O HandBrake é um dos melhores programas para Linux destinado a conversão de Vídeo, a versão 1.4 é lançada com varias novidades, confira.
HandBrake é um programa multiplataforma e multitarefa em código aberto de conversão de arquivos de vídeo e DVD e Bluray para MPEG-4, disponível para Mac OS X, Linux e Windows. É compatível com equipamentos como: Apple TV, iPod, iPhone, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 e PSP. Wikipédia
Para conhecer melhor o APP e a sua versatilidade confira nossas matérias.
O conversor de vídeo Handbrake por padrão salva o vídeo convertido em
.m4v, se você prefere que seus trabalhos sejam salvos em .mp4, confira
essa matéria.
O Handbrake
é um dos melhores conversores de vídeo para GNU/Linux, além de
conversão ele também ripa DVDs de vídeo, confira nessa matéria.
Essa dica é para quem gosta de ter vídeos no smartfone, postar no
Youtube ou simplesmente deseja livrar espaço em seu hd, comprimindo seus
vídeos sem perder a qualidade, iremos fazer isso com o Handbrake-gtk.
está buscando uma forma de adicionar as suas legendas aos seus vídeos
para ter um único arquivo, leia essa matéria e veja duas formas de fazer
essa tarefa.
HandBrake 1.4
O anúncio de lançamento foi feito em 18 de Julho de 2021.
"Antes tarde do que nunca." - A equipe HandBrake e “alguns” outros :)
A equipe do HandBrake tem o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do HandBrake 1.4.0."
Esse lançamento está com ótimas melhorias e recursos.
- Refinando ainda mais o mecanismo HandBrake para suportar codificações nativas de 10 e 12 bits, incluindo o passthru de metadados HDR10.
- Melhorias na funcionalidade de codificação de hardware para dispositivos Intel QuickSync, AMD VCN e Qualcomm ARM. (Obrigado a todas essas empresas por apoiarem o desenvolvimento do HandBrake!)
- Adiciona suporte para macs baseados em Apple Silicon.
- Adiciona suporte para dispositivos Qualcomm ARM64 executando Windows (HandBrakeCLI apenas por enquanto. A IU do Windows virá mais tarde!)
- Melhorias no manuseio de legendas.
- Melhorias de UI / UX para todas as 3 plataformas.
- Como de costume, centenas de outras alterações e ajustes no aplicativo.
Confira no quadro abaixo a lista completa de melhorias e correções.
Upgrade Notice
Before updating, please make sure there are no pending encodes in the Queue.
Please also make a backup of any custom presets and app preferences you have as they may not be compatible with newer versions.
All platforms
The HandBrake engine is now 10 and 12bit capable. Please note that not all filters support 10 and 12 bits. Using an 8bit filter will cause the pipeline to run at 8bit. Please see the documentation for more information.
HDR10 metadata will be passed through from the source file if present.
Static Previews that are generated during file scans are now stored in compressed jpeg format (previously stored as YUV420). Temporary disk space usage and disk writes are massively reduced. This uses libjpeg-turbo
New Filter: Chroma Smooth
New Filter: Colourspace Selection.
New Filter: Support for QuickSync hardware accelerated Crop/Scale when using full path.
Hardware Encoding
New Encoder: Media Foundation
For Windows based ARM64 devices powered by Qualcomm Chipsets.
Updates to the AMD VCN encoder:
Quality tuning for VCN's constrained vbr rate control mode. Results are the same or better than cqp mode, and bit rate is much more predictable.
Included optimised H265 presets for 1080p and 4K content.
Updates to the Intel QuickSync encoder:
Minor performance improvement by skipping VFR and Crop/Scale filters when they are not required.
Overhauled memory management including improved zero-copy support where software filters are not used which should also improve performance.
MP2 Audio Passthru support.
New General purpose subtitle decoder
Added support for DVB Subtitles (Passthru and Burn-In)
Added support for EIA608 Closed Captions.
