Lançado o Inkscape 1.1 para Linux, macOS e Windows

O Inkscape é destinado a editoração eletrônica de imagens e documentos vetoriais, a sua versão 1.1 é lançada recheada de novidades e correções, confira.



O Inkscape é um programa de gráficos vetoriais de qualidade profissional que roda em Windows, Mac OS X e GNU/Linux. É usado por entusiastas e profissionais de design em todo o mundo, para a criação de uma grande variedade de gráficos, tais como ilustrações, ícones, logotipos, diagramas, mapas e gráficos da web. O Inkscape usa o padrão aberto SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) do consórcio W3C como seu formato nativo e é uma aplicação de uso livre e de código aberto. Fonte

Inkscape 1.1

O anúncio de lançamento foi feito em 25 de Maio de 2021.


"O Inkscape 1.1 é a versão principal mais recente do Inkscape que traz aos usuários muitos recursos novos e novas funcionalidades."

Novidades e correções

Esse lançamento possui uma infinidade de novidades que você pode conferir aqui. Os destaques ficam para as seguintes.


  • Uma caixa de diálogo Bem-vindo, onde a aparência do Inkscape pode ser selecionada e algumas opções para o tamanho do novo documento ou arquivo a ser aberto estão disponíveis
  • Uma paleta de comandos que abre quando o? é pressionada e isso permite pesquisar e usar muitas funções sem ter que usar um atalho de teclado ou percorrer os menus
  • Agora é possível copiar, cortar e colar partes de caminhos com a ferramenta Node
  • O sistema de encaixe de diálogo foi reescrito, o que resolve muitos problemas com os diálogos encaixados do Inkscape e permite que você encaixe diálogos em qualquer um dos lados da tela
  • Novo modo de sobreposição de contorno que exibe contornos de objetos ao mesmo tempo em que mostra suas cores reais
  • As opções de preferências agora são mais fáceis de encontrar usando o novo campo de pesquisa
  • Não é mais necessário se lembrar de clicar em 'Exportar' na caixa de diálogo Exportar para PNG, pois a exportação já acontecerá após clicar em 'Salvar' na caixa de diálogo de seleção de arquivo.
  • Exporte como JPG, TIFF, PNG otimizado e WebP diretamente do Inkscape
  • Ao colar um objeto copiado, o Inkscape agora o cola diretamente em cima do objeto atualmente selecionado por padrão
  • Uma extensão para atualizar extensões e instalar extensões adicionais, chamada Extension Manager (atualmente em fase beta)


Varias correções também foram feitas e você pode conferir no quadro abaixo.

