Emulador Nintendo 64 mupen64plus para Debian.

O mupen64plus é o melhor emulador para ROMs do Nintendo64.
Ele é por linha de comando e vou aqui dar algumas dicas do seu uso.

Para instalar de o comando abaixo no terminal.

sudo apt-get install mupen64plus

 Para visualizar o manual de o comando abaixo no terminal.
man mupen64plus
O comando acima mostra está lista.

-h, --help
Print help message.

Disable onscreen display.

--osd Enable onscreen display.

Run emulator in fullscreen display mode.

Run emulator in windowed display mode.

--resolution res
Display resolution (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, etc)

--cheats cheat‐spec
Enable or list cheat codes for the given rom file.

--corelib filepath
Specifies a filename (optionally with a preceding directory
path) to load a specific Mupen64Plus core library.

--configdir directory
Specifies a directory to look for the mupen64plus.cfg file.
Default is ~/.config/mupen64plus/.

--datadir directory
Specifies a directory to search for shared data files (fonts,
cheat codes, .ini files). Default is PREFIX/share/mupen64plus/.

--plugindir directory
Specifies a directory to search for plugin files. Default is

--gfx plugin‐spec
Specifies a plugin‐spec to select a graphics plugin for use dur‐
ing emulation.

--audio plugin‐spec
Specifies a plugin‐spec to select an audio plugin for use during

--input plugin‐spec
Specifies a plugin‐spec to select an input plugin for use during

--rsp plugin‐spec
Specifies a plugin‐spec to select an RSP plugin for use during

--emumode mode
Specifies which mode the emulator core should run in. mode
should be set to one of the following numbers: 0=Pure Inter‐
preter, 1=Cached Interpreter, 2=Dynamic Recompiler (DynaRec).

--testshots list
Take screenshots at frames given in the comma‐separated list,
then quit.

Use the core comparison debugging feature, in data sending mode.
If the core was not compiled with support for the Core Compari‐
son feature, then the emulator will exit with an error.

Use the core comparison debugging feature, in data receiving
mode. If the core was not compiled with support for the Core
Comparison feature, then the emulator will exit with an error.

--set param‐spec
Set the value of a Mupen64Plus configuration parameter. This
option may be used multiple times. The format of param‐spec is

Save the given command‐line options into the mupen64plus config‐
uration file to use as defaults in the future. Since the con‐
sole front‐end needs to load the core library before reading the
configuration file, the --corelib option cannot be saved.

Print lots of information. Useful for debugging but unnecessary
for normal use.

Filename (without path) of plugin to use. Application will
search through several directories to look for a matching plugin

Full directory path and filename of plugin.

Use the dummy plugin.

'list' Show all of the available cheat codes.

'all' Enable all of the available cheat codes.

A comma separated list of cheat code numbers to enable.

The following shortcut keys can be used during emulation. These are
the default key values; nearly all of them may be set to different keys
by editing the mupen64plus configuration file.

Escape Quit the emulator.

0-9 Select virtual 'slot' for save/load state.

F5 Save emulator state to current slot.

F7 Load emulator state from current slot.

F9 Reset emulator.

F10 Slow down emulator speed by 5 percent.

F11 Speed up emulator speed by 5 percent.

F12 Take screenshot.

Alt‐Enter Toggle fullscreen mode. This is not supported on Windows.

p or P Pause/continue emulation.

m or M Mute/unmute sound.

f or F Fast Forward (playback at 250% normal speed as long as key is

g or G Press GameShark button (if cheats are enabled).

/ or ? Advance one frame if paused.

[ Decrease volume.

] Increase volume. 

Para abrir uma ROM você pode fazer pelo terminal ou criar atalhos para esse fim.

Abrindo ROM pelo terminal. 

Vou dar um exemplo de como funciona o comando

mupen64plus opção endereçodaROM

opção= --fullscreen
endereço da ROM= /opt/romn64/SuperMario64.v64

mupen64plus --fullscreen /opt/romn64/SuperMario64.v64

Criando atalho para abrir a ROM.

Para isso basta abrir um arquivo de texto (gedit, mousepad ...) e colar as linhas abaixo,substituindo, nomeendereço do icone , endereço da ROM e a opção e salvar com o nome de *.desktop, EX: Super Mario 64.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Super Mario 64
Exec=mupen64plus --fullscreen /opt/romn64/SuperMario64.v64


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