KDE Frameworks 5.77.0 é lançado com centenas de correções

Os KDE Frameworks são 83 bibliotecas complementares ao Qt, nessa atualização recebeu mais de 200 correções, confira.





 KDE Frameworks

KDE Frameworks é uma coleção de bibliotecas e frameworks de software do KDE que servem como fundação tecnológica para o KDE Plasma 5 e Aplicativos do KDE distribuídos sob a Licença Pública Geral Menor GNU. Wikipédia

KDE Frameworks 5.77.0


O anúncio foi feito em 12 de dezembro de 2020.

"Os KDE Frameworks são 83 bibliotecas complementares ao Qt que fornecem uma ampla variedade de funcionalidades comumente necessárias em bibliotecas maduras, revisadas por pares e bem testadas com termos de licenciamento amigáveis. Para obter uma introdução, consulte o anúncio de lançamento do KDE Frameworks. 

Este lançamento faz parte de uma série de lançamentos mensais planejados, disponibilizando melhorias aos desenvolvedores de maneira rápida e previsível."


 A lista completa das correções pode ser lida abaixo.

New in this Version Attica Fix crash in provider loading by checking reply pointer before deref (bug 427974) Baloo [DocumentUrlDB] Delete child list entry from DB if empty Add Presentation document type for Office OpenXML slideshow and template [MetaDataMover] Fix lookup of parent document id [DocumentUrlDB] Add method for trivial renames and moves [MetaDataMover] Make renames a DB only operation [Document] Add parent document ID and populate it Replace direct syslog call with categorized logging message Breeze Icons Add text-field variants: -frameless (-> text-field), -framed Add symbolic name symlink for input-* icons Add icon for True Type XML font Add add-subtitle Change MathML icon to use a formula and use specific mime type Add icon for QEMU disk image and SquashFS image Add edit-move action icon Add icon for core dumps Add a bunch of subtitle mime types Remove useless blur from kontrast icon Extra CMake Modules Fix category extraction from desktop files Define install dir variable for file templates Add fastlane metadata generation for Android builds (Qt)WaylandScanner: Properly mark files as SKIP_AUTOMOC KActivitiesStats ResultModel: expose resource MimeType Add event filtering for files and directories (bug 428085) KCalendarCore Fix maintainer, that is supposed to be Allen, not me :) Add support for CONFERENCE property Add alarmsTo convenience method to Calendar Check that by day recurrences do not precede dtStart KCMUtils Remove hack that broke multi level kcms in icon mode KConfig Fix KConfigGroup::copyTo with KConfigBase::Notify (bug 428771) KCoreAddons Avoid to crash when factory is empty (when we return an error) KFormat: Add more relative date time cases Enable KPluginFactory to optionally pass KPluginMetaData to plugins KDAV Remove it as it creates too many errors KDeclarative Sync margins from AbstractKCM into SimpleKCM Remove obsolete license text Relicense file to LGPL-2.0-or-later Relicense file to LGPL-2.0-or-later Relicense file to LGPL-2.0-or-later Relicense file to LGPL-2.0-or-later Rewrite KeySequenceItem (and helper) to use KeySequenceRecorder (bug 427730) KDESU Properly parse escaped double quotes Add OpenBSD’s doas(1) support KFileMetaData Fix some leaks in OpenDocument and Office OpenXML extractors Add several subtypes for OpenDocument and OpenXML document KGlobalAccel Load statically linked kglobalacceld interface plugins KDE GUI Addons Make shortcut inhibition work from the get-go (bug 407395) Fix potential crash in wayland inhibitor teardown (bug 429267) CMake: Find Qt5::GuiPrivate when Wayland support is enabled Add KeySequenceRecorder as base for KKeySequenceWidget and KeySequenceItem (bug 407395) KHolidays Fix rounding of sun position events less than 30s before the next hour Avoid parsing each holiday file twice in defaultRegionCode() Compute the astro seasons only once per occurrence Fix holiday region lookup for ISO 3166-2 codes Make HolidayRegion copyable/movable Add support for calculating civil twilight times KIdleTime Load statically linked system poller plugins KImageFormats No longer decrease color depth to 8 for 16 bit uncompressed PSD files KIO NewFile Dialog: allow to accept directory creation before stat has run (bug 429838) Don’t leak DeleteJob thread KUrlNavBtn: make opening subdirs from dropdown menu with the keyboard work (bug 428226) DropMenu: Use translated shortcuts [ExecutableFileOpenDialog] focus Cancel button Places view: highlight place only when it is displayed (bug 156678) Add property to display