Crash fixes Fix a crash … when exporting a file containing an object clipped with a filtered object to PDF ([1] Bug #203) when deleting the d attribute in the XML editor (MR #2722) when zooming in on a heavily filtered object in large files (MR #2965) when clipping a raster image with a shape, using the setting to 'Put every clipped/masked object in its own group' (Bug #1912) when changing the document scale in files without a viewbox (Bug #2201) when rotating a rectangle slowly with snapping turned on (Bug #194 when trying to use shapes with various Live Path Effects in Boolean operations (Bug #2321) when opening a file containing a group that uses a filter with large filter region (Bug #1786) when opening a file containing a linked SVG image with no height, width or viewbox (Bug #800) when opening a file that uses currentColor for the stop of a gradient (Bug #1568) when trying to link or embed an invalid file (Bug #3951) when undoing the work of the Spray tool (Bug #1656) when importing a PDF file with special characters (like é or ä) in its name (Bug #1622) when importing a PDF file, which happened inconsistently (Bug #1729) when using extensions while an object without id attribute is selected (Bug inbox#4756) when removing a Live Path Effect (MR #3064) when undoing a node edit on an object with the PowerMask LPE (Bug #2149) when pasting the Corners Live Path Effect onto another object (Bug #2113) when using the node tool while adding the Corners LPE to an object (Bug #1940) when adding the Perspective LPE to a purely horizontal / vertical path (Bug #2185) when closing Inkscape while the Connector tool was drawing a connection (Bug #2031) when closing a file while the 3D box tool is active and then drawing a box in the next file (Bug #2002) when opening a trash file that could not be opened (MR #2780) when closing Inkscape after ungrouping a group that contains items with certain path effects (MR #2465) when closing an Inkscape window, if Inkscape was built with adress sanitizer support (MR #2528) … and many more crashes Other bug fixes (affected functionality highlighted, so you can find 'your' bug more quickly) UI and General The color selector's color wheel looks better now on HiDPI screens (MR #2416) Color slider no longer has a thin line going across it on HiDPI screens (MR #2733) The color indicator field in the bottom left corner of the window now uses a constant width and has been cleaned up a bit (MR #2400) Improved icon colors, fixing multiple bugs for different Gtk themes and icon themes (MR #2845) You can now just click in the color wheel to select a color (MR #2428) The color picker works again in extension dialogs and other dialogs that are not the 'Fill and Stroke' dialog (Bug #1026) When rotating the canvas, objects' handles rotate along with it now (MR #2334) Reverse order of z-order buttons to achieve more consistency (MR #2556) Icon for 'Unset paint' in the Fill & Stroke dialog was improved (MR #2770) The status bar updates correctly now when removing a filter (Bug #2208) The canvas colors update instantly now after activating / deactivating the color managed view (Bug #1948) Authors and translators of Inkscape are displayed in the 'About Inkscape' dialog again on Windows (Bug #1592) Parts of the user interface were empty after starting Inkscape (Bug #1509) When returning to a minimized Inkscape window from another program, the Inkscape main window is now focused instead of one of the floating dialogs (Bug #1695) Inkscape no longer asks twice whether you would like to save a file when trying to close it with Ctrl+W (Bug #1943) Number fields that lost the ability to understand unit identifiers entered behind the number (e.g. enter '10cm' in a field that uses mm) now again know what to do with them (Bug #1282) When right-clicking on a number entry field, you'll no longer be able to choose among duplicated or invalid values (MR #1446) The Auto palette now shows all custom swatches that exist in a document (not only newly added ones) and should update reliably (Bug #2340) Locked guides can no longer be deleted using Del (Bug #1905) The keyboard shortcuts displayed in the menus are now updated instantly when changing the keyboard shortcut map (Bug #741) Lasso selection now uses a dashed border to improve visibility with different background colors (Bug #1456) Reading and updating information about available fonts is now faster (MR #2727) Autosave overwrites the correct autosaved files now when the maximum number of autosave files is reached (Bug #1649) The input mode indicator (needed for languages such as Chinese or Japanese) now appears at the text tool's cursor position again (Bug #1009) Changed the font in number entry fields from a monospaced one to using the tabular numbers feature (MR #2763) Wording and spelling improvements Multiple memory leak fixes Specific Functionality Paths no longer appear to move sometimes when undoing an edit to them (Bug #1251) @import statements in CSS style sheets are now processed in the correct order, so their styles are no longer overwritten unintentionally Inkscape no longer freezes when opening a file that contains multiple style tags (Bug #1755) Fix of feColorMatrix filter primitive default rendering (MR #2424) Show color output for feColorMatrix with in=SourceAlpha (Bug #1147) Blurred objects can now have an additional filter or blend mode again (Bug #2306) Updating a custom swatch's color value now works again, even if you're not using the color sliders to do that (Bug #188) 'Last used style' now respects style changes caused by swapping fill and stroke (Bug #1937) 'Last used style' no longer includes any filters (Bug #1831) When pasting a color hex code onto