is not even so understandable depending on the theme used). If no locks are set, nothing is shown; if only one lock is set, a specific icon is shown; if several locks are set, a multi-lock icon is shown (and one need to click to get the list of locks). * Locks can now be set massively with shift and alt-click (see next item) with the same logics as you can change visibility massively on the eye button. - Visibility (eye icon) and lock columns in the item dockables are given an icon header to be more discoverable. - Alt-click on eye and lock icons allows to massively switch visibility/lock state but only within selected items (unlike shift-click which switch within all items at same level). - Channels and vectors are now multi-selectable (though actions may have not been all updated yet to handle multiple items). - On-hover indicators around inactive/unset eye/locked toggles in Layer/Channels/Paths dialogs. - GimpSpinScale made more compact. - New "Welcome dialog" which appears only after a new installation or an update, will show a few common links, and the release notes (taken from the AppStream data, so they can even be localized). - The new "Welcome dialog" comes with a new splash screen by Aryeom. Tools: - It is now possible to enable/disable dynamics in a single checkbox. The dynamics "Dynamics Off" which used to be in the default list has been removed as disabling dynamics is now equivalent and much faster (it's also faster to get back to whatever dynamics you were using before). - A new action "context-dynamics-toggle" is available, allowing to switch dynamics ON/OFF (see previous news item) with a shortcut. - New option "Allow closing lines in selected layer" in the "Fill by line art detection" mode of bucket fill tool. Basically this allows to use the fill color (foreground or background color) as closure color in the drawable to be filled. This is an additional step after the line art computation to allow fast usage. Plug-ins: - PSD: * new support for loading 16-bit per channel CMYK images. * new support for files in LAB colorspace. * new support for loading 32-bit per channel images (some code existed yet may have never really worked). * Add extra layer groups when loading PSD images with clipping layers: PhotoShop handles clipping layers in a different way than GIMP. The only way to have it look the same is by adding extra layer groups. PSD layers that have clipping set, combined with the first non clipping layer below it are grouped together in a new layer group. Doing this results in the same image as the PSD merged image unless there are other PSD elements in play that we don't handle yet. * PSD layers with clipping set need clip to backdrop as composite mode: Certain PSD layers have a flag called clipping set to 1. We were not handling this flag and had some reports about colors bleeding where they were not supposed to. We are going to set GIMP's layer composite_mode to GIMP_LAYER_COMPOSITE_CLIP_TO_BACKDROP, which is the closest we can get to PhotoShop's clipping. With this, the colors won't bleed anymore. - JPEG XL: * Bit depth now selectable in JXL export. * Import in 8-bit and 16-bit integer precision now possible for lossless images. (GIMP used to import all JXL images as 32-bit float precision images). * New very fast export settings: thunder and lightning (fastest). * Compression slider is disabled for lossless. - Screenshot: * Remove KDE and GNOME screenshot portal in favor of Freedesktop portal. Security restrictions make them more and more unsuable on recent KDE and GNOME versions. * Set the "interactive" option to TRUE for the Freedesktop API, so that the screenshot options are presented immediately (instead of taking a screenshot, then only proposing options to try again). This is more consistent to how our non-D-Bus screenshot plug-in used to work. * Windows: cursor capture option now available. - CUR: added load and export support for Microsoft Windows cursor (.cur) files. - HEIF: bit depth heuristic removed for the settings. The plug-in just stores and set back the last used values as for other settings instead of trying to be "clever". - help-browser and webpage are now marked "unmaintained" and building them is discouraged, except for developers. The reasons are: the multiple problems for building, while it is not even available on Windows anymore (and unsure if it will ever be solved anytime soon), bringing features which nowadays most people have with browsers installed by default on systems (allowing to read the manual and take full webpage screenshots). Build: - Improved Coding Style document with commit message styling, git usage, comment styling, natural language text rules, localization and some section reorganization. - GExiv2 dependency bumped to 0.12.2 (fixing bothersome warnings on some unknown metadata domains). - libjxl