Lançado o LibreOffice 7.1.3 para Linux

A comunidade LibreOffice lança mais um pacote com mais de 100 correções para a versão 7.1 da sua suíte de escritório, confira.


LibreOffice é uma suíte de aplicativos livre para escritório disponível para Windows, Unix, Solaris, Linux e Mac OS X. A suíte utiliza o formato OpenDocument — formato homologado como ISO/IEC 26300 e NBR ISO/IEC 26300 — e é também compatível com os formatos do Microsoft Office, além de outros formatos legados. Wikipédia

LibreOffice 7.1.3

O anúncio foi feito em 06 de maio de 2021.

"Berlim, 6 de maio de 2021 - LibreOffice 7.1.3 Community, a terceira versão secundária da família LibreOffice 7.1, voltada para entusiastas de tecnologia e usuários avançados, está disponível para download. O LibreOffice 7.1.3 inclui mais de 100 correções de bugs, com 25% focado na compatibilidade de arquivos do Microsoft Office (DOCX, XLSX e PPTX)."


No total foram 105 correções somando as versões RC1 e RC2.

Correções RC1

cid#1473830 resource leak [Caolán McNamara] fdo#38884 Improve Up/Down movement in writer [Xisco Fauli] ofz#32499 overflowing pos [Caolán McNamara] ofz#32796 no pdfium during wmf fuzzing [Caolán McNamara] tdf#35986 Parts of EMF file not visible/stretched to an enormous extent [Bartosz Kosiorek] tdf#37281 emf file display yellow square instead of yelow circle [Bartosz Kosiorek] tdf#40427 Sections in Navigator are not listed in order of occurrence in document [Mike Kaganski] tdf#45820 insanely slow wmf import (complex clipping and basegfx::tools::findCuts) [Bartosz Kosiorek] tdf#48916 FORMATTING: The clipping of EMF files are ignored. [Bartosz Kosiorek] tdf#55058 (emf-testbed) EMF+ List of EMF import bugs with examples [Bartosz Kosiorek] tdf#58745 EDITING Extending date lists with dates of 29th or greater by dragging misses month ends [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#81396 XLSX IMPORT: Data plots in chart not visible when cells have formula, needs Ctrl+Shift+F9 (Steps in Comment 5) [Xisco Fauli] tdf#89754 using autofill on dates is wrong when increment should be 0 [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#93441 EDITING: cursor jumps to different horizontal position when moving to a different line with Up / Down [Xisco Fauli] tdf#97569 Filesave as docx saves lists with bulgarian or serbian character numbering as simple digit numbering (see comment 12) [Justin Luth] tdf#99913 Importing autofiltered XLSX and selecting cells copies hidden cells, too [Tünde Tóth] tdf#106181 FILESAVE: Check boxes get lost when saving as .XLSX [Justin Luth] tdf#117750 Some of the image filters aren't working (like Aging or Relief) [Julien Nabet] tdf#118482 Doesn't work mouse scrolling in list of conditions in dialogue Conditional formatting for... [Caolán McNamara] tdf#122717 FILEOPEN DOCX: Horizontal line has wrong size/position and vertical line rendered horizontally [Xisco Fauli] tdf#122894 FILEOPEN DOC: Crash: SwFrame::RemoveFromLayout() [Caolán McNamara] tdf#125936 FILEOPEN DOCX: Wrong format for characters [Justin Luth] tdf#126742 writer: OLE object resized incorrectly [Armin Le Grand (Allotropia)] tdf#127471 Copied calc diagram in gdi format looks ok under linux, but the fonts looks weird under windows. [Armin Le Grand (Allotropia)] tdf#128334 Assert using FormulaR1C1 [Eike Rathke] tdf#131031 F5 navigator in calc opens initially very wide [Armin Le Grand (Allotropia)] tdf#131171 Slide animation "diagonal squares" has wrong labels for directions [Katarina Behrens] tdf#131269 A particular PPT with unusual order of Master-Note-Presentation fails to open in Impress [nd101] tdf#132393 Page numbers for alphabetical index not displayed, if index is in more than one column (see comment 8) [Miklos Vajna] tdf#133159 Navigator: Selected item changes to the previous one (gtk3) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#133487 z-index wrong for shape with style:run-through="background" [Michael Stahl] tdf#133933 CRASH: Undoing paste of table with images of cats [Miklos Vajna] tdf#134736 Draw PDF export to Archive/A-1b and without "Reduce image resolution" duplicates, resizes and misplaces images [Caolán McNamara] tdf#135364 Pen color and width not stored under Gtk (see comment 9) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#136740 pasting RTF content to LO writer resets tab stops setting in options [Mike Kaganski] tdf#136918 Style down arrow not completely visible [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#136956 CRASH: Undoing merge cell [Mark Hung] tdf#137367 [FILEOPEN PPTX] direct hyperlink colors aren't supported [Tibor Nagy] tdf#138646 The "Excel R1C1" formula syntax does not allow you to refer to a named range (single cell or cell range) by name [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#138895 FILEOPEN DOCX Shape distance from text imported with rounding error [Miklos Vajna] tdf#139075 UI: Format Cell, borders Borders