A suíte de escritório LibreOffice 24.2.1 foi lançado com mais de 100 correções de bugs.
Lançada a suíte de escritório LibreOffice 24.2.1
O LibreOffice é uma suíte de software de escritório de código aberto e gratuita, que oferece um conjunto de aplicativos para processamento de texto, planilhas, apresentações, desenhos, bancos de dados e muito mais. Abaixo estão algumas definições dos principais componentes do LibreOffice:
- Writer: É o processador de texto do LibreOffice, similar ao Microsoft Word. Ele permite criar documentos de texto, como cartas, relatórios, currículos, entre outros.
- Calc: É o aplicativo de planilha, equivalente ao Microsoft Excel. Com o Calc, você pode realizar cálculos, criar gráficos e tabelas dinâmicas, entre outras funções.
- Impress: É o programa de apresentação do LibreOffice, similar ao Microsoft PowerPoint. Ele permite criar apresentações com slides, transições, efeitos e animações.
- Draw: Este é o aplicativo de desenho do LibreOffice, que permite criar diagramas, gráficos simples, fluxogramas, entre outros elementos gráficos.
- Base: É o sistema de gerenciamento de banco de dados do LibreOffice, semelhante ao Microsoft Access. Ele permite criar e gerenciar bancos de dados, criar formulários, consultas e relatórios.
- Math: É uma ferramenta para criação e edição de fórmulas matemáticas e científicas, que podem ser inseridas em documentos Writer ou Impress.
O anúncio de lançamento do LibreOffice 24.2.1 foi feito em 29 de Fevereiro de 2024.
"O LibreOffice 24.2.1 Comunidade, a primeira versão menor do conjunto de escritórios gratuito e apoiado por voluntários para produtividade pessoal em ambientes de escritório, está agora disponível para Windows, MacOS e Linux."
A seguir os bugs corrigidos.Z/p>
cool#7769 reduce unnecessary invalidations on calc save [Caolán McNamara]
cool#8023 editeng: support HTML paste [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#43848 selecting whole table with merged cells at certain position not possible with draging the mouse [Oliver Specht]
tdf#105844 FILESAVE: Very slow saving with password compared to 5.2.5 [Michael Stahl]
tdf#106733 Implement ODF attribute fo:hyphenate to exclude a portion of text from hyphenation [László Németh]
tdf#123968 Input Field (Functions): direct editing is still used, not pop-up dialog [Michael Stahl]
tdf#132810 Gallery: Crash swlo!SwFEShell::SelectObj+0x46a when inserting a new shape with cursor still in textbox SwFrame::AppendDrawObj(SwAnchoredObject &) [Matt K]
tdf#134401 FILESAVE PPTX: vertical alignment inverted (bottom<->top) when saving textbox with link [Attila Szűcs]
tdf#135083 Bullet goes missing on special paste RTF [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#139631 Inconsistent removal of preceding space when cutting word with track changes on (comment 7) [Michael Stahl]
tdf#139915 FILEOPEN DOCX Two text boxes on two pages open on a single page [Justin Luth]
tdf#140330 Conditional formatting breaks after redoing cell deletion [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#140912 FILEOPEN PPTX: extra image and text label "insert image" appears (even in presentation mode) [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#142806 Freeze/hang/crash when exporting to PDF with style inspector panel active [Michael Stahl]
tdf#146487 FILEOPEN PPTX: empty chart title shows as text "chart title" in Impress (while not in 365) [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#147291 macOS: Digital Signatures > Start Certificate Manager (OpenPGP) results in error instead of opening GPG Keychain [Patrick Luby]
tdf#151352 CRASH: closing form while the tip of the day dialog is displayed [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#153909 2007 DOCX: Rectangle in header has unwanted offset (same MSO-LO if resaved in MSO) [Justin Luth]
tdf#154587 FILEOPEN Calc doesn't open XLSX archive [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#154703 [META] Export DOCX flies with framePr instead of DrawingDML [Justin Luth]
tdf#156156 Add Help button to sidebar [Christian Lohmaier, Stéphane Guillou]
tdf#156352 macOS: Save as > Encrypt with GPG key results in hang / crash [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#156443 Windows: alt+numpad doesn't work for Unicode decimal codes, like in WordPad/Word [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#156718 FILEOPEN PPTX: alternating colored lines in table / style don't render properly [Tibor Nagy]
tdf#156830 FILEOPEN PPTX: background image shifts down in presentation mode [Sarper Akdemir]
tdf#157042 [Linux only] Calc crashes when closed in rtl::str::release_rtl_uString>(_rtl_uString*) (steps in comment 27) [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#158101 Disabled popup menu items are visible with non-gtk backend [Jim Raykowski]
tdf#158112 Sidebar pane shortcuts conflict with Alt+NumPad input (comment 5, comment 9) [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#158139 Writer, Word Completion does not function [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#158277 Opening the Quick Find bar after selecting a word when track changes is active includes deleted text [Michael Stahl]
tdf#158279 TOC links lost when converting .doc to HTML (steps in comment 5) [Noel Grandin]
tdf#158314 Autofilter dropdown list always shows "Empty" and "Error" enties as active [Kevin Suo]
tdf#158326 FILTER autofilter seems to convert ß in ss and ignores value [Andreas Heinisch]
tdf#158409 FILEOPEN: RTF field results do not respect current character properties [Vasily Melenchuk]
tdf#158440 Filter for background should take colors in empty cells [Henry Castro]
tdf#158445 SVG file not imported correctly [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#158586 FILEOPEN RTF: missing page break [Michael Stahl]
tdf#158652 List of comments in Navigator does not update automatically [Oliver Specht]
tdf#158695 --convert-to bogusly needs libcui (--disable-gui build) [Noel Grandin]
tdf#158740 Crash at undo after pasting table in footnote [Patrick Luby]
tdf#158783 editing alphabetical index crashes Writer [Michael Stahl]
tdf#158814 FILEOPEN DOCX RTF Empty header with formatted paragraph and shape appears [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#158924 Switching three slides when double clicking on the navigation button [Vladislav Tarakanov]