dependency bumped to 0.6.1. - New meson option -Dcan-crosscompile-gir=true to force GObject-Introspection generation even when cross-compiling (some people manage to do it, e.g. with Yocto). - Added .clang-format file and new CI pipeline to verify coding-style issues in merge requests. - New tool `flatpak-releases` to easily list and install specific versions of our flatpak builds, which can be a great help when debugging or trying to bisect with released binaries. - Important refactoring of icon builds: * Whether using meson or autotools, and whether installing vector icons or raster ones (with --disable-vector-icons), the same lists are always used and no icons are missing. The new custom tool tools/ makes sure the Makefile list is in sync with the meson one. The lists are committed in icons/icon-lists/ with a "usage grouping" logics when possible. * PNG versions for Color and Symbolic icon themes should not be committed anymore. The Symbolic PNG version are generated with GTK tool gtk-encode-symbolic-svg and the Color PNG version are rendered with a new custom tool tools/colorsvg2png.c. * New weekly CI to build with raster icons on meson and autotools and making sure the build systems are well synced. * Meson's -Dvec-icons option renamed to -Dvector-icons. - meson dependency bumped to 0.53.0. - We recommend fontconfig 2.13.95 or over on Windows where support for user-installed fonts (feature appeared in Windows 1809) was implemented. GIMP had its own workaround until now, which got removed in this version. - Optimization of the DLL search script for creating the Windows installer, which made the "packaging-win*-native" jobs in particular run from over 2 hours in some cases to about 10 minutes. So it's a big gain for the creation wait for the Windows installer. API: - Vala bindings gimp-3.vapi and gimp-ui-3.vapi were renamed to gimp-3.0.vapi and gimp-ui-3.0.vapi respectively in the autotools build (now consistent with meson). - Changes in libgimp: * GimpStringArray type was removed in favor of GStrv. Various libgimp API were updated to use GStrv, and relevant plug-in procedures with GStrv arguments or return values were updated as well. * New functions: + gimp_context_are_dynamics_enabled() + gimp_context_enable_dynamics(). + gimp_item_get_lock_visibility() + gimp_item_set_lock_visibility() + gimp_pdb_run_procedure_config() * Removed functions: + gimp_item_get_linked() + gimp_item_set_linked() - Changes in libgimpui: * New widgets: + GimpLabelColor (now used by default for GimpRGB properties in GimpProcedureDialog) + GimpLabelEntry (now used by default for string properties in GimpProcedureDialog) + GimpSpinScale (formerly a core-only widget, e.g. used by the "Opacity" slider on the Layers dockable, moved to libgimpui to be usable by plug-ins) * New functions: + gimp_color_area_enable_drag() + gimp_event_triggers_context_menu(): alternative to gdk_event_triggers_context_menu() with the additional ability of using button release events as contextual menu triggering (instead of press events), which might be prefered in some cases. Other than this, it uses exactly the same conditions as its GDK counterpart. + gimp_procedure_dialog_get_spin_scale() + gimp_prop_label_color_new(). + gimp_prop_label_entry_new() + gimp_prop_spin_scale_new() + gimp_prop_widget_set_factor() * Improved functions: + gimp_procedure_dialog_get_widget() can now generate widgets of type GimpSpinScale (for int/double properties) and GimpLabelColor or GimpColorButton (for GimpRGB properties). + gimp_procedure_dialog_get_color_widget() now only return GimpLabelColor widgets (editable or not). Documentation: - API documentation is now built with `gi-docgen` instead of `gtk-doc`. The syntax for in-comment documentation is slightly changed. - Important rework of the developer documentation has started in devel-docs/. Translations: - 18 translations were updated: Basque, British English, Catalan, Chinese (China), Danish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Kabyle, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian.


Até que o Gimp 3.0 chegue aos repositórios das distribuições Linux você pode instalar pelo empacotamento Flatpak a versção em desenvolvimento 2.99.10, instale o suporte a esse empacotamento com o comando correspondente a sua distribuição Linux.

 Para Arch Linux e Manjaro

sudo pacman -S flatpak

Para Debian e Ubuntu

sudo apt install flatpak

Para Fedora

sudo dnf install flatpak

Para openSUSE

sudo zypper install flatpak

Adicionar repositórios Flatpak

Em primeiro lugar adicione o repositório Flathub.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

E Flathub beta

flatpak remote-add --user flathub-beta

Para instalar execute o comando como usuário comum.


flatpak install org.gimp.GIMP

Ai está.


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