tab has drawing glitches when applying diagonal lines [Caolán McNamara] tdf#139495 Import of DOC file broken on 64 bit, ok on 32 bit [Justin Luth] tdf#139786 VBA code modified while saving to .xls format - no longer works in Excel [Justin Luth] tdf#139804 Button inside document can't be triggered with Alt-Mnemonic> [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#139926 CSS/visual design: Explore making notes less visually dominant; it gets annoying in some pages [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] tdf#140229 Link to External Data - Calc not responding/very slow [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#140271 EMF Displayed lines are too thin and have equal line weight [Bartosz Kosiorek] tdf#140292 Empty frame at undo [Michael Stahl, Miklos Vajna] tdf#140395 "Font effects" screenshot has to be updated so that it does not show "blinking" control [Seth Chaiklin] tdf#140404 No "Paste Special" dialog on Wayland with kf5 vclplug [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#140489 FILEOPEN XLSX Chart display is incorrect [Szymon Kłos] tdf#140556 Master document view not launching subdocument from pulldown [Caolán McNamara] tdf#140590 Crash in: mergedlo.dll: Using Save-As dialog in Tools>Chapter Numbering [Noel Grandin] tdf#140639 It is not possible to work with an older document from LO 6.4 in new LO 7.0, slow perf [Caolán McNamara] tdf#140714 FILEOPEN PPTX: image styles that clip images into curvy shapes missing (and images shown rectangular) [Gülşah Köse] tdf#140813 Use GetUpdatedClipboardFormats Vista API to minimize clipboard-related overhead [Mike Kaganski] tdf#140828 Caption frame content (image) detached from frame [Attila Bakos (NISZ)] tdf#140848 FORMATTING: Display errors of rotated vector graphics [Luboš Luňák] tdf#140863 Error hiding and unhiding sections [Xisco Fauli, Bjoern Michaelsen] tdf#140865 FILEOPEN FILESAVE PPTX: Wordart 3D is lost on round trip [Regina Henschel] tdf#140977 Assert is failed closing Table Properties dialog with table selected [Caolán McNamara] tdf#140986 LO hangs when you select a cell with validity's drop-down [Noel Grandin] tdf#141011 Password is requested to open MailMerge database when opening More Fields dialog *on any tab* [Mike Kaganski] tdf#141012 Password to the associated DB asked again twice after cancelled first time, when opening More Fields dialog in a MailMerge document [Mike Kaganski] tdf#141015 It's not visible to user that a MailMerge document without database fields is associated with the database [Mike Kaganski] tdf#141021 Extrusion North has wrong Origin [Regina Henschel] tdf#141027 LibreOffice freezes when checking russian spelling [Caolán McNamara] tdf#141050 CCur does not accept negative strings [arpit1912] tdf#141079 Hard to select field when it's the first character in a table cell [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#141084 URL input of form config popup : cursor jump at start after 1 key press [Caolán McNamara] tdf#141115 Crash in: connectivity::OSQLParseTreeIterator::getOrderTree [Lionel Elie Mamane] tdf#141127 FILEOPEN ODP LibreOffice uses wrong default skew angle in extruded custom shape [Regina Henschel] tdf#141146 LOOKUP picks data from unreferenced sheet [Eike Rathke] tdf#141197 Buttons in LO startcenter are not available through accessibility [Caolán McNamara] tdf#141201 Basic: MOD result is different for values passed as literals vs. using variables [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#141258 LibreOffice Writer freeze when you try use a spellchecking in RU GUI [Caolán McNamara] tdf#141282 .uno:DecrementSubLevels ("Demote One Level with Subpoints") has the wrong icon [Rizal Muttaqin] tdf#141284 UI: Inconsistent Colibre Icon for "Next/Previous Track Change" and "Accept/Reject Track Change and select the next one" [Rizal Muttaqin] tdf#141297 Removing links for external images doesn't work [Arnaud Versini] tdf#141318 "Close" button in "Target in Hyperlink" dialog missing its left border [Caolán McNamara] tdf#141394 EMF FILLRGN record is not displayed correctly [Bartosz Kosiorek] tdf#141416 [FILEOPEN] Excel file very long to open (more than one hour) [Xisco Fauli] tdf#141515 BASE - Relationsships were shown with big space in Tableviews [Caolán McNamara] tdf#141528 Linked OLE: Error when breaking linked OLE [Armin Le Grand (Allotropia)] tdf#141529 Linked OLE: OLE content is changed independent from hosting Document [Armin Le Grand (Allotropia)] tdf#141547 CRASH: opening Standard Filter dialog [Mike Kaganski] tdf#141549 FILEOPEN: DOCX: Missing images in header [Michael Stahl] tdf#141600 UI: The vertical line of Anchor marker is blurry in Colibre icon theme [Rizal Muttaqin] tdf#141618 UI: The vertical line of Anchor marker is blurry in Sukapura icon theme [Rizal Muttaqin] tdf#141623 Qt5 refresh problem when starting LO start center and cairo (text) rendering ennabled [Jan-Marek Glogowski]