plugin actions in “Actions” submenu Remove newly introduced method KIO::iconNameForUrl: resolve icon for remote files based on name (bug 429530) [kfilewidget] Use new standard shortcut for “Create Folder” Refactor context menu loading and make it more scalable RenameDialog: allow to overwrite when files are older (bug 236884) DropJob: use new edit-move icon for ‘Move Here’ Fix moc_predefs.h gen when ccache is enabled through -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=ccache CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1=g++ We require Qt 5.13 now, so remove ifdef Port KComboBox to QComboBox Doc fix requested by Méven Car @meven Refactor some loops using modern C++ Cleanup dead code Remove redundant check if key exists Simplify code for RequiredNumberOfUrls Remove some blank lines Simplify code and make it more consistent ioslaves: fix remote:/ root permissions KFileItem: isWritable use KProtocolManager for remote files Add overload to prepend actions to the “Actions” menu Use modern code style Do not add unnecessary separators (bug 427830) Use a braced initializer_list instead of « operator MkPathJob: rewrite conditionally compiled code to improve readablity Kirigami Make GlobalDrawer header set the position of ToolBars/TabBars/DialogButtonBoxes inViewport attached property fix header slide on touchscreen Refactor AbstractapplicationHeader with a new “ScrollIntention” concept on desktop always fill anchors to parent [controls/BasicListItem]: Don’t anchor to nonexistent item Don’t display avatar text on small size Remove # and @ from the extraction process of avatar initial Initialise property in sizeGroup use mouse interaction on isMobile for easier testing Hotfix leading/trailing using trailing values for leading separator margin [controls/BasicListItem]: Add leading/trailing properties fix sheet positioning on contents resize Apply old behavior in wide mode and don’t add topMargin in FormLayout Fix form layout on small screen You can’t use an AbstractListItem in a SwipeListItem Fix “Unable to assign [undefined] to int” in OverlaySheet [overlaysheet]: Don’t do a janky transition when content height changes [overlaysheet]: Animate height changes Fix overlay sheet positioning always set index when clicking on a page fix FAB s dragging in RTL mode Refine list separator appearance (bug 428739) fix drawer hanles in RTL mode Fix rendering borders the proper size with software fallback (bug 427556) Don’t place software fallback item outside of shadowed rectangle item bounds Use fwidth() for smoothing in low power mode (bug 427553) Also render a background color in low power mode Enable transparent rendering for Shadowed(Border)Texture in lowpower Do not cancel alpha components for shadowed rectangle in low power mode Don’t use a lower smoothing value when rendering ShadowedBorderTexture’s texture Remove “cut out” steps from shadowed rectangle and related shaders Use icon.name instead of iconName in the doc [Avatar] Make icon use an icon size close to the text size [Avatar] Make the initials use more space and improve vertical alignment [Avatar] Expose sourceSize and smooth properties for anyone who wants to animate the size [Avatar] Set the source size to prevent images from being blurry [Avatar] Set the foreground color once [Avatar] Change background gradient [Avatar] Change border width to 1px to match other bother widths [Avatar] Make padding, verticalPadding and horizontalPadding always work [avatar]: Add gradient to colours KItemModels KRearrangeColumnsProxyModel: only column 0 has children KMediaPlayer Install player & engine servicetype def. files by file name matching type KNewStuff Fix uninstalling when the entry isn’t cached When we call to check for updates, we expect updates (bug 418082) Reuse QWidgets dialog (bug 429302) Wrap compatibility block in KNEWSTUFFCORE_BUILD_DEPRECATED_SINCE Do not write cache for intermediate states Use enum for uncompression instead of string values Fix entry disappearing too early from updatable page (bug 427801) Add DetailsLoadedEvent enum to new signal Rework adoption API (bug 417983) Fix a couple of stragglers with old provider url Remove entry from cache before inserting new entry (bug 424919) KNotification Don’t pass transient hint (bug 422042) Fix case-sensitive error of AppKit header on macOS Do not invoke invalid notification actions Fix memory handling for notifybysnore KPackage Framework Drop X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends KParts Deprecate