Lançado o KDE Plasma 5.25.5

Esse é um lançamento de correções de bugs e melhorias, confira.

Lançado o KDE Plasma 5.25.5

KDE é uma comunidade internacional de software livre produzindo um conjunto de aplicativos multiplataforma projetados para funcionar em conjunto com sistemas Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris Microsoft Windows, e Apple Mac OS X. Wikipédia



KDE Plasma 5.25.0

O anúncio foi feito em 14 de Junho de 2022.

"O Plasma 5.25 traz novos recursos e conceitos para o ambiente de desktop"


  • Gestos em touchpads e telas sensíveis ao toque colocam o Plasma ao seu alcance
  • Cansado de cinza? Plasma coloca um arco-íris literal de possibilidades à sua disposição
  • Personalizar sua área de trabalho nunca foi tão fácil... ou mais divertido!
  • O KDE Plasma 5.25 redesenha e aprimora a maneira como você navega entre janelas e áreas de trabalho.


Todas as correções do KDE Plasma 5.25.5 no quadro abaixo.

oxygen-sounds Update kf5 version requirement to 5.94. Commit. Plasma Desktop Applets/kickoff: set initial appsModelRow to 0. Commit. Toolboxes: set default position to topcenter. Commit. See bug #457814 Fix KCM duplicates in landingpage. Commit. Fixes bug #449563 Disable Drag and Drop for touch, fix drag and drop icons. Commit. Fixes bug #450448 [kicker] Fix baloo runner name. Commit. Fixes bug #456562 Taskmanager: Use proper QUrls for recent document actions. Commit. Fixes bug #457685 [desktop/package] Fix inconsistent press-to-enter-edit-mode behavior. Commit. Fixes bug #456994 Fix emojier displaying a blank window with ibus 1.5.26. Commit. Fixes bug #457521 Revert “Use onEntered in KickoffItemDelegate”. Commit. Fixes bug #454349. Fixes bug #455674. Fixes bug #456993 plasma-mobile Components: Attempt to fix some cyclic dependencies. Commit. Plasma Workspace Kcms/users: don’t let “Choose File…” text overflow. Commit. Fixes bug #458614 [kcms/style] Fix setting to default and apply button enablement. Commit. Kcms/users : Fix focus for new user input. Commit. Fixes bug #458377 Kcms/nightcolor: fix checks for manual timing errors. Commit. [kcms/style] Consider GTK theme setting when computing default state. Commit. Fixes bug #458292 Applets/kicker: fix app icon loading logic to better handle relative paths. Commit. Fixes bug #457965 Kcminit: Allow running modules by their name. Commit. See bug #435113 Take the pluginId from the kpackage metadata. Commit. Fixes bug #457657 Applets/notifications: Fix displaying header progress indicator on different DPI. Commit. Fixes bug #435004 [panelview] Avoid assert if max min. Commit. Fixes bug #454064 ScreenPool: Ensure that primaryScreenChanged is emitted always after screenAdded. Commit. [libtaskmanager] Fix null check for window. Commit. Fixes bug #456094. Fixes bug #457690 Lookandfeelmanager: Write colors before color scheme. Commit. Fixes bug #421745 Fix appstream runner results appearing before apps/kcms. Commit. Fixes bug #457600 [dataengines/weather/dwd] Check if jobs failed. Commit. [dataengines/weather/dwd] Properly detect empty reply. Commit. Fixes bug #457606 Applets/clipboard: press Ctrl+S to save in the edit page. Commit. Applets/appmenu: do not update menu when panel gets focus. Commit. Fixes bug #455520 Fix systemmonitor preferences being reset. Commit. Fixes bug #454004 KRunner: Set location before showing. Commit. Fixes bug #447096 Powerdevil Fix profile switching in the brightness actions. Commit. Fixes bug #394945 xdg-desktop-portal-kde [screenchooser] Clip listviews. Commit.



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