Correções RC2

i#123539 CRASH when open particular .XLS with 3D Chart [Xisco Fauli] tdf#86321 EDITING, FORMATTING: diagram didn't automatic update when change variable (steps in comment 28) [Xisco Fauli] tdf#132472 FILEOPEN PPTX Table text imported with white color [Xisco Fauli] tdf#132901 Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Online update crashes if "online update" feature is not installed [Xisco Fauli] tdf#137470 Fix temporary URL in additionsdialog [Christian Lohmaier] tdf#138785 Empty frames after deleting an image and (auto-saving the file) (track changes involved) [Michael Stahl] tdf#141244 Controls in Modify DDE Link dialog missing [Aron Budea] tdf#141419 UI: Missing Backcolor in Preview of conditional format dialog [Caolán McNamara] tdf#141703 EDITING Tab key no longer moves to next cell in Impress table [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#141715 incorrect horizontal scaling of glyphs in sm formula nodes [Luboš Luňák] tdf#141770 Cancel/Ok buttons don't work in Modify DDE Link dialog (gen) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#141887 Crash on closing Writer via window decoration (X) with unmodified document and active IM [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#141902 translations into Dutch are still shown in English [Julien Nabet] tdf#141914 document with chart set as modified (follow-up bug 31231) [Mike Kaganski] tdf#141924 A specific file crashes with Style Inspector open, after deleting some text [Mike Kaganski]



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