Replaced current decoders for PGS, SRT and SSA with those in ffmpeg. This should correct a number of rendering issues on Burn-In
Reduced default CC burn-in font-size.
Third-party libraries
The following 3rd party libraries have changed:
ffmpeg 4.4
AMF 1.4.18 (AMD VCN encoding)
nv-codec-headers (Nvidia NVENC encoding)
libmfx 1.34
freetype 2.10.4
fribidi 1.0.10
harfbuzz 2.8.1
jansson 2.13.1
libass 0.15.1
libbluray 1.3.0
libdvdnav 6.1.1
libdvdread 6.1.1
dav1d 0.9.0
libvorbis 1.3.7
libvpx 1.10.0
x264 161 r3043
x265 3.5
zimg and libjpeg-turbo are new dependencies.
General UI Updates (Applies to Windows, macOS and Linux)
The "Dimensions" tab has been redesigned.
The Rotate and Flip filter has been moved from the filters tab.
Added support for padding
Added support to control the resolution limit.
Added limited support for upscaling
Updated translations (levels of completeness vary)
Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
Support for Apple Silicon (macOS only)
Support for running multiple simultaneous jobs.
Support eyetv packages with .ts enclosed media file
Improved UI navigation
Added two menu items to quickly switch between titles
Improved undo/redo support
Drag & drop import/export support in the presets popover
Preference Updates:
Added a preference to control whether the current edited preset should be re-applied when changing title
Improved Security Scoped Bookmarks management
Minor improvements and fixes for macOS 11
Updated Sparkle Updater library.
Updated translations (levels of completeness vary)
Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
The Windows UI now requires "Microsoft .NET 5 Desktop Runtime" (Please note it is specifically the "Desktop Runtime!)
Windows 10 is now the minimum version supported. The app will still run on Windows 7 and 8.1 however you will receive a message noting that it is not supported (twice) after which it will continue to run. Please note some functionality may not work correctly on these older operating systems and no support will be provided.
Process Isolation
When enabled, any encodes that are started are run under a separate "handbrake.worker.exe" process.
This protects the main UI from any crashes that could occur whilst processing a file and allows the queue to continue.
Multiple jobs can be run simultaneously to improve CPU utilisation on high core count systems.
Audio Tab
Minor improvement to the usability of auto-passthru. To prevent confusion, the "auto-passhtru" audio "encoder" option is now only available on the defaults screen and not the main audio tab.
Queue Improvements
Restored lost "Stop" functionality in the new queue design that landed in 1.3.
The legacy preset side panel has been removed. The presets button on the toolbar will now offer a "preset manager" and list the available for selection.
The inline-preset view from 1.3 is now permanent.
Installer Improvements
Existing NSIS installer: Option to create a shortcut for "all users" as the last step.
Preference Updates:
New Auto Name option: Always use the default path for each new source / title selected
"Send File To" Arguments now supports "{source}" and "{destination}" replacement placeholders.
Added a preference to configure the "Pause on Low Battery" feature.
Check for Updates is now "opt-in" for new installs.
UI Performance: Optimisations to allow better performance when handling large sets of files (1000+)
Updated translations (levels of completeness vary)
Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
Para instalar o HandBrake 1.4 iremos utilizar o empacotamento Flatpak.
Instale o suporte ao empacotamento Flatpak com o comando correspondente a sua distribuição.
Para Arch Linux e Manjaro
sudo pacman -S flatpak
Para Debian e Ubuntu sudo apt install flatpak
Para Fedora sudo dnf install flatpak
Para openSUSEsudo zypper install flatpak
Adicionar repositórios Flathub
Os repositório flathub tem uma gama enorme de programas não encontrados no flatpak oficial, é interessante o seu uso.
Para adicionar os repositórios do flathub de os comandos abaixo.
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
Flathub beta.
flatpak remote-add --user flathub-beta https://flathub.org/beta-repo/flathub-beta.flatpakrepo
Instale o Adriconf com o comando no terminal.
flatpak install fr.handbrake.ghb
Ai está.