embed() method, for lack of usage Make KParts use KPluginMetaData instead of KAboutData KQuickCharts Rework line smoothing algorithm Move applying interpolation to the polish step Properly center point delegates on line chart and size them with line width Add a “smooth” checkbox to line chart example Ensure line chart point delegates are properly cleaned up Also show name in tooltip on Line chart page example Document LineChartAttached and fix a typo in LineChart docs Add name and shortName properties to LineChartAttached Document pointDelegate property more thoroughly Remove previousValues member and fix stacked line charts Use pointDelegate in Line chart example to display values on hover Add support for “point delegate” to Line charts LineChart: Move point calculation from updatePaintNode to polish KRunner Deprecate KDE4 package remnants Make use of new KPluginMetaData plugin constructor support of KPluginLoader KService [kapplicationtrader] Fix API docs KSycoca: recreate DB when version expected version KSycoca: Keep track of resources Files of KMimeAssociation KTextEditor Port KComboBox to QComboBox use KSyntaxHighlighting themeForPalette fix i18n call, missing argument (bug 429096) Improve the automatic theme selection KWidgetsAddons Don’t emit the passwordChanged signal twice Add KMessageDialog, an async-centric variant of KMessageBox Restore the old default popup mode of KActionMenu Port KActionMenu to QToolButton::ToolButtonPopupMode KWindowSystem Load statically linked integration plugins Port away from pid() to processId() KXMLGUI Introduce HideLibraries and deprecate HideKdeVersion Rewrite KKeySequenceWidget to use KeySequenceRecorder (bug 407395) Plasma Framework [Representation] Only remove top/bottom padding when header/footer is visible [PlasmoidHeading] Use technique from Representation for inset/margins Add a Representation component [Desktop theme] Rename hint-inset-side-margin to hint-side-inset [FrameSvg] Rename insetMargin to inset [PC3] Use PC3 Scrollbar in ScrollView [Breeze] Report inset hint [FrameSvg*] Rename shadowMargins to inset [FrameSvg] Cache shadow margins and honor prefixes Finish the animation before changing the length of the progressbar highlight (bug 428955) [textfield] Fix clear button overlapping text (bug 429187) Show drop menu at correct global position Use gzip -n to prevent embedded buildtimes Use KPluginMetaData to list containmentActions Port packageStructure loading from KPluginTrader Use KPluginMetaData to list DataEngines [TabBar] Add highlight on keyboard focus [FrameSvg*] Expose shadows margins Make MarginAreasSeparator value more clear [TabButton] Align center icon and text when text is beside the icon [SpinBox] Fix logic error in scroll directionality fix mobile scrollbar in RTL mode [PC3 ToolBar] Don’t disable borders [PC3 ToolBar] Use correct svg margin properties for padding [pc3/scrollview] Remove pixelAligned Add margin areas Purpose [bluetooth] Fix sharing multiple files (bug 429620) Read translated plugin action label (bug 429510) QQC2StyleBridge button: rely on down, not pressed for styling Reduce the size of round buttons on mobile fix mobile scrollbar in RTL mode fix progressbar in RTL mode fix RTL display for RangeSlider Solid Include errno.h for EBUSY/EPERM FstabBackend: return DeviceBusy where umount failed on EBUSY (bug 411772) Fix detection of recent libplist and libimobiledevice Syntax Highlighting fix dependencies of the generated files indexer: fix some issues and disable 2 checkers (capture group and keyword with delimiter) indexer: load all xml files in memory for easy checking C++ highlighting: update to Qt 5.15 relaunch syntax generators when the source file is modified systemd unit: update to systemd v247 ILERPG: simplify and test Zsh, Bash, Fish, Tcsh: add truncate and tsort in unixcommand keywords Latex: some math environments can be nested (bug 428947) Bash: many fixes and improvements add –syntax-trace=stackSize php.xml: Fix matching endforeach Move bestThemeForApplicationPalette from KTextEditor here debchangelog: add Trixie alert.xml: Add NOQA yet another popular alert in source code cmake.xml: Upstream decided to postpond cmake_path for the next release Security information The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key: pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure faure@kde.org Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7 4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB 


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