Kdenlive 19.04.3 com um super pacote de correções.

O editor de vídeo Kdenlive 19.04.3 vem com correções importantes como preparação para a nova versão, está ira incluir os novos recursos.


Kdenlive é um editor de vídeo open-source baseado no framework MLT e KDE. O projeto foi iniciado por Jason Wood em 2002, e hoje é mantido por um pequeno time de desenvolvedores. Wikipédia

Kdenlive 19.04.3

Segundo os desenvolvedores essa é uma versão que apara as arestas para o lançamento da próxima versão que ira conter as alterações de interface, recursos e melhorias.

No Kdenlive 19.04.3  foram corrigidos dezenas de bugs, confira na lista abaixo.


Fix tools cursor when hovering a clip in timeline. Commit.
Ensure we don’t put a video stream in audio streams in mp3. Commit.
Fix loading .mlt playlist can corrupt project profile. Commit.
When opening a project file with missing proxy and clip, don’t remove clips from timeline. Commit.
Improve main item when grabbing. Commit.
Fix reloading of title clips and others. Commit. Fixes bug #409569
Update Appdata for 19.04.3 release. Commit.
Fix opening of project files with special character. Commit. Fixes bug #409545
Fix reloading playlist doesn’t update out. Commit.
Don’t leak Mlt repository on first run (attempt to fix Windows fail on first run). Commit.
Warn and try fixing clips that are in timeline but not in bin. Commit.
Fix timeline tracks config button only showing menu when clicking its arrow. Commit.
Fix lambda not called regression. Commit.
Don’t hardcode width of clip/composition resize handles. Commit.
Fix missing luma error on project opening with AppImage. Commit.
Fix reloading clip doesn’t update duration. Commit.
Fix overwrite/insert drop leaving audio on wrong track. Commit.
Fix error in mirror track calculation. Commit.
Fix overwrite clip with speed change. Commit.
Fix keyframe corruption on project opening (was creating unexpected keyframe at 0). Commit.
Fix keyframes corruption on dragging effect onto another clip. Commit.
Fix composition cannot be added after deletion / if another composition is placed just after current pos. Commit.
Fix fades broken on speed change. Commit. Fixes bug #409159
Fix speed job overwrites without warning. Commit.
Fix incorrect crash message on rendering finished. Commit.
Fix timeline preview when fps != 25. Commit.
Fix tests. Commit.
Effectstack: don’t display keyframes that are outside of clip. Commit.
Cleanup in clip/composition resize UI update. Commit.
Fix thread/cache count causing concurrency crashes. Commit.
Don’t trigger unnecessary refresh on clip resize. Commit.
Fix crash deleting last track. Commit.
Fix duplicate clip with speed change on comma locales. Commit.
Don’t allow undo/redo while dragging a clip in timeline. Commit.
Fix crash on cutting group with a composition. Commit.
Fix crash on group cut. Fixes #256. Commit.
Fix playlist duration in bin. Commit.
Fix crash loading playlist with different fps. Commit.
Fix thumbs not displayed in all thumbs view. Commit. See bug #408556
Ensure no empty space between thumbs on all thumbs view in timeline. Commit.
Some cleanup in audio thumbs. Fix recent regression and bug where audio thumbs were not displayed after extending a clip in timeline. Commit.
I18n fixes. Commit.
Use i18n for QML. Commit.
Fix monitor image hidden after style change. Commit.
Fix resize failure leaving clip at wrong size. Commit.
Fix XML translation for Generators. Commit.
Fix some effects default params on locales with comma. Commit.
Fix crash after undo composition deletion. Commit.
Fix i18n for QML. Commit.
Fix various selection regressions. Commit.
Don’t export metadata as url encoded strings. Commit. Fixes bug #408461
Fix crash on project close, see #236. Commit.
Fix zone rendering with updated MLT. Commit.
After undoing deletion, item should not show up as selected. Commit.
Fix disable clip broken regression. Commit.
Move zoom options to Timeline, remove Duplicate View. Commit.
Fix crash on item deletion. Fixes #235. Commit.
Fix fade out moving 1 frame right on mouse release. Commit.
Major speedup in clip selection that caused several seconds lag on large projects. Commit.
Fix changing composition track does not replug it. Commit.
Update appdata version(late again sorry). Commit.
Fix freeze when moving clip introduced in previous commit. Commit.
Fix typo that may prevent display of transcode menu. Commit.
Don’t check duration each time a clip is inserted on project load,. Commit.
Show progress when loading a document. Commit.
Make it possible to assign shortcut to multitrack view. Commit.
Allow resizing item start/end on clip in current track if no item is selected. Commit.
Fix profile change not applied if user doesn’t want to save current project. Commit. Fixes bug #408372
Fix crash on changing project’s fps. Commit. Fixes bug #408373
Add .kdenlive project files to the list of allowed clips in a project. Commit. Fixes bug #408299
Correctly save and restore rendering properties for the project. Commit.
Workaround MLT consumer scaling issue #453 by using multi consumer. Commit. See bug #407678
Fix groups keeping keyboard grab state on unselect,. Commit.
Fix the remaining compositing issues reported by Harald (mimick the 18.x behavior). Commit.
Don’t warn about missing timeline preview chunks on project opening. Commit.
Fix forced track composition should indicate state in timeline (yellow background + track name). Commit.
Save track compositing mode in project to restore it on load. Commit. Fixes bug #408081

Pronunciamento oficial

"Enquanto a equipe está fora para uma pausa de verão muito merecida, a última versão menor de pós-refatoração está fora com outra grande quantidade de correções. Os destaques incluem correção de composições e regressões de efeitos de velocidade, problemas de exibição de miniaturas de clipes na linha do tempo e muitas correções do Windows. Com esta versão, terminamos de polir as arestas e agora podemos nos concentrar em adicionar novos recursos enquanto corrigimos outros pequenos detalhes. Como de costume, você pode obter o mais recente AppImage da nossa página de download."


Download Kdenlive 19.04.3 appimage

No empacotamento appimage você não altera em nada o seu sistema operacional, faça o download, marque o arquivo executável e o execute sem instalar, como um portable do Windows.

Caso queira fazer o download por linha de comando, de o comando abaixo no terminal.

wget https://files.kde.org/kdenlive/release/kdenlive-19.04.3-x86_64.appimage ; chmod +x kdenlive-19.04.3-x86_64.appimage

Basta das duplo click no arquivo kdenlive-19.04.3-x86_64.appimage


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