tdf#158950 Paste as Rich Text Format loses character color and paragraph alignment from styles [Noel Grandin]
tdf#158976 The "SF_Array.Shuffle" function does not place the end of the array at the end of the array [Jean-Pierre Ledure]
tdf#159015 HANG: scrolling after opening file [Michael Stahl]
tdf#159017 FILEOPEN: Tables displayed on the wrong place [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#159049 Line break is missing in RTF in clipboard when copying text from shape [Regina Henschel]
tdf#159079 With NumLock off in Numpad, then with Alt pressed the Num Pad arrow keys should not operate [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#159101 Cross-reference to referenced text causing a space at the beginning of a line [Matthew Kogan]
tdf#159102 automatic hyphenation results bad smart justify [László Németh]
tdf#159107 Removing row in footnote's floating table removes whole table (track changes on but not visible) [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#159128 UI Open Security options and warning dialog from infobar [Balazs Varga]
tdf#159131 Calc v7.5 is laggy when moving a line (row) [Noel Grandin]
tdf#159147 CRASH: Editing hyperlink while navigator is open [Jim Raykowski]
tdf#159157 FILEOPEN DOCX: image offset in opposite direction of TEXT_LINE what vertical offset specifies [Justin Luth]
tdf#159164 Spellchecking - South African English [Marco A.G.Pinto]
tdf#159171 Calc: crash after Edit->Select->Select Unprotected Cells upon a second time [Matt K]
tdf#159219 PPT: image placeholder with custom prompt imports as text box with a background icon [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#159247 [CRASH] Dialog editor crashes when inserting control with default options [Rafael Lima]
tdf#159254 Paper tray settings ignored in rtf and docx import [Oliver Specht]
tdf#159259 DOCX: a floating content control imports as a separate paragraph [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#159288 Assertion on insert trend line [Julien Nabet]
tdf#159307 "Cannot find a Certificate Manager" shows up even though a certificate manager IS installed. [Stephan Bergmann, Patrick Luby]
tdf#159328 Page number field shows up like plain text (no grayish background) [Heiko Tietze]
tdf#159329 Arrows in AutoFilter are black over dark background [Rafael Lima]
tdf#159333 kf5: Commands triggered via keyboard shortcut are executed twice when accessibility is active [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#159336 PDF export: multiline text is exported as one line [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#159350 Hiding Options dialog tabpages stopped working [Noel Grandin]
tdf#159368 Can't open BASIC editor from Start Center; next action crashes LO (gtk3) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#159381 TimeStamp(RFC3161) create problem by asn1 format error. [Noel Grandin]
tdf#159382 DOCX import: Large space between footnote number and following text, when paragraph has hanging indent [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#159384 A11y sidebar: simulated numbering warning in TOC if header numbering has dot [Balazs Varga]
tdf#159412 Passing Integer-sized Long argument via script.invoke as 0 [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#159452 Ticked checkbox in document not shown in exported PDF [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#159458 When library is renamed using Basic Macro Organizer, path to library is not updated in dialog.xlc and script.xlc [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#159461 Dialog "XML Filter Settings" is broken [Noel Grandin]
tdf#159474 A specific broken document can't be opened in RepairPackage mode [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#159478 FILEOPEN: RTF Checkbox Field in symbol encoding not imported [Oliver Specht]
tdf#159483 Calc HTML import: support data-sheets attributes [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#159496 An invalid ODF with an OLE fails to open, when asked to repair package interactively [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#159507 Calc editeng HTML paste: fragments are not supported [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#159560 Paragraph break should not change to random symbol [Oliver Specht]
tdf#159566 SVG import: mis-positioned text for specific file [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#159568 URL in help not found [Gabor Kelemen]
tdf#159572 Insert special character dialog should regard font of recent characters on single click [Oliver Specht]
tdf#159581 FILEOPEN XLSX 24.2: optimal row height from previous sheet may be applied to all future sheets [Justin Luth]
tdf#159594 SVG: some elements are not visible [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#159595 Data validation without error check allows to enter data other than defined [Julien Nabet]
tdf#159601 SVG: Nothing is displayed on the document [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#159637 Crash in PlaceEditDialog::SelectType(bool) [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#159641 TreeView does not repaint correctly while scrolling with PgUp in kf5/gen [Noel Grandin]->
tdf#101313 Copy-paste a Table With Merged Cells from Writer to Calc: Cells Placed in Wrong Position (Wrong cell offsets) [Noel Grandin]
tdf#156993 Snap guides are not visible anymore [Regina Henschel]
tdf#158360 [CRASH] LibreOffice crashes after editing, closing and trying to reopen DOCX file [Balazs Varga]
tdf#159302 Formula OLE in a line of text or its full height frame is now misaligned vertically, due to change of sm map units [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#159519 LibreOffice (Windows 7) ODF files saved with passwords can be opened without any password [Michael Stahl]
tdf#159529 Excessive memory consumption in v24.2 [Patrick Luby]
tdf#159666 Crash when table and line object are selected at the same time [Noel Grandin]
tdf#159678 heading fields in headers and footers do not track heading content through the document [Baole Fang]
tdf#159707 CRASH: Changing to edit mode [Julien Nabet]
tdf#159743 German UI: Many not plausible Keyboard Shortcut Changes [Xisco Fauli]
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