Cinnamon Desktop 5.2 é lançado para as distribuições Linux

O Cinnamon é uma ótima alternativa para quem busca ambiente gráfico com recursos modernos mas com uma aparência tradicional, confira os detalhes da nova versão 5.2.




Cinnamon é um desktop Linux que fornece recursos inovadores avançados e uma experiência de usuário tradicional. O layout da área de trabalho é semelhante ao Gnome 2 com tecnologia subjacente por ser fork do Gnome Shell. 

O Cinnamon faz os usuários se sentirem em casa com uma experiência de área de trabalho confortável e fácil de usar. 


Cinnamon Desktop 5.2

Lançado no github por Clement Lefebvre conta com uma lista extensa de correções que vocêê pode conferir no quadro abaixo todas as correções do Cinnamon 5.2

cinnamon (5.2.0) una; urgency=medium [ Michael Webster ] * menu applet.js: Use localeCompare for the fallback sort. * cinnamon-settings: Remove ~/.local and /usr/local from python's module search paths. [ Ammako ] * Properly hide JavaEmbeddedFrame on Grouped Window List [ Michael Webster ] * menu applet: Check first if we should show items that are refreshed while the menu is open. * menu applet: Hide app buttons by default, and when the menu closes. * cinnamon-subprocess-wrapper: Set the exception result as bytes, not a string. [ Joshua Peisach ] * meson girs: Export gir names as a package Fixes an issue with the package tag in the gir not being generated. [ fredcw ] * Change method of making "Clear list" label bold.. (#10178) [ Michael Webster ] * spices update module: Add a way to check if a spice is currently enabled. * cinnamon-launcher: Don't call Gtk.main_quit() when showing the restart dialog. * cinnamon-launcher: prevent defunct metacity process when restarting via the dialog, fix 'cinnamon --replace --replace' after crashes. * main.js: Fix activateWindow so it will respect the workspace index if provided. * main.js: Be strict about the workspace argument in activateWindow. [ Odyseus ] * Documentation corrections [ Anderson André Ferreira Gomes ] * Small grammar corrections in (#10292) [ Michael Webster ] * cinnamon-global.c: Allow disabling cinnamon as the default notifications handler. [ JosephMcc ] * GWL: Don't force the "New Window" option to show * sound-applet: use insensitive not disabled [ Benjamin Owen ] * Fix window ordering with vertical panels (#10297) [ Michael Webster ] * menu applet: Only show completion results when filesystem path entry is enabled. [ fredcw ] * Add confirmation dialog when removing a panel (#10340) [ JosephMcc ] * ui: Make the confirm dialog look a bit more like a real dialog * ui: Add some styling to the run dialog [ David Yang ] * Fix type to search boilerplate text not being automatically cleared (#10248) [ Leigh Scott ] * Fix menu-editor with python-3.10 (#10370) [ Michael Webster ] * gwl: Remove redundant check for skip-taskbar. Main.isInteresting does this and more. [ Joshua Peisach ] * Stop using GTimeVal/g_get_current_time (#10043) [ Michael Webster ] * Fix previous commit - you can't call g_free on an autopointer. [ Clement Lefebvre ] * Simplify window animations (#10389) [ Michael Webster ] * Catch request timeout errors. * Don't use a unique timestamp for every request from the spices server. [ Steve Grubb ] * Fix memory leaks on error paths (#10406) * Fix a typo (#10405) [ 404oops ] * Spotify fixed the album art issue (#10433) [ Michael Martin ] * Add an option to disable scrolling in the workspace-switcher applet (#10427) [ Benjamin Owen ] * Add toggle for window labels on/off (#10343) [ Clement Lefebvre ] * window-list: Rename newly added option [ Alexander ] * sound applet: added processing base64 code for art url data (#10226) [ JosephMcc ] * Lightbox: Add a radial shader effect (#10344) [ AxXxB ] * notifications applet: Add new setting "Don't show notification count in tray" (#10166) [ Clement Lefebvre ] * notification applet: Rephrase newly added option * menu applet: Give all applications a symbolic icon [ ronyala ] * Sound applet: Fix media control buttons having reverse order on RTL layouts (#10443) * Sound applet: Fix player status label being aligned to the left on an rtl layout (#10446) * Menu applet: Improve keyboard navigation with RTL layout (#10376) * GWL: Fix issue #10401; Update AppGroup icon every time a new window is added (#10439) [ AxXxB ] * keyboard applet: Change 'let' to 'const' where possible (#10167) [ ronyala ] * Window button layout setting: improve rtl handling (#10441) * GWL: Fix window preview issue when fade-out effect is used (#10263) [ Levi Bard ] * Respect PrefersNonDefaultGPU desktop entry when launching apps (#10411) [ Oliver Kästner ] * simplify _url_retrieve (#10327) * support non-i386/x86_64 architectures (#10426) [ Jason Lee ] * sound-applet: hide "Unknown Artist" on panel (#10326) [ James Ross ] * notifications: Simplify source code (#10144) [ AxXxB ] * keyboard applet: Remove unneccesary 'if' in offsets calculation (#10168) * remove keyword argument `encoding` (#10458) * keyboard applet: Respect "icon-size" when panel is vertical (#10456) [ Michael Webster ] * calendar applet: Add support for evolution-data-server (#10453) [ Clement Lefebvre ] * l10n: Update POT * l10n: Generate files -- Clement Lefebvre Wed, 17 Nov 2021 10:07:19 +0000






Você pode fazer o download do fonte aqui e instalar manualmente, mas aconselho fortemente que aguarde que os mantenedores da sua distribuição disponibilizem o Cinnamon 5.2 em seus repositórios.


Para quem ainda não conhece o Cinnamon e gosta de ambiente gráfico tradicional, ai está.


Desktop e Menu.



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Painel de controle.


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