any selected object(s) with Ctrl + V, the fill color will now again change to the color indicated by the hex code (Bug #2046) Update behavior of 'Selectors and CSS' dialog improved (MR #3136) Objects using some less common color codes for their fill no longer become black (unset paint) when transforming them in specific ways (Bug #1651) Markers can again be removed from rectangle objects (Bug #1936) When creating a marker from multiple selected objects, the z-order is now respected in the resulting marker (previously, it was the selection order that determined the z-order; MR #2274) The 'no end marker' option has a symbolic picture now in the marker dropdowns in the Fill and Stroke dialog (Bug #1841) The 'Polka dots, large' and 'Polka dots, large white' patterns tile seamlessly again (MR #2772) Inkscape can now deal with scientific notation (e.g. "1.6e6") in style values (Bug #1547, #2189) Multiple fixes for 'Stroke to path' command (MR #2410) Path ⯈ Simplify no longer removes class attributes (Bug #2191) Fix reversed buttons in "Arrange / Polar Coordinates" (MR 2561) Fix z-order rendering issue after ungrouping (MR #2452) Ungrouping no longer moves / scales various types of objects and styles (e.g. clones, offsets, patterns, gradients ...) (Bug #706, MR #2464) Comments in groups in an SVG's source code no longer cause Inkscape to invert z-order ([2]) Fix "Pop selected object out of group" when using Ctrl+Click MR #2729) Fix copying mesh gradients to new document (MR #2362) The measurement tool's angle is now always displayed on the correct side (Bug #2303) The previous measuring results of the measurement tool no longer jump away from their position when switching tools and then switching back to measuring (Bug #2388) Fix an issue with the 'Roughen' LPE (MR #3062) Fix bounding box on combined LPEs (Rotate copies + Bend; MR #2522) The 'Mirror Symmetry' LPE now updates correctly when changing its values numerically (Bug #2141) The result of insetting an object using the 'Offset' LPE now consists of a more reasonable number of nodes (Bug #4443) Hid a 'Mirror' LPE parameter of which nobody knew what it does (MR #2778) Multiple fixes related to various aspects of Live Path Effect transformations and copying Restore performance when selecting an object with the Fill and Stroke dialog open (Bug #1191) Ellipses are now un-created and re-created (with Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Y) correctly (Bug #1488) Undoing a path drawn with the Pen(-cil) tool using Shape: (Bend) from clipboard no longer requires two steps (Bug #2204) Processing Instructions and comments are no longer auto-deleted (Bug #1050) 3D boxes don't jump around and scale unexpectedly when moving them (Bug #2228) Copy-pasting text-on-path no longer displaces or scales the text (Bug #853) The 'optical size' axis works now for variable fonts (Bug #1986) New lines can now be added to flowed text using the text entry field in the Text and Font dialog, and are no longer lost in certain circumstances (Bug #1887, #1891) Improvements to font selection and font loading speed Multiple fixes for 'Selectors and CSS' dialog (MR #1681) Font features (e.g. ligatures) are now applied to the first glyph in a nested tspan, too (Bug #1987) Arabic text still looks correct now when parts of it have a different style (e.g. different color; Bug #734) Many improvements to text rendering for non-Latin languages Newly created text always uses the default text orientation again, even when created within a rotated (or otherwise transformed) group (Bug #1767) Sublayers can now be dragged and reordered in the Objects dialog, just like any other item (Bug #1247) Export and Import PDF/LaTeX export now places SVG2 texts correctly in the exported .tex file (Bug #2300) Tutorial files now open as templates, so you won't get an error message when trying to save the tutorial (to its installation location), but will instead be asked for the save location (MR #2354) New arcs, chords and circle segments show up again in other programs than Inkscape (Bug #2489) Clipped objects now respect the antialiasing setting on export (Bug #1921) Inkscape no longer freezes when trying to import a PDF that uses multiple color spaces (Bug #1878) In embedded JavaScript, Inkscape no longer messes with the contents of xlink:href (Bug #1958) When batch-exporting PNG images, the export path selection is no longer greyed out (but only the directory portion of it will be used, plus the path IDs as file names) (Bug #1894) When batch-exporting PNG images, the number of selected objects updates correctly now (MR #2829) The Plot extension works again on macOS Big Sur (Bug inbox#4547) Command Line On the command line, paths with a dot in their name no longer cause exported files to be saved to the wrong place (Bug #1712) Changes output extensions make to the document no longer propagate to the actual document (MR #2755)

Inkscape 1.1



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Inkscape 1.1 por appimage, faça o download no link abaixo, marque como executável e utilize sem precisar instalar.

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Snap e Flatpak

Para utilizar pelo empacotamento Snap ou Flatpak o seu sistema deve ser compativel, confira como fazer na matéria abaixo.

Suporte Snap e Flatpak para as distribuições GNU/Linux

Confira nessa matéria como ter suporte aos pacotes Snap e Flatpak na sua distribuição de pacotes GNU/Linux.

Com o seu sistema operacional pronto para os empacotamentos, instale o que mais te agrada.

Instalar por Flatpak, escolha o beta

flatpak install org.inkscape.Inkscape

Instalar por Snap

snap